
Best Games of 2016 (so far)

"Hello! Welcome to my best/favourite 2016 releases so far. It is worth mentioning that this is by no means a definitive list and is instead my personal opinion. If you think I have completely ignored a game that you have fallen madly in love with then why not do you own list down the comments.

Now without further ado – commence list generation protocol best games of 2016 .1-6"

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gamer11382966d ago

Street Fighter V...? Maybe if it was complete.

Retroman2966d ago

good we have Ratchet and Clank reboot. one of 2016 best games.

freshslicepizza2966d ago

when was this list made because its lacking uncharted 4 and overwatch. firewatch did not enjoy

madmonkey012966d ago

I didn't care much for 4,3,2 in your list MY top 3 are Uncharted 4, Dark souls 3, Ratchet and Clank,

slappy5082966d ago

Yes I came here to post exactly that Top 3. I would add Odin Sphere and Doom to that list and that would be my top 5 games of the year, so far.

Deadpooled2966d ago

Uncharted 4, Ratchet and Clank, Dark Souls 3

(if Street Fighter V had more modes from launch I would have definitely put that in second place on my list)

UziSuicide2966d ago

I agree with Rachet and Clank, would have liked to have seen Uncharted in there and thought Doom was a great riff on old school gaming (single player at least).

Relientk772966d ago

Uncharted 4 and Ratchet & Clank

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Insomniac Games updates Ratchet and Clank 2016 for its 8th Anniversary

Bounce back to Ratchet & Clank (2016) for its 8th anniversary! To celebrate, the Bouncer is now available to download at no additional cost.

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Cacabunga102d ago

They should update Rift Apart on PS5 it is broken we cannot finish it lost all weapons and even the ratchet...

Profchaos102d ago

I've got a platinum and done everything on two playthroughs have not encountered a bug like that

Cacabunga101d ago

Well congrats but it happened to me.. this bug is common.

S2Killinit102d ago

Never heard of anyone with that complaint.

Cacabunga101d ago (Edited 101d ago )

Will it happened to me.. and if you search people are experiencing it as well. Some suggest fix but didn’t work out for me ..
People disagree like i insulted their mother.. kids in here

Good-Smurf101d ago

"We?" Let's change to just "You" first before I can even take your comment seriously.

Cacabunga101d ago

At home “we did” experience this.. i don’t care about you to include you in “we”..

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DivineHand125102d ago (Edited 102d ago )

I wish we got dlc for Ratchet and Clank Rift apart. I want more content for that masterpiece of a game.

badz149101d ago

yeah, would be great to have a story expansion or something for Rift Apart. with the Rift and multi-dimensional travel, there is so much potential left on the table. but I guess with the Spidey games doing bonkers and next, Wolverine, it will be some times before we see another R&C. oh...and RIP Resistance!

Knightofelemia102d ago

Meanwhile Wild Arms is forgotten about.

Good-Smurf101d ago

That had nothing to do with Insomniac at all lol.

Knightofelemia101d ago

I know I just wish Sony would recognize and remember such a great JRPG franchise.


Dark Souls: 10 Best Weapons In The Series

TheGamer writes, "Some weapons resist the test of time."

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Father__Merrin155d ago

bastard sword and claymore do the job when grinded up


Street Fighter 5: Analysing a Tarnished Legacy

Street Fighter 5 launched in 2016, and is widely considered a misstep for the hugely popular franchise. This article explains why that is.

Terry_B209d ago

Every Street Fighter is called a misstep of the series since Street Fighter III..and even the Alpha games were not liked by everyone.

SF V had a miserable start but later it did a lot things actually better than SFIV and SF6.

SF6 is the first SF since SFII Turbo for that I did not buy at launch. And today, around 6 months after its launch I still have no motivation to buy it.

kevco33208d ago

I've had every Street Fighter on launch since SFII on the SNES. SFV is definitely my least played of them all.

SF6 is very good. You should give it a second look.

Terry_B208d ago

Maybe in 2-3 years when there is a version that has characters I care for.

So far there is not one of the new characters I like..and my favourite 4 are not a part of it either. (Bison, Balrog, Sagat and Vega) + the whole hip hop style and the crappy music turned me totally off.

Looking forward a lot to Tekken 8.

Sano24208d ago

SF4 vanilla was loved by most and and not considered a misstep. It wasn't until they went revision crazy that people started turning on Capcom.

Terry_B208d ago

Don't remember the criticques it got for the big hands and feet, the sometimes weird looking faces, the lame boss (Seth) and that so many characters were shotos and yup..the many new versions. Just every SF got its haters no matter how good it was.

Nerdmaster207d ago

It was criticized for the first trailers having an interesting art style with those ink splashes, but the real game had none of that and people felt cheated. And Capcom decided to add some of those effects in the game later because of the backlash. But I don't remember any other big complaints about it.

EvertonFC208d ago

I grew out of fighting games, loved them as a kid but online you just get your ass kicked over and over leaving just the bare bones single player and also having no friends anymore who like fighting games either just makes me not want to buy or play them anymore.

CrimsonWing69208d ago

I dunno, I like Street Fighter 5 quite a bit. 🤷‍♂️

Shiro173207d ago

Sf6 is the best sf since sf4ae lol

207d ago Replies(1)
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