
E3 News We Want: PS4 Neo, New Xbox, Horizon Zero Dawn In 2016 & BioShock 4

Last year's E3 could be the show where fans got what they wanted the most. Gamers learned they would receive backwards compatibility on Xbox One, a whole lot of fodder for Fallout 4, The Last Guardian re-reveal and of course, the news and trailer for the Final Fantasy VII: Remake.

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Phil322975d ago

I'd like a new Xbox and PlayStation 4 upgrade if only for the selfish reason that the vanilla versions might come down in price for me to bite!

RuleNumber52975d ago

Yeah I mean, if they are in the $500 range then I'd probably pick one up. Depends on if I have to pick up other things like a 4K TV, etc.

Retroman2975d ago

Sony must have some Serious she-it to announce no leaks been made.
E3 a week away.
minds will be blown. KA-BOOM!!!

AngelicIceDiamond2975d ago

Release dates MS. Give me release dates from Scalebound, Recore Sea Of Thieves, and CD3 And omg PLEASE show off Phantom Dust once and for all. I would be the happiest guy in the world if they show that off. Its a given they're gonna show off new Ip's but please announce they'll launch 6 months to a years time. Of course X1 slim with Gears custom bundle. Scorpio is up and the air but I rather MS not announce it but they may or may not so who knows. I forgot to mention BATTLETOADS.

Third Party: BF1, TF2, Maybe Mass Effeft 3 will be the main third party games for MS. Surprise RD2?

Horizon Gameplay, Sucker Punches Spiderman that's gonna steal the show I'm sorry I am a HUGE spiderman fan and with SP developing it expect that thing to be Infamous lvl good with great detail, Crash game is coming I can feel it, Medieval game also. Sony Bend new Ip TLOUS2 is 50 50 but I know they're making one. GOW4 showcase, Shenmue gameplay and Final Fantasy? Detroit: Become Human. Possible PS4 NEO snub but might announce it at the very last minute of the conference.

Third Party: Dishonored 2, Ghost Recon, Infinite War, Surprise Rocksteady's Justice League game?

I missed allot but that's a just a quick rundown what I think Sony and MS may show off.

Gamist2dot02975d ago

I need a 2nd PS4 and a 4k player so make NEO happen!


Report: BioShock 4 Screenshot Surfaces, Giving Us Look Early Look at UI, Shotgun, and More

What appears to be the first BioShock 4 screenshot has been unearthed, and it gives a look at some of the abilities, UI and more.

jznrpg13d ago

If it’s like the first game I could be interested. I didn’t like Infinite

Tacoboto13d ago

Did you play through 2?

I dismissed it when it came out, as this quick cash-grab from a greedy publisher, but got the trilogy collection on disc earlier this year on Xbox. Finally played it, and Minerva's Den - it was a really great experience. Years and years late to the party but it was really solid and holds up.

A couple crashes, and weird texture loads in Minerva's Den, but the joy I had in it makes me want to revisit Infinite too.

jznrpg13d ago (Edited 13d ago )

2 wasn’t nearly as good as 1 but I did enjoy it. Infinite felt like a spin-off and I got bored half way through

Cacabunga13d ago

I got BS1 when it finally released on PS3. Has been one of those games i was envying 360 owners for.
I loved it it was unlike anything i played before..

0hMyGandhi13d ago

Boy did I want to love Infinite. But It felt like the game was almost trying to make me hate it. I remember the last third of the game basically turning into a combination of obnoxious escort mission/time crisis.
interesting setting, and the world at times felt compelling to investigate, but all thrown to the wind with constant battles and rounds and rounds of spawn closeted enemies that became more and more grating as you kept playing.

Bioshock 2 was a genuine surprise to me. It took me a couple years to get around to playing it, and I loved it. Not the classic like the first game, but damned close. It felt inspired and felt like it actually had a reason to exist, expanding the lore without crossing the threshold into utter ridiculousness like Infinite did. (Which was somehow even more ridiculous than the idea of a massive underwater city).

Whatever this game turns out to be, I just hope it gets back to the essentials without inducing players to "feature creep" just for the sake of it.

Gamingsince198113d ago

The second game was my favourite, I think it did everything the first did but added some extra things to it, it still had the same cool atmosphere as well which was why I liked the first one a lot. I didn't mind infinite but it wasn't anywhere near as good as the first 2.

TheNamelessOne13d ago

I didn't hate Infinite by any means, but it didn't come close to the earlier games for me. The DLC was great though.

Nacho_Z13d ago

I didn't like Infinite much either, before a shot was fired it was amazing but it went downhill after that. Too much action and not enough interesting lore/atmosphere.

Good-Smurf12d ago

It was a game too ambitious for its own good, what we got was a compromised heavily cut down version of what they really wanted to do with it.
There's a sense of too big of empty spaces in the game for no good reason and never get utilized it makes the looked bloated and yet felt unpolished.

-Foxtrot13d ago

While I liked it I just thought the idea of them introducing the concept of the multiverse with "There's always a man, there's always a lighthouse, there's always a city" was pretty wasted with what we got as we didn't really it utilized much. I really wanted to see a lot of variations of Columbia but we didn't get that.

Also there was a lot they changed or cut from the early reveals we saw that seemed far more in depth, it always reminded of how awesome the early days of Final Fantasy XIII Versus looked before it was changed into the final version of Final Fantasy XV. Felt like a downgrade at times in comparison.

anast12d ago

First one was good. I also got bored with 2 and still haven't played Infinite, yet.

Neonridr11d ago

personally I felt Infinite was a great game, but the first one was a masterpiece.

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LG_Fox_Brazil13d ago

As a slave, I obey and shall purