
PS4 Exclusive God of War Gets Tons of Info on Norse Setting, Gameplay, Kratos and His Son

During PlayStation’s E3 live coverage, God of War Creative Director Cory Barlog and Voice Actor Christopher Judge (who is the new voice of Kratos) talked about the new game announced yesterday.

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darthv722963d ago

As am I. This will be epic.

On a side note, the voice does not sound like TC Carson.

Sunny_D2963d ago

It isn't. It's Christopher Judge. He was part of the cast for Stargate.

UltraNova2963d ago (Edited 2963d ago )

I think I m more excited for GoW now than i am for Horizon, and that says lot!

Everything was nailed down. One thing though, I hope they wont abandon his past and that it will come up somehow. Maybe a surviving Greek God conspires with Norse Gods to take him down, or even Kratos being forced to use the blades of chaos when left with no choice, etc keep his identity somehow.

I think it will be a mistake if they deliberatly ignore who Kratos is and where he comes from. If they do, why even use Kratos and not someone new? See what i mean?

Now, I think we all know where this is going, meaning Scandinavian's are going to have a major Norse God shortage, sooner rather than later.

But what if they have other plans? Like killing Kratos while his son takes over as the new God of War? But that would be crazy cause Kratos is GoW...why wont they reveal his son's name? Something tells me its going to be Zeus.

I m stoked, really its a great time to be a gamer.

WelkinCole2963d ago


Actually I hope for the opposite.

Killing Gods is fine and all but it will be a bit too predictable and samey with previous games. I want them to do something a bit different story wise instead of just replacing Greek Gods with Norse Gods then rinse and repeat. Seems lazy and unimaginative.

I see lighting when the kid shot the troll. I think Kratos is not the kids dad but rather his mentor which means that the Norse Gods might have enlisted his help in training the kid. He could be a young Thor for all we know. They may be preparing him for the Ragnarök event which will be cool.

S2Killinit2963d ago (Edited 2963d ago )

A prediction:
Kratos is granted reincarnation. He is reincarnated as a Viking Warrior, but he does not remember anything about his past life. He has a son and a family as it was negotiated by Kratos so that he would be happy in the next life and enjoy the things that were taken away from him. But that's where the Viking Kratos's story begins...

Loving it.

darthv722963d ago

I have a feeling that the boy is not his blood son but the son of the woman he takes to be his. Just from the dialog of Kratos talking to him. He says things like "your mother taught you to hunt" which implies that Kratos was not there initially to teach him like a father would teach their son while growing up.

Kratos has skills and power but the boy doesn't and lacks the confidence to even take the life of the deer. Again, something that a father generally bestows upon their son when raising them to survive off the land.

badz1492963d ago

RPG element? Woohoo...suck THAT unbelievers! My other comment suggesting that this will have some kind of RPG element in it got disagreed a lot. I knew that there will be some kind of RPG-like system when I saw those XP points popped up.

Regardless, I'm very excited ahout this. Hopefully we can get the release date soon and hopefully too, it won't be too long of a wait! GoW3 came out in 2010, roughly over 3 years after the PS3 release. So, following that pattern, March 2017 would be my guess

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2963d ago
Mr-Dude2963d ago

Jaffa, kree!!

I thought that voice was familiar

2963d ago
MoveTheGlow2963d ago

Seriously! The last thing I expected out of the Sony conference was to be the most hyped for a new God of War, but this has me locked on. It looks great, it looks like it'll be more of an open world, it looks like the devs have played some Souls games and picked some mechanics up from them, and the sound design was excellent!

-Foxtrot2964d ago (Edited 2964d ago )

"New voice of Kratos"


I hope his son is killed off early in the game, I don't want to hold his hand. I just never thought as God of War as that kind of game. It's God of War not the Last of Us in all respect.

I just want Kratos to be a badass and not be dragged down by family.

thatguyhayat2963d ago

Lol why would you say such a thing But must be a reason why hes going to be killing norse gods. Not for sport i hope

-Foxtrot2963d ago

Well that's what I'm getting at. There has to be a reason for him to go after them and loosing another son would set him off

I appreciate what they are trying to do but I don't want "banter" with my kid in a God of War game, kind of out of place.

