
Koei Tecmo's Berserk Musou Story Mode Will Start From the Golden Age

Koei Tecmo made the decision to start the story at the Golden Age since they believe that it's a great starting point for people interested in the series.

Malice-Flare2918d ago

if they're going to be faithful, the ability to cut down mounts should be considered...

naruga2918d ago (Edited 2918d ago )

hmm ....to start from golden age would be rather linear (though is one of the best chapters, if not the best) o in order to be faithfull ...i would prefer to catch it from fantasia and beyond where none knows what is happening afterwards ...and could add limitless unofficial or official side stories

Spurg2918d ago

they gonna need a lot of blood

thelaughingwiseman2918d ago (Edited 2918d ago )

BOOOM. I am super stoked! One of my all time favorite comics and it's getting a Game and continuation of the 90s Anime!!! A very good time to be a Berserk fan.

Kreisen2918d ago

Musou games kinda bore me but ill buy this. Huge fan of Berserk, its a shame theres only one other game based on this brilliant manga.

TheGameTagerZ2918d ago

I'm with you on that. There's a few that stood out that were really good recently such as the Zelda and One Piece one.

Enigma_20992918d ago

A game based on an eternally depressing anime/manga... Yay.

BlaqMagiq12917d ago

You expected some kind of positivity from Berserk or something?

Enigma_20992917d ago

... just a little bit, I confess. I mean they drag that guy through hell... CONSTANTLY.

rezzah2917d ago


Someone give Enigma a My Little Pony comic to read.

Enigma_20992917d ago

Oh noes... the emos are attackins...

Lemme ask you something. The story of Guts basically goes from bad... to worse... to s***. I'm being honest here. What's the appeal? I mean I like the character, but the story is just f***** up. Especially what happens to Casca.

Oh, and bend over, and I'll show you what you can do with your MLP comic...

rezzah2917d ago

Not sure what to say, not aiming to convince you since you already convinced yourself.

I mean you call it depressing, emo much?
This is why I can only assume you could understand and be happy with your ponies :)

Enigma_20992917d ago

... I wasn't expecting YOU to have the explanation I asked about... I was just telling YOU where to shove your MLP comic. Remember to shine it up and turn it sideways...

The question still stands to everyone else. I'm genuinely curious. I'm not all rainbows and fuzzy warm feelings, but where's the appeal of a story that never shows any signs of positivity? Or is it just the fact that Guts is a bada** that makes it worth reading to you?

Does he even get his hands on Griffith after what that bastard did to Casca, or does it even deny me THAT bit of satisfaction?

drizzom2916d ago (Edited 2916d ago )

I doubt you'd be able to read this Enigma (due to n4gs strange comment mechanics) but to me, the appeal beneath the dark themes, the gore, the bloodshed, and sexuality is seeing a man who has been dragged quite literally to hell and back through life still stand up and persevere. Guts is a character that makes you want to see a happy ending for what hes been through. He has become the living embodiment of mankind's will to survive and fight on no matter what the circumstances or odds (even when the odds become supernatural). Its makes people want to see him survive, win. It makes them want to root for him.

That probably just scratches the surface of what the writer is making of the story but thats just what I get from it.


Berserk deserves a FromSoftware video game adaptation like Dark Souls

The next game developed by FromSoftware needs to be a 'Berserk' adaptation.

1119d ago Replies(1)
Furesis1119d ago

I don't think everything needs to be made into a game/movie or vice versa. Berserk as a manga/anime was good(at least the beginning and mid parts) but i don't see it flowing well in a video game setting. Maybe a spin off but that would be odd. It's a very dark series as well and i don't feel anyone these days could do justice to that story but i do believe fromsoft's gameplay (like sekiro) could fit.

Yui_Suzumiya1118d ago

I think they're bringing it up because the mangaka died this past week

Furesis1118d ago

Yeah i know. That's irrelevant. You mean they should make a game like as a tribute to him? I mean i guess but Berserk is such a hard title to turn into a videogame format that's just how i feel. Maybe FromSoft could do it but like i said i feel they are doing good with their own projects and should stick with that.

