
Tokyo Mirage Sessions Review – Is This Our Crit Chance? | TechRaptor

It was a long time coming, but the SMTxFE game has finally arrived under in the name of Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE and TechRaptor writer Jack Jacob shares his thoughts on this JRPG

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franwex3017d ago

Reviews have been pretty mixed. I preodered the special edition, hoping for the best.

Segata3017d ago

What do you mean mixed? it has an 84 on Meta. Most have been very positive. Just the one bad review makes it on N4g which is typical.

franwex3017d ago

I've seen between 6-8 for the most part on forums. So I'm thinking the game is about a 7, give or take a point or two if the gamer enjoys the genre or not. By no means I've cancel the preorder. But I'm thinking gamers tend to be generous with a release like this one.

pootymcpoockle3017d ago

The only review lower than a 9 I've seen, may well have to pick this one up.


Censorship & Tokyo Mirage Sessions

Is Censorship a good thing in Videogames? CoG takes a look at Fire Emblem Awakening and Tokyo Mirage Sessions as two examples.

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Felix_Argyle_Catbro1805d ago

Censorship isn't a good thing in anything.

meka26111805d ago

Was going to say the same thing. Censorship is never good no matter what the medium is.

Yi-Long1805d ago

The censorship is completely unnecessary, and it automatically kills any interest I might have for a game.

Also, the huge difference between what's acceptable of violence, and what's acceptable of showing some skin, is beyond ridiculous. It seems fine to show a detailed impact of a shotgun shell exploding in someone's face, but gawd forbid the victim is wearing a short skirt and showing some slight cleavage while her head is blown to bloody pieces ... ... (!)

rainslacker1804d ago (Edited 1804d ago )

I think what bugs me most is the fact that the censorship goes against what the primary target audience for these games wants or expects. I mean, if you're buying niche japanese games that sell 100-250k copies each, chances are, you're really into anime or at least games which fall into the otaku realm. Those people usually prefer to keep things as authentic as possible to the original, and have been staring as such for around 40 years now. I remember when this debate raged on back when I was a kid, and anime was still considered cartoons for kids...or at least looked at but outsiders as such. I also remember fondly the criticism working designs used to get for their alterations to gaming.

I could understand wanting to cover up some outright nudity, which does sometimes crop up...like sailor moon. That's more trying to keep a rating in tact. But for the games they're censoring, fan service is often part of the design, and it's something that the target audience expects. The people that would fuss about those things being included were never going to buy the game, and still arent because they cleaned up the content. The vast majority of the censoring being done doesnt even involve nudity or sexual acts in the original content.

AK911804d ago

Jesus if Ninty is going the censorship route then console gaming is screwed.


The 2016 RPG of the Year

2016 was a year of upheaval for RPGs. In a year filled with so many big names in a genre that has become so diverse in style and mechanics, the final entries on this list are bound to strike some fans as controversial.

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SaveFerris2840d ago

Controversial indeed. Persona 5 not good enough to make the list?

Razzer2840d ago

Assume it is only western released games.

Kyosuke_Sanada2840d ago

No Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse........... -_-

ninsigma2840d ago

Ff15 is the only RPG I've played this year. It's the most surprising fun I've had all year and could end up being my GOTY.

quent2840d ago

For me personally its between ds3 and a certain dlc/add on, but like so many other people I haven't played every single rpg worthy of a nominee

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WTF Are We Playing?! - CoD: Infinite Warfare, WoW: Legion, Tokyo Mirage Sessions

This weekend for WTF are we playing, we're trying some familiar titles & some new ones, Tokyo Mirage Sessions, CoD: Infinite Warfare, WoW: Legion & Smite.

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