
Moto Racer 4 Comes To The PS4 and VR

Moto Racer 4 is coming to the PlayStation 4 and the PS VR and the new trailer shows plenty of intense action.

freshslicepizza2921d ago

looks like gameplay to me and this could be cool on vr.

2921d ago
Alexious2921d ago

Could be quite good. I hope so, we could use a great arcade racing game!


Dishonored 2, Lords of the Fallen, Bulletstorm, Moto Racer 4 and more run better without Denuvo

DSOGaming writes: "YouTube’s ‘Overlord Gaming’ has tested some more games with and without the Denuvo anti-tamper tech. Overlord Gaming used six games for which the developers have removed the Denuvo anti-tamper tech themselves, and used the same graphics drivers. As such, this comparison is as good as it can possibly get, though it should be noted that some games may saw a small performance increase due to additional optimization tweaks included in their patches that removed Denuvo."

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Jojosuperstar1990d ago

I will pirate any game that runs with denuvo, just to make it ironic for any garbage company that employs these trashbags.

nyu11990d ago

Wow what a badass. Those garbage companies can feel the irony from all the way over there.

RichardKing901990d ago

Who likes these games, be sure to watch the series Vikings!


Moto Racer 4 coming to switch next month

Nintendo Switch owners have been enjoying a feast of racing titles in recent months thanks to a host of ports coming to the platform. The very latest racer to migrate over to Nintendo’s hardware is 2016’s Moto Racer 4.


Moto Racer 4 review - ChristCenteredGamer

In Moto Racer 4 you can jump right into the action and do a quick game or unlock more racers and bikes in the Career mode. Since you only start off with a couple of bikes and racers it’s probably best to unlock more and find out which ones suit your racing style best. Unlocked bikes and racers can be used in multiplayer mode, but you’d better have friends to play against since nobody is playing this game online apparently.

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