ThomasDaTank1118d ago

Seeing as previous Berserk games have been terrible to mediocre, putting the game in the souls-like genre would be interesting. But I highly doubt we’ll ever see a great Berserk game.

Eamon1118d ago

Berserk inspired much of the Dark Souls' art direction and atmosphere. But making a souls-like game adaptation of Berserk wouldn't work. Even a Sekiro-like game wouldn't work. Funny enough, a Musou game is actually more closer to the source material than a souls-like game.

CrimsonWing691118d ago

The problem with that is they need to make it where you’re extremely lethal against enemies and don’t die in a single hit. The PS2 game I feel did a good job with the source material. I haven’t played the PS4 game but I’m not a fan of Musou games.

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Are Forza developers working on a Berserk game for the Xbox One?

We've known for a while that Forza Horizon 4 developers Playground Games are working on another project alongside the super-popular racing title.

Read Full Story >>
XiNatsuDragnel2099d ago

That would be great game actually to attract different audiences and finally reach the red sea, possibly?

lxeasy2099d ago

Beserk now that would be a twist. But if they can pull it off I'm all down for it

BLizardXD2098d ago

they make quality games, glad to see them work on something else as well. the artwork looks like a pretty high target.

ULTp0ltergeist2099d ago

I don't know about this but my interest has been piqued.

spartan112g2099d ago

Any anime except Berserk. For how good it is, I can’t deal with how sad it is and the bad things that happen to their characters. I know that would turn a huge audience off of it right off the bat.

DarXyde2098d ago

That'll happen when an author is dying and you're seeing the raw expression of their misery, I guess.

2099d ago Replies(2)
darthv722099d ago (Edited 2099d ago )

Man, I remember playing Sword of the Berserk on the DC. Would be cool to have a new game.

rdgneoz32099d ago (Edited 2099d ago )

They actually made a new game not too long ago,


https://youtu.be/790PMTzxMt... - Berserk Armor
October 27, 2016 - Berserk: Band of Hawks

2099d ago
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Berserk Creator Kentaro Miura Visits From Software-Rumor

Supposedly Berserk creator Kenatro Miura visited Miyazaki of From Software. This could mean great news for Berserk and Demons/Dark soul fans alike.-Sidearc

NapalmSanctuary2729d ago

That would be the absolute best case scenario for a Berserk game.

naruga2729d ago (Edited 2729d ago )

agree with you both .....while i love the Manga ...i say Guts s story is already known and many times played in media and games, would nt be the best case scenario a new more serious -Souls-y Berserk game, but Miura is an unbelievable artist and creator could easily create a fresh medieval -Soulsy world for a new From Soft game that could even be the start of an excellent IP

Movefasta19932729d ago (Edited 2729d ago )

i would lean more to the sousl team because although dragon's dogma nailed the gameplay and boss fights of dogma,fromsoft are imo untouched when it comes to atmosphere.I think they'd nail the darkness of berserk more so than any other dev team.
And could you imagine bloodborne's gameplay but with guts,the swift movements,weilding that giant ass sword and hand cannon on the other arm,bloodborne's gameplay+guts would insane.But it's just a rumor..

NapalmSanctuary2729d ago

Never played DD so I'll have to take your word for it.

drizzom2729d ago


Give it a try if you ever get the chance. Its got some pretty fun combat and boss battles.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2729d ago
Timesplitter142729d ago (Edited 2729d ago )

For a Berserk game, yes. But I kinda don't want FromSoft to work on liscenced franchises. To me, their original content is just waaaaay more interesting.

As a general rule, I just think every talented creator should always work on original material instead of doing adaptations. It's always more interesting that way. Adaptations are usually more of a safe bet, but originals have more potential for greatness

Kaneki-Ken2729d ago

Dark Souls is not so original since majority of the monsters come from Berserk.

Timesplitter142729d ago

eh, there's more to Dark Souls than just the monster designs

Sirk7x2728d ago

I have a constant fear that he will pass away before its finish.

2729d ago
Blu3_Berry2729d ago

Dude that would be amazing and I think it could fit perfectly for Berserk.

SilverDemon2729d ago

miyazaki will have orgasm
(he is a big berserk fan)

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