I would have rather seen Kratos and his new wife/girlfriend fighting side by side. It would be nice for a bad ass female character to be built up in these games alongside him.

JEECE2963d ago

@Foxtrot Would you really want to play another GOW game like the others, where Kratos' character development is pretty much limited to him just being mad and seeking revenge, and the game is basically just over the top action? Because it seems like most people got tired of that (see Ascension's sales compared to GOW 3), especially after 3 was such a logical conclusion to that whole character arc. Even apart from GOW, how many games of that type are coming out now that are selling millions of copies like GOW 1-3 used to do? It looks like this game is trying to evolve an old character at the same time it evolves gameplay to learn from things like Last of Us (in terms of story-telling) and Demon/Dark Souls (in terms of combat).

Sevir2963d ago

Please stop with the griping! The narrative has changed. Instead of moaning be happy it's not the same game we've played over 6 games before...

After seeing this demo I'm totally revitalized for the series, I'm glad there's a different focus on building Kratos to not be some one dimensional character who's only ambitions is to kill.

This is great.

-Foxtrot2963d ago (Edited 2963d ago )

"This is great"

So you can have your opinion but I can't have mine. Jesus come on

I'm not saying the game shit it's just picking a small thing as a concern what's wrong with that. I'm not going to be a drone and pretend nothing is wrong and I auto like everything.

You seem to think you either like it 100% or you don't like it at all.

Lionsguard2963d ago

Agreed, Kratos before was just this angry dude that should have ended at GoW. In fact, David Jaffe never even meant for the series to get as far as GoW 3 and include the entire pantheon. Kratos' main beef was with Ares. in GoW 2, he was a worse God than Ares ever was. Kratos became very unlikeable, This is a new, less angry but much more focused Kratos. There will be those who won't like it but either they'll give in or be left out who cares.

iceman062963d ago

@kydrice...What you were seeing is the typical path that many of the heroes of Greek tragedy go through. Often, they are consumed by the same anger and vengeance (or whatever traits) that they hate and often don't see it in themselves. Kratos was no exception. His blood lust fueled his journey, in that, he slowly but surely became much like the very gods he despised.

Utalkin2me2963d ago


So people that do like it are "drones". It's pretty obvious by that statement you have more of a agenda then just a opinion on Kratos Son.

lunatic00012963d ago

@ Foxtrot
the father/son combo could work if done right...would be cool if you start off holding his hand but as you progress through the game...the less you hold his hand and the more badass kratos son gets to where he takes over as the main character when kratos dies at the end of this game...now im getting ahead of myself haha

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2963d ago
Deadlead2963d ago (Edited 2963d ago )

Yeah I actually agree. I don't want some The God of Us/ The Last of War hybrid. As much as I Love both those franchises, and agree GoW needed to be reinvented to stay relevant I have my reservations that escorting a child through whole campaign is too antithetical to the core of what made GoW great to begin with. I could be completely wrong, I hope I am. I'd also argue a brand new lead protagonist would have been preferable to trying to humanize one of the most shallow characters in games. A nod to Kratos, a cameo, or even as a main character within the plot etc... All would have made more sense to me given the narrative direction SSM have chosen.

That said the trailer still got me really hyped, stunning visuals, transition to Norse mythology, and RPG elements all looked awesome!

uncharted562963d ago (Edited 2963d ago )

Did you consider that maybe Sony did not want that to happen because both Kratos and GoW name so iconic with Platform brand.

Think of the Master Chief and Halo situation, the same reason for which fans had complaint about the latest halo game.

2963d ago
lunatic00012963d ago (Edited 2963d ago )

yeah but maybe escorting a child only happens in the beginning and as you progress...the more badass and independent the boy gets...who knows...for all we know kratos son could be the character to take over as the protagonist in future titles

maniacmayhem2963d ago

*I hope his son is killed off early in the game,*

Best comment ever

UnHoly_One2963d ago

And I totally agree with it.

