
Short Pause First 20: The Technomancer (PS4 Gameplay)

Short Pause: "Enjoy the first 20 minutes of Spiders Studio's sci-fi RPG, The Technomancer. It's available now on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One."

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TheDude793010d ago

It definitely isn't the most graphically stunning game but it does look like a unique world and the sci-fi vibe is pronounced. I'm looking forward to trying this out, despite the early reviews.


Guilty Pleasures: Why The Charm of Mid-Tier RPGs Are A Refreshing Change of Pace

DBC: “Out of the multitude of terrific genres out there, it’s fair to say that role-playing games have the potential to be the most ambitious and immersive experiences of the bunch.”

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isarai1851d ago

Outward is still one if my favorite RPGs this gen

FTLmaster1851d ago

Man, thanks for the tip! Not played Outward yet.

kadoha1851d ago

✹ Google pay 95$ per hour my last pay check was $8200 working 10 hours a week online. My younger brother friend has been averaging 15k for months now and he works about 24 hours a week. I cant believe how easy it was once I tried it out.This is what I do -!~!~!~!.GOOD LUCK ✹

HERE►►►►► https://bit.ly/2QCOGd9

alexgibson1851d ago

Absolutely love Outward and cant wait for Greedfall!

FTLmaster1851d ago

Gonna definitely pick up Outward — looks like my cup of tea!

DaDrunkenJester1851d ago

Remnant is also a pleasant surprise and it was only $40. I'm a big supporter of mid tier gaming, as long as it has mid tier prices.

isarai1851d ago

Suggesting only AAA games deserve a full $60 price tag is dumb.

DaDrunkenJester1851d ago

As good as Remnant is, it is clearly a bit janky, doesnt have the full production value, reuses a lot of the same assets. Technomancer is the same way. And I'm not saying that cant go full price, but I'm saying it's certainly not as appealing, and the issues of lower budget RPG's may impact your viewpoint of the title if you had to pay full AAA pricing.

Remnant is great, but at $60 I'd complain a bit more on those issues I listed above.

porkChop1851d ago

Mid-tier products shouldn't charge premium prices. That's just common sense.

isarai1851d ago

Those are just janky, but there are solid mid tier RPGs and games too.

Divinity original sin II
Surge 1&2
Kingdom Come Deliverance

Then we got mid tier games outside the RPG realm like
Yakuza 0
Sniper Elite 1-4
Vermintide 1&2
Shadow Warrior 1&2
Nier Automata
And even the Dark souls series that all fall into AA/mid tier territory you're saying dont deserve to have a $60 price tag simply because enough money wasnt spent on them

bluefox7551850d ago (Edited 1850d ago )

I wouldn't call anything on that list "mid-tier" or AA.

isarai1850d ago


Well AAA or AA isnt an opinion, all these games have little to no marketing, made with half the amount of people at a fraction of the cost of a AAA game, I.E. mid tier games. Just because its good doesn't make it AAA, they are just good mid tier games

isarai1850d ago

Dear god this site is really starting to be populated by people who cant accept facts. AAA and mid tier is determined by how much funding is put into a game, thats just a fact. Some can pull of better games than others on the same budget. AA/mid tier is not determined by a level of lacked polish or jank, its budget, plain and simple. Hellblade is a mid tier game, ninja theory have even said so MANY MANY times, still looks as good as a AAA game, but it isnt. You people are really going to sit there and tell me the 505 Games published Sniper Elite 4 had just as much money and marketing behind it as say anthem? Or Battlefield V? 505 Games has always been a mid tier publisher. Oh and Warhammer Vermintide? Its literally published by a mid tier publisher (THQ Nirdic) who quite literally, publically said they are a mid tier publisher and aim "to bring the mid tier back to the video game industry". And if Yakuza 0 isnt mid tier why did it launch at $40 with the explanation being it was a smaller project? These are facts, and somehow you're going to look at facts and disagree? I dont understand you people

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1850d ago
Rangerman12081851d ago (Edited 1851d ago )

Outward, Technomancer, Kingdoms of Amaleur and Kingdom Come are gems, and they're personally the good kind of b-tier RPGs. Not a big fan of both Risen 3 and Bound by Flame, although I can definitely say that Risen 3 is a better pirate rpg than Raven's Cry.

And as for Greedfall? Definitely excited for it. Hoping it will be the devs' magnum opus.

ElementX1851d ago

Elex is pretty decent, but extremely difficult at first until you level up a lot and get better gear. I died countless times from the start. Just stick with it and keep doing quests, often times running away is necessary.

FTLmaster1851d ago

Really enjoyed ELEX. I liked its verticality and there were so many cool monsters as well. Good RPG!

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The Rise of the AA Gaming Industry, and Why That's a Good Thing

WTMG's Leo Faria: "AA games are the closest reminder to how the gaming industry used to be back in the fifth and sixth generations, a simpler time where we would get a mid-sized but complete product aimed at a specific gaming demographic."

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Jimboms1889d ago

A Plague Tale: Innocence is the best thing to come out of AA gaming in a very long time.

