
Detroit: Become Human Will Take Around 8 To 10 Hours For Completion

In an interview at E3 2016, the game director David Cage has revealed the length of the game.

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mushroomwig2919d ago (Edited 2919d ago )

Not bad at all, you finish a single playthrough of Heavy Rain in about 6 hours. The biggest selling point for me is the replay factor, easily 20+ hours.

Majister-Ludi2919d ago

Yet more confirmation that this is a game best as a rental I'm thinking. Story should be good with the whole blade runner angle.

Moe-Gunz2919d ago

You know the game changes and changes based off of your choices. 8-10 hours is one playthrough, one ending. Replay value is high.

GottaBjimmyb2919d ago

8-10 hours is insanely long for this genre too. That is longer (or as long) as until dawn and I felt that was an excellent length for a game and a great value. I didn't even replay because I like to stick with my choices, makes it feel more tailored to me.

Heck a 1-2 hour episode of a tell take game is $5 and they are all in an engine that looked and ran poor on last gen and have less choice than this game will.

If this game ends up delivering as well as until dawn did I will be very satisfied.

the_dark_one2919d ago

actually, just going by the trailer if you really want to experience everything from the game i dont think a rental will do at all, maybe if you rent it for a month

nevin12919d ago

@at dark one

For me, once I play it once, that's it.

So all Majister-Ludi have to do is Redbox it for $3 a night and call it a day.

morganfell2919d ago

Then you haven't had your money's worth with one play. Varied endings, not just in individual situations, but overall mean one play through doesn't show you the game. It's like saying I do not need to play any DLC maps in a MP shooter because once I play the core maps then that's it.

freshslicepizza2919d ago

"It's like saying I do not need to play any DLC maps in a MP shooter because once I play the core maps then that's it."

not the same at all. playing mp means different gamers with different tactics and different outcomes. this game is being controlled by the puppet master to give the illusion of choice.

Yui_Suzumiya2919d ago

I like supporting originality so anything by Quantic Dream is a Day 1 purchase for me. Did it for Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls and I'm doing it for this and Indigo Prophecy PS4.

morganfell2919d ago

Same here. I have all of their titles and that IP:F announcement was icing on the cake.

ginsunuva2919d ago (Edited 2919d ago )

I'd be ashamed of myself to redbox a game and cheat developers of what they deserve.
There's no way I can bring myself down to that level of childish cheapness. I've thrown away many friends because they were so cheap and I couldn't stand being around them. Unless you're eating cup-noodles every day, I just can't understand it.

nevin12919d ago

Have you ever bought a used game?

Have you ever lend/burrow a game?

2919d ago
WelkinCole2919d ago

It's not a run an gun game you dodo.

A minute in this game is a like 5-10 minutes in linear games. You stop and think all the time with different outcomes.

ShadowKnight2919d ago

With multiple endings I don't think so

freshslicepizza2919d ago

sounds like your typical david cage game. more of a thematic experience than a traditional game that is rather short but extended by different outcomes. maybe one day we will get advanced a.i. that can generate endless scenarios becasue as of now it will still be very linear.

TwoForce2919d ago (Edited 2919d ago )

You still don't get it, do you ? Most fans love his game. Sure, some people don't like him, but he took a huge risk about kinapping and other stuff. Remember how Microsoft scare about his idea of kinapping ?

Edit : His game is about emotions, intense and heartbreaking.

Yui_Suzumiya2919d ago

What's wrong with linear and cinematic? All the best games are both barring a few exceptions (Fallout 3, Witcher III, RDR)

Sparta072919d ago

@moldy, didn't hear you complain about the pos game QB. Linear, dumbest a.i this gen. But you loved it. Lol...
Just stop. We get anything Sony is not for you.

TwoForce2919d ago

This is very disrespectful coming from you !

IamTylerDurden12919d ago

I'm sure u said the same thing about Until Dawn.

Anyone that plays through this game only once is doing it wrong. Do i need to touch on the branching paths and numerous different outcomes?

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2919d ago
ClayRules20122919d ago

Nice! It took me 10 hours to beat both Heavy Rain & Beyond twoSouls. I was completely immersed in their worlds. I believe Detroit: Become Human will be even better. I look forward to experience tons of different emotions while playing this beautiful game.