If I have to babysit a kid the whole game, it isn't God of War, and it doesn't sound fun.

escott0132963d ago


I agree with you from a gameplay standpoint. And yes, concerning the story, *if* he is going to be killing Norse gods then he must have a reason but killing his son off would be, for a lack of better words, cliche. I hope they get more creative with his motives.

Your idea of him fighting alongside a new girlfriend is awesome, but I think it would be even cooler for his son to grow up over chapters of the game and fight alongside him. That would be so badass if Kratos had a Nordic son that turned out to be a complete monster like himself and take on the Norse gods together....but what would motivate them to revolt against the Norse gods together?

IRetrouk2963d ago

The mum getting killed would probably do it

Dark_Knightmare22963d ago

I'm sorry after 7 games this is the shake up gow needed I'm done with a one dimensional screaming rage filled psycho . It was fun while it lasted but times have changed and gow as well as Kratos needed to grow up and get with the times lest they be left behind and this looks exactly like what's happening thank god

garrettbobbyferguson2963d ago


Sometimes the only shakeup a series needs is in the form of a new setting to take on, not a completely different outlook or narrative style. In my opinion this Norse setting so far is a bit too similar to the greek one that we're accustomed to. That one big enemy Kratos faced looked to be very similar to Hades.

Inzo2963d ago

The more I read about this the more it concerns me, shake up yes but to completely change the core of what a GOW game is? Fast paced action is what GOW is, now we have RPG elements, completely new gameplay, a new voice actor, an AI buddy accompanying you throughout the game, an emotional Kratos. Ask yourself this, is there anything other than Kratos that says "This is GOW"? From what I have seen, no there isnt. Once this all sinks in the "true" GOW fans will voice their concerns.

Jayszen2963d ago


I think you are right but I suspect that the boy will be the catalyst for Kratos to then want to take on the Norse gods.

Majister-Ludi2963d ago

We agree not everything has to be the last of us, especially not God of War. God of War is fast frantic hack and slash with amazing scope. I'm not like this camera view and slower pace but maybe this is just prologue and it will be more like the originals as the game progresses.

Summons752963d ago

I like the new humanized Kratos. He is actually going to feel like an actual character for the first time and not just a roid rager.

KentBenMei2963d ago

Yeah, the new voice is a dealbreaker for me. It ruined DmC and MGSV for me, too.

bouzebbal2963d ago

You complain about nothing really..
If you played previous episodes correctly, Kratos always had this weakness and guilt everytime he sees Colliope in his vision.
Seeing him like this with his son didn't surprise me at all, you could just see how badass he was during fights.
I'm extremely excited to discover what happened until he ended in nose mythology.

Letthewookiewin2963d ago

I actually have a slight feeling that this isn't going to be Kratos's story. It will be his sons. But then again I feel like the kid will probably die or something and set Kratos off. I really like the gameplay though. Never got into the GoW games but this looks really great.

Sunny_D2963d ago

I think this game is going to launch a sequel. Kratos will be the protagonist in this game and will die so that his son becomes the new protagonist in the next games that come out.

Sunny_D2963d ago

I for one welcome the change. We thought GOW3 was the last game and then we got Ascension. It was the badass Kratos we know and the game was decent but by then the series was getting stale. The change was needed.

uncharted562963d ago

They don't want to just make another GoW game though so they are doing something different and honestly interesting with the character. If Kratos and GoW will come back then I will rather have them flesh him out and add some emotional and personal depth to him.

iliimaster2963d ago

like will smith and jaden smith in After Earth very similar and why!?

2963d ago
Inzo2963d ago

"Through the entire game, Kratos is constantly teaching his son"

Sorry, unfortunately this is not going to happen.

Inzo2963d ago

I have to agree with you, it all looked fantastic but it just did not feel like GOW.

GamePeace2963d ago

"I would have rather seen Kratos and his new wife/girlfriend fighting side by side. It would be nice for a bad ass female character to be built up in these games alongside him."