ChiefofLoliPolice1889d ago (Edited 1889d ago )

I been meaning to play it too. I downloaded it from Origin vault. Just haven't started it yet but I will.

1889d ago Replies(4)
Abnor_Mal1889d ago

At some point I need to pick up A Plague of Innocence. Haven't really seen much being said about The Sinking City, hoping it reviewed well by critics and fans alike.

Both games seem very interesting with unique premises.

TricksterArrow1889d ago

The Sinking City does well what it achieves to do. It is certainly not amazing, lacks a bit of polishing, but it is a good game in it's own right.

Abnor_Mal1889d ago

Thank you for the information, seems like the game got lost and I did not see much on it. I think it got eclipsed by Supermassive The Man of Madan game. I wonder what it the length of the game how many hours of game time to finish the story.

ChiefofLoliPolice1889d ago

If you have EA origin is free under the game subscription.

lptmg1888d ago

The Sinking City is janky like a mofo, but it's very entertaining, especially if you like Lovecraftian horror. That and Call of Cthulhu are great if you like the genre.

AK911888d ago (Edited 1888d ago )

The Sinking City game is not perfect but it’s quite fun just bump down the combat difficulty to easy and you’ll enjoy it.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1888d ago
Tross1889d ago

In an age where some AAA studios like EA insist they can’t afford to make games without screwing us over with MTs, I think it’s a very good thing the AA scene has made a comeback. I also love some AAA games (not those by EA), and some indie titles, but I’m glad this mid-tier still exists.

AngelicIceDiamond1888d ago

AA devs have less to work with. Either it be funds or man power so they use their assets well very well. What AA's will always have over AAA is time. They don't have bosses, bosses telling their employees to finish said project in a unrealistic timely matter which causes crunch. Activision, EA plus more we don't know about are victims of pressure and crunches and damn near bullying the devs to get it done to meet investor timlines. Artistic freedom means nothing with hardcore time constraints. And AA devs know that. Less money, manpower but all the time in the world or at least reasonable time to actually make the game that they want.

Potnoodle9991888d ago

Hmmm, sorry but there is always a crunch. I’m sure it would be nice to think AA game development is all sunshine and rainbows but there is always a planned release date and whereas the amount of people effected by the crunch of AA may pale in comparison to the massacre that is AAA crunch time, it is still something that happens. That is the reality of game development. There is always crunch. The difference is some devs have a whip behind them, EA of course, but others do it to themselves. If they choose themselves then of course it’s easier to say, you know what, we have to delay a couple of months.
Sony make triple A games and I don’t believe there crunch is anywhere near as bad as EA/Activision/Ubi.
Anyway I went off on one haha

lptmg1888d ago

AA studios have bosses, such as THQ/Focus/Bigben/Rebellion. The difference is that they have slightly more lenient bosses as they are usually not public companies with shares being sold on stock exchanges.

rainslacker1888d ago

They just pass off A-AA budget GaaS games as AAA releases, then make bank on the GaaS parts of the game.

ApocalypseShadow1889d ago

There isn't any "rise of the AA."

There has always been regular produced games and those developers with the funds who make bigger production games. It's not new.

As a gamer, it doesn't matter how much money went into a game. Only if it's fun to play. I have more regular games than AAA games because those smaller developers and smaller games take more risks in trying something new.

Instead of the same annual, cookie cutter games from AAA. Or AAA developers who copy other developer's games after they were a surprise hit. Then, every other developer jumps in trying to copy that gameplay.

Just don't try and sell me a reoccurring service with them and call it a good deal.

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Are the free Xbox Games With Gold titles for April 2019 any good?

Carlos writes: "So, April is here already and I’m betting that, much like myself, you’re sat there with a shameful backlog of games that you had hoped to have already cleared by this point. Well, just to confuse matters even more the free Xbox Games With Gold titles for April 2019 are here, and that can only mean one thing - more games for you, for free, to either add to your backlog or to jump right on into straight away. First though, let’s take a look at the Xbox games on offer to see just which ones are worth your time and which you’d be best off leaving for a rainy day."

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gamer78042003d ago

Not a very exciting month honestly

optimus2003d ago

it is for the people that never played those games but have always wanted to.

XbladeTeddy2002d ago

Not bad for me. Going to play Ghost Recon 2 for the memories and interested in checking out Outcast, never played or heard of it before.

franwex2003d ago

Technomancer is ok if you like the genre, I’ve never even heard of outcast. Battlefront 2 and ghost recon 2 were good for their time-but could be fun if you’re in the mood for them.

It’s a meh month.

spicelicka2003d ago

The XB1 games not so much, but Battlefront 2 is awesome! They said somewhere that it might be playable online. I doubt that's true but if it is then that's a big deal considering how beloved BF2 multiplayer is.

anonymousfan2003d ago

I have zero interest in either these or the free PS plus games this month

RosweeSon2003d ago

Yeah ps+ is no better this month. Roll on May Haha

anonymousfan2002d ago (Edited 2002d ago )

Seriously lately the free games on the epic store have been better than the PS or Xbox offerings meanwhile the epic store is genuinely free!

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