
We found RX 480 Gaming Benchmarks And They Aren't What We Expected From A 199$ Card

The RX 480 was benchmarked running on games like GTA 5, The Witcher 3, Doom, CSGO and Overwatch. Hint: The benchmarks are much better than we expected.

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pyroxxx3013d ago

So this runs in Neo? Seams pretty beastly card for so cheap,..

Deeke3013d ago

I don't think the Neo sports an RX 480, despite the sites matching the specs. Project Scorpio, however, will likely use a customized RX 480.

According to AMD's own slides, the Radeon RX 480 has 5+ TFLOPs of power and delivers "beyond HD" gaming, which is a clear indicator.

TheCommentator3013d ago (Edited 3013d ago )

Exactly. Sony will be using the same architecture of the PS4, but will double the Aces and bump the clock speeds up on the GPU side, which will also improve the RAM bandwidth just as rumors have suggested. On the CPU side, it seems likely that they will use new cores with a higher clock rather than try to overclock, but the new cores will probably share similar architecture to that of the standard PS4 CPU in order to better maintain compatibility and simplify programming for both Neo and standard PS4.

I don't believe Neo is using an RX480. If anything, the RX480 is much closer to both the performance of Scorpio and the architecture of the XB1.

Shubhendu_Singh3013d ago

Signs show PS4Neo does use RX480, DigitalFoundry even said it matches point to pint with what their sources say.

The 4.4TF of PS4Neo comes from a slightly weaker CPU which bottlenecks the AMD RX480. Ofcourse, we don't know SHIT !
It can be that Sony will opt for a better CPU which will make them utilize that 5TF+ power.

objdadon3013d ago

Actually no one knows what the neo is using, there are reports that there are two different versions being tested.

Aenea3013d ago (Edited 3013d ago )

Neo will probably use Polaris but downclocked to be more energy efficient.

Scorpio probably will use next year's Vega but also downclocked to be more energy efficient.

They can't just add a few CUs on the older GPUs since that type of chip doesn't exist in that configuration, they probably use Polaris like on the rx 480

Soapboxhero3013d ago

Was about to come in and reply the same as Aenea, the rumored Neo spec is a rx480 running at 953Mhz instead of the 1200Mhz that the PC card does which would result in the tflops number being closer to 4 instead of 5.

Where as the scorpio will likely run a slightly underclocked version of Vega, the only point of contention with the vega theory is that it seems that the scorpio will be using some form of gddr5 vram either 8gbps on a 384 bit bus or gddr5x (therefore 10+ gbps) on a 256bit bus, these numbers come from the memory bandwidth listed by microsoft in the conference and the die shot clearly showing more traditional memory chips and not stacked memory, either way Vega is intended to be HBM2 not G5.

Anyways, personally very excited for the RX480 because of its ridiculously low power draw this card could be an absolute beast when overclocked. Hopefully will become "the" card to get when building a decent midrange computer.

GeeksULTD3013d ago

I dont think so, the RX480 is a separate dedicated GPU, its unlike how consoles are built.

dreadz743013d ago

lol Rx480 and leaked ps4 neo specs are the same. reason lower tflop is because GPU inside console can't be clocked so high therefore less tflops. please do some research b4 making statements as facts. Bottom line Rx 480 in Ps4 neo is clocked lower so expect lower results. Scorpio is not using Rx480 as Overclocked Rx 480 is under 6 tflops but once again Console gpu can't be the same as CPu gpu or OC version too much heat.. Scorpio is using Vega most likely Rx 490 which has not been announced yet .

dantesparda3012d ago

Wow, the level of ignorance here is astronomical, the Neo almost certainly uses a Polaris 10 GPU core, its just that its clocked at a lower speed (911mhz) instead of its PC card speed of 1266mhz. Which is what makes the Neo 4.2TF vs 5.8TF on the PC. But Sony could easily up the GPU clock and just make sure the Neo has the proper cooling and power supply, heck they can even take out the PSU like the X1 did to keep the heat down. I also dont believe that Scorpio is going to have a Vega core, but instead is just going using the regular Polaris 10 core at is normal speed of 1266mhz, thereby having 5.8TF on the GPU, add the CPUs TFlops and call it 6TF. Also, did nobody notice just how terrible the card was at keeping a steady 60fps at only 1080p? Yet, you people actually think they going to achieve 4K 60fps on AAA games? Prepare to be disappointed.

Mithan3012d ago

We don't know the neo specs. Could be a 480 in it.

TheCommentator3012d ago

@ Aenea

PS4's GPU doesn't exist in its configuration either... because it was modified. Sony doubled the Aces from the original spec of the GPU they chose when they built the PS4, so of course they can modify it again. The question is will they modify it again or go with the downclocked 480?

To anybody who claims there's a lot of ignorance around here: You guys need to remind yourselves that you are speculating just like anybody else, therefore everyone here is ignorant because there's no data to prove one theory over the other. Both theories end up coming to approximately the same performance.

Errorist763012d ago

Funny how people disagree. I'm a Sony guy but those are just facts.

3012d ago
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demonddel3013d ago

So I thought Sony didn't announced anything yet

Sharky2313012d ago

They just said that it exist. That's it no specs or release window.

ONESHOTV23013d ago

not the full version i think maybe a bit cut down the full cards normally produces a lot of heat that's why console makers use laptop parts because the box is a bit small

ninsigma3013d ago

Not necessarily cut down per se but certainly it'll be custom and not just a clear cut rx 480. We don't know jack about it anyway, so it might not even use this card.

3013d ago
babadivad3013d ago

it's assumed the Neo runs a down-clocked version of this GPU.

uth113012d ago

Digital Foundry thinks it does, but clocked slower.

Errorist763012d ago

No it doesn't. It will run Scorpio however.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3012d ago
bmf73643013d ago

My friend considered selling his 390x for two of these.

Remember, the issue with crossfire/SLI is that only a select amount of games support the feature. Otherwise you're better off running on a single-card. That would have to be the pro of considering xFire 480's vs. a single 1080.

cleft53013d ago

Well supposedly Windows 10/Direct X12 is suppose to release architecture that allows any two cards of similar type to work together and have the game just use that power like it would one card. If this ends up happening it will be huge for AMD.

Lon3wolf3013d ago

I thought it enabled you to use any cards mix and match NVida with AMD if you wished, sure I have read that somewhere?

TheCommentator3013d ago

Yup. XDMA is an Explicit Multi Adapter. SLI and Crossfire are Implicit Multi Adapters. EMA has the advantage, not only to utilize any two cards, but also to create a single memory pool from the two seperate cards, and even direct processing to specific hardware within the cards themselves.

In theory, one could have an AMD card for FL 12.0 and an Nvidia card for FL12.1 features, and the EMA will split code to each card according to those features. Really cool stuff.

bmf73643011d ago


Again a feature limited to certain games (as of right now it's a DX12 exclusive feature) with games like Ashes of Singularity supporting it.

Ysmir67233012d ago

90% of my games support sli.Use nvidia inspector.

Stevonidas3013d ago

Love this comment from their Witcher 3 "benchmark":

"The game was played on a system with an i5-6400 and had the terribly optimized hairworks off."

Funny, my two year-old GTX 980 handles the "terribly optimized" Hairworks just fine at 1080p with all settings on their maximum value. That's the difference between a $200 card and a $400-500 card. If you want to play the game the way it was meant to be played, you gotta pony up some coin. Otherwise, stick to consoles.

Face it: the RX 480 simply can't hack it when it comes to AAA games.

And hell yes I'm biased. I wasn't always an nVidia user. AMD made me into one.

FPSFox3013d ago (Edited 3013d ago )

Absolute BS. I have an overclocked Titan X and needed to find a mod that turned hairworks off on just Geralt as my FPS would drop to 40s if the camera got too close to his head. Settle down please.

SunnyZ3013d ago (Edited 3013d ago )

Somethings wrong with your setup/card then.
Running game max settings, hair works max. Never drops below 60fps with my 980 @ 1080...

FPSFox3013d ago

@ SunnyZ Wow, look at this. FPS dropping below 60 just riding around on a horse in this benchmark and that's not even getting close to the hair. Looks like someone can't tell the difference between 60 and 30 I guess


Stevonidas3013d ago (Edited 3012d ago )

Update your drivers, Chief.


i7 3700k OC'd @ 4.2 GHz
EVGA GTX 980 Superclocked
32 GB 1600 MHz DDR3 memory
Windows 10

ONESHOTV23013d ago

why dont you give out your full specs your comment sounds a bit fishy i doubt it's true

Krew_923012d ago (Edited 3012d ago )

I remember turning the aliasing down or off on Hair Works to get it running almost perfect

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3012d ago
Mystogan3013d ago

Isnt hairworks an NVIDIA technology? That could explain why it runs better on NVIDIA cards.

fanboysmackdown3013d ago

The card hasn't even released and you're giving us your biased/unbiased opinion. Yep, the knowitalls are aplenty around these parts.

Deeke3013d ago

Hairworks was SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED to work better with Nvidia cards.

GameBoyColor3012d ago

Only the top end cards too, they shafted their older cards

FPSFox3013d ago

No, sorry, bud. Only the latest drivers in my rig. I suggest selling that magical 980 though. I mean it's better than a Titan X. Could probably sell it for 700.00 at least ;)

TheFirstClassic3012d ago

The huge difference in fps from such a small effect makes it unoptimized. Doesn't matter if a beastly card can run it.

"Face it: the RX 480 simply can't hack it when it comes to AAA games."


jessionpc3012d ago

<- pc builder of 14 years.

Hairworks is a proprietary software from Nvidia. It also runs like absolute trash, I have a Titan X and I'm amazed Nvidia EVER put that, "technology", up for grabs. ANYTHING to keep tricking trashy stupid consumers into thinking they're the best. And the funny thing? It works. Ive tested every main AMD/Nvidia top card since the 5870 and 480 generation. I've given them fair treatment and they BOTH had issues.

The last time I saw problems with AMD was with the 5870. THAT is were the bias should have ended because they upped their game. The 6970 was one of the highest overclockable cards I've ever used in my life, it was a fucking MONSTER, and was almost able to go toe to toe to the 580 for significantly less. The 7970 was less impressive but it still offered awesome value. The 290rx is still to this day 1 of the greatest cards I've ever used, where it's single and only drawback was it's heat making CF unreasonable. And ever since they've offered BETTER performance for LESS. And people STILL fanboy Nvidia! HAHA!

BTW, the 580 was a cheap rebrand, the 780 generation brought on the biggest scam ever, "Rebranding the x80 as a TITAN version, upping the performance by 10% over previous years and charging almost TWICE the cards worth." the 970 was a fkn LIE, the 780 was SUPPOSED to be a 4k card, but they quietly never told you it never used HDMI 2.0 standard and was glitchy as FK. They lie with their benchmarks, they send their reviewers golden cards, they invite all their fanboy youtubers to big ass ranch vacations and give them free gear to, "help promote the industry ;)" And I'm sure they've done worse, "I said what I KNOW, I didn't even go digging."

And now we have them continuing to, "push the envelope", by sticking their nose in the air and not trying to help push the industry forward with consoles because of their pc master race bias. AMD owns the consoles, has no competition and you can bet your ass they're milkin that SWEET apu cash and slacking it HARD, where as we COULD have had an arms race, "sellers market", and had better bang for our buck.

But hey, fk being pro consumer when you can be a blind fanboy lapdog siren who squeels in all directions converting everything in sight.

3012d ago
Nathan_Hale533012d ago

First, hairworks was optimized for Nvidia cards, it will run a lot better for Nvidia cards thanks to Gimpworks, and secondly I haven't seen a single video of a 980 run ultra Witcher 3 with hairworks on completely stay 60 fps. Every video bench marking the 980, typically shows it droping a lot into the high 40's. Now, a Titan X should be running it fine so I call BS, but a 980 doesn't run hairworks particularly well.

Errorist763012d ago

BS. Also the reason for that is the one is an AMD card and yours is from NVIDIA.

3012d ago
+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 3012d ago
ShadowKnight3013d ago (Edited 3013d ago )

What about in 4K 60fps?

Pandamobile3013d ago (Edited 3013d ago )

You're not gonna find that in a $200 GPU just yet. It could probably manage that in older games though.

3012d ago
jukins3013d ago

Yea don't get too far ahead of yourself. This card is for people looking to get greater performance 5han consoles whiles not breaking the band

ShadowKnight3013d ago

I'll stick with the GTX 1080

FlameBaitGod3013d ago (Edited 3013d ago )

You really expect to get 4k + 60 FPS out of $200 bucks lol, the GTX 1080 barely does that and its three to four times its price.

ShadowKnight3013d ago (Edited 3012d ago )

I actually already ordered the GTX 1080 from MSI for 4K content

FlameBaitGod3012d ago

Then y ask "What about in 4K 60fps?"


ShadowKnight3012d ago (Edited 3012d ago )

I wanted to know if it could play 4K content in 60fps and compare the difference.

3012d ago
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m2stech3013d ago

They keep saying 199$ but show the performance of the 8gb card which is 229$ while the 199$ is the 4gb version

NatureOfLogic_3013d ago

Wow! BIG difference in price there.

shmowboyfebop3011d ago

It is an important distinction.

jznrpg3012d ago

30$ is pretty harsh for going from 4gb to 8gb card , what are they thinking??

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God of War Ragnarok Settings for the Steam Deck: Optimized for 45 FPS

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Helldivers 2 community wants some boosters to be merged

Some boosters in Helldivers 2 aren't strong enough on their own, so the community proposed that some get combined instead.

Bathyj1h ago

I want some backpacks to be merged.
And to spend samples on gun upgrades.
Higher level.players (100plus) should get some.perks.


God of War Ragnarok PS5 vs PC Graphics Comparison

God of War Ragnarok is now available on PC, and if you're wondering how it compares to the existing PS5 version, read ahead.

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purple1011d ago

So practically the same. While pc is sharper, Ps5 must be a bargain then! These pcs are over twice the price!

Eonjay3h ago

Kinda the point of a console. It just economies of scale.

PrinceOfAnger2h ago

From DF
PC is the better Version for now

( Ragnarök arrived on PC this week, offering a newly upgraded version of the PlayStation hit with a raft of graphical upgrades and new PC-specific features )

" Scaling beyond PS5, avoiding shader compilation stutter and plans for RT."

HankHill1h ago

Whatever helps you sleep at night.

Zombieburger6381h ago

It’s not just how it looks but it plays. Higher frame rate is a big plus especially if you can push into the 144+ range.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1h ago
Vits12h ago

Looks about what I expect from a first game developed for a console and ported by an unaccomplished studio.

Eonjay3h ago

Actually the game runs surprisingly well for an "unaccomplished studio" of 4 people. Mind you there are companies out here in these streets with hundreds or thousands of employees but can't get a PC port to run smoothly.

Vits2h ago

The game was developed for last-generation console hardware that is at least four PC generations old. Not to mention, the game itself is equivalent to a modern corridor shooter with intermissions in between, so not exactly what most sane people would call impressive or demanding.

So sorry, but no, that is not "surprisingly well"; it's quite literally the bare minimum. And I really wish people would stop praising mediocrity. When you do that, you set the bar low, which hurts both the industry and the consumer.

purple1011h ago

All your points are correct. We still haven’t seen what Sonys first party can do save for maybe ratchet and clank and returnal, but those were “launch games”. We need some meat on the bone with the new ones. State of play I just found the list, is not going to be that impressive

God dam where is new god of war and whatever naughty dog doing

PRIMORDUS1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

You can also use Reshade to make the game and actually all PC games look better, though the FPS can take a minor hit but it's worth it. I cannot play a PC game without using this at all LOL. https://reshade.me/