I think you're missing the point of this game, because being "bad ass" is not what they are aiming at with the new God of War. They want to create a more emotionally impactful game this time, where Kratos shows other sides of him, like it or not.

PiperMCFierceson2963d ago (Edited 2963d ago )

Lol that's awesome I kind of do too. Total noob with that arrow.

UnHoly_One2963d ago (Edited 2963d ago )

This game sounds nothing like a God of War game. It sounds like The Last of Us.

It sounds awful, from what info they've released so far.

I like a good emotional story as much as the next guy, and a game with a companion that fights with you and everything, but that isn't God of War.

The Kratos I know is a loner who speaks through anger and violence, not tender moments with his son and a wounded deer.

I'm so sad. :(

2963d ago
rainslacker2963d ago

What if Kratos dies and the kid becomes the new GOW?

Goldby2963d ago

What greater war than a father who doesnt know how to father his own son. What greater war than a father who doesnt know how to show his own son that hes proud of him. What greater war than a man who doesnt know how to love his own son?

+ Show (21) more repliesLast reply 2963d ago
trouble_bubble2963d ago

That's not TC Carson???? I swear it sounded like him just deeper and gruffer, which VA's can do. Well damn.

I honestly thought it was Carson so good on the new guy for bringing a similar texture. Some of the delivery with his son DID seem faster paced than what TC used to do, but I just chalked it up as a whatever.

I wonder why TC didn't come back. memories of David Hayter, but at least it's not a Hollywood actor type teplacing him, I don't think

Sunny_D2963d ago

The voice actor was on Stargate. But he's not well known as you would think.

raWfodog2963d ago

TC Carson was not as well known either unless you were a fan of 'Living Single'. I would think more people would be familiar with Teal'C from Stargate SG-1 than Kyle Barker (TC Carson). TC was great as Kratos but I think Christopher will do a good job as well.

Sitdown2963d ago

Wow, not sure how you thought it was him.

garrettbobbyferguson2963d ago (Edited 2963d ago )

I'm still holding out hope that some day there will be an Egyptian God of War title. The fantastical elements they could make in the god of war IP could be incredible.

Example: http://www.artofvfx.com/God...

garrettbobbyferguson2963d ago

Wouldn't Ni-Oh fulfill that role?

FallenAngel19842963d ago

I just hope it has awesome combat.

Otherwise why even make a new GoW if it's going to be so drastically different

Aloy-Boyfriend2963d ago (Edited 2963d ago )

Because a game series being the same across generations can only get too far...

7 games and no innovation since teh very first one. Time to innovate again and make the series fresh again

Errorist762963d ago

The old gameplay had gotten stale already..it needed to be reinvented. Didn't you see the boss fight?! Looked pretty GoW like to me.

Show all comments (128)
OtterX2d ago

For me, these Mario + Rabbids games were the best thing Ubisoft has developed in recent years. I'd hate to see Ubisoft drive the series into the ground like their other properties, so I think 2 games are enough. Maybe 1 more.

Inverno2d ago

They can't ruin it because Ninty will send their ninjas to destroy all traces of it. If not for that you can bet that spinoff series would've been milked dry by now.

XiNatsuDragnel2d ago

Good luck in your future endeavors

Hotpot2d ago

Thank you for Mario + Rabbids series, I quite enjoyed it

Einhander19722d ago

Great games, I have wanted Sony to copy these games with their own mascots for years.

Michiel19891d 15h ago

not cinematic or 3rd person enough for Sony

DefaultComment2d ago

I think Nintendo has to hire this guy, I mean the fact that miuamoto himself said to him that he is impressed with this work, speaks volumes. Th possibility on having Mario on Soliani's hand could be incredible and quite possibly a new era for Mario games.

OtterX2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Yea, these games didn't even feel Ubisoft at all. This felt very authentic Nintendo. This guy's direction is obviously stellar, and Ubisoft somehow managed to not kill it with microtransactions and repetitive, boring tasks.


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Chard2d ago

Missing the most important game - Rogue Leader


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MestreRothN4G4d ago

Raph Koster wrote the #1 most influential game design book. Nice to see a game coming from him.