P.S. I was an emotional wreck when I failed to save Shawn, in Heavy Rain =(

moegooner882919d ago

I got lucky and saved him on my first try. Maddison had quite a bad lonely ending thu

ClayRules20122919d ago (Edited 2919d ago )

I'm honestly glad to hear you saved Shawn on your first try =)

I can honestly say, I wouldn't change my first playthrough for anything. I did get a happy ending, on my 2nd time through the game, which I was very happy about. But, that first playthrough, man... It truly hit me extremely hard & made me question my choices afterwards. "What mistakes did I make?" "I'm a failure as a father" I'm being completely honest, lol. I thought those things. I really balled my eyes out.

I applaud Quantic Dream. They kept talking about emotions, and wanting the player to be challenged, not by the controller, but challenged in their minds, on the choices they had to make, to SAVE someone you love.

Quantic Dream, you were successful in your vision. Thank you for an unforgettable experience!

How far would you go to save someone you love??
Apparently, I wasn't willing to go far enough =(

Yui_Suzumiya2919d ago (Edited 2919d ago )

Been so many years since it furst came out and I got it at launch I barely remember my first playthrough but I'm sure I blew it as well so don't feel too bad

ClayRules20122919d ago

I got it at launch as well. I'm sorry your first playthrough didn't end well either =(

Valenka2919d ago

That's about what I expected from Quantic Dream. Just as well, I'm sure the replay value will be immense, like it was with Indigo Prophecy, Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls.

The 10th Rider2919d ago

Eh, Beyond Two Souls replays kind of stunk. Basically the same stuff happened no matter what you do. Detroit looks like a step back into the right direction after that. Certainly intriguing!

Yui_Suzumiya2919d ago

Well that's true.. pretty much only two endings but it still kicked ass :3

The 10th Rider2919d ago

Yeah, to be honest I didn't even play through the whole thing once. I didn't own it personally. (Yes, I have playe4d it at a friend's house. Multiple times.) I enjoyed Heavy Rain and after watching playthroughs of Beyond Two Souls it just didn't interest me. You could make seemingly big choices, but they didn't do much to change the grand scheme of the game. That really turned me off from wanting to play it again. Great concept killed by lack of genuine choices.

That's what looks really cool about Detroit, they're really bringing back giving you choices that change the narrative entirely, or so it seems.

Kyosuke_Sanada2919d ago

I hope that I see an android Norman Jayden in passing or at least a descendant. I loved him in Heavy Rain.

Yui_Suzumiya2919d ago

I thought of him when I saw the cop in the E3 video :3

Valenka2919d ago

I honestly thought Connor was Norman Jayden for a second.

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Hidetaka Miyazaki 'knows for a fact' other FromSoftware devs want a Bloodborne PC port

Keep that hope alive, PC gamers.

Huey_My_D_Long1d 3h ago

Honestly a bloodborned PS5 Remaster and PC Port would have gone really well especially for this dry spell we seem to be in.

got_dam22h ago

I think he is saying only bloodborne can make him wet.

Skuletor16h ago

They're probably referring to first party games.

VincentVanBro21h ago

Bud were you here for 2023? We’re drowning mate, no dry spell in sight.

-Foxtrot22h ago(Edited 22h ago)

It’ll happen at the PS6 launch in my opinion

We might get a PS6 Remake for launch like they did with Demons Souls for the PS5. The PC port may follow who knows.

Inverno22h ago

I just wanna be walking around with my Deck playing Bloodborne like a absolute nerd on full blast so people can hear the shrieks.

VersusDMC21h ago

"But there are millions of PC gamers out there still holding onto hope"

Game gets announced...and the complaints pile in to justify piracy. It's old so it should be 20 dollars, psn requirement means no buy but i will pirate, it's just a port they didn't even remake it and it doesn't have every graphics option ever so I'm getting the torrent.

Skuletor16h ago

Even so, that shouldn't have prevented Sony from releasing a FPS/resolution patch or upgraded PS5 release by now.

VersusDMC15h ago

Maybe the From Software engine is such a mess that it is not worth the cost or time for Sony. Bloodbourne is one of the lowest selling souls games.

And even with Elden Ring selling 20+ million they still haven't patched the PS5 version to play at 60fps. Only way to play elden ring on PS5 at 60fps is to play the PS4 version on PS5.

But maybe Bluepoint is working on a remake as that would be the only thing they could charge full price for and be worth the time and money.

Chard11h ago

Most FromSoftware fans would rather a port with the original art intact over a remake that messes with the assets and atmosphere

Elda20h ago(Edited 20h ago)

But instead Sony gives PS5/PC owners an option to buy a PS5/PC Until Dawn remaster/rework this year, something I highly doubt PS fans asked for. A Bloodborne PS5/PC remaster is highly anticipated among fans.

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