
5 Best PC Games of 2016 So Far

Are you looking for the best PC games of 2016? With many new titles releasing every month, its really hard to choose which are deserving of your precious time. Well, do not worry; we are here to help. Here is the list of 5 of the best PC games of 2016 so far.

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nuckfuggets2954d ago

yea man witcher does own every game on pc so far , far cry primal was a big fail

2953d ago
slappy5082953d ago

Yeah Witcher 3 Dark SOULS and Tomb Raider were my favourite gaming experiences on PC this year!

Gaming_Cousin2953d ago (Edited 2953d ago )

Not 1 PC exclusive on that list

2953d ago
_-EDMIX-_2953d ago

Lol they could have put something like pillars of Eternity.

But because it's open source it's doubtful we will see much PC exclusives with the exception of RTS games that have been designed with the keyboard and mouse input in mind.

Because of how the market is no one is going to be making a PC only title that is a major company as anything they make for a profit they will make multi-platform anything that they'll make to maximize PC will only be for an extremely small install base that ironically can't even find the game it's basically a catch-22.

If anything read up on why CD projekt Red was unable to make The Witcher 3 a PC only title in its current state as they wouldn't be able to afford such development based on such small returns.

They would actually need to lower the specs of the game to be able to play it on more PC setups to justify the development to get a larger install base and net a greater return.

Many gamers need to understand just because you can make a game on PC does not mean you have the money to make a game only on PC , does not mean you will get the same return to justify making a game only on PC.....

There is a very very logical reason on why you do not see AAA PC exclusives.

It's an open-source platform nobody owns it ,so nobody has any ode or long-term investment reasons to make a title only on PC unless somebody is the maker of an OS like Microsoft ,valve, Linux ,Apple etc

a company is not going to have much reasons to make a game only on PC.

One of the staple questions to always ask in a business relationship is what is in it for me? What is in it for the developer that makes a game only on PC? If somebody builds a PC to play this game you have to question who is getting the money from such a purchase? Not the developer that's exactly why would they care that somebody is purchasing it only on PC? Again what is in it for the developer?

People need to seriously think about this as many people on this site completely ignorantly disregard business when talking about gaming yet ask questions regarding where is this, or where is that. if they actually understood how lots of this worked it would know the answers to such things.

2953d ago
_-EDMIX-_2953d ago (Edited 2953d ago )

@ace- I don't disagree with what you're saying who is to say that I disagree with such a thing?

I own a gaming PC and what I'm referring to is merely the current state of the market.

The Witcher 3 ironically was stated it only could have been created with the assistance of knowing they're going to get a guaranteed return from a larger install base. Consider they could not afford to create what you're suggesting. By their own admission mind you.


"If the consoles are not involved there is no Witcher 3 as it is, we can lay it out that simply. We just cannot afford it, because consoles allow us to go higher in terms of the possible or achievable sales"

We have many exclusives making such efforts how would you know if you're not part of their developments?

You took a subjective idea and essentially turned it into something definitive or absolute.

Sorry but that is a opinion.

Sunny_D2953d ago

Console gaming is where it's at.

Maxor2953d ago

This "site" is nothing more than click bait and spam just look at how they love to hide the next page behind the --> spam icon. Since N4G loves to link to this sort of garbage, steer clear.

10lbGamer2953d ago

As soon as I saw 5 pages for 5 games, I very quickly backed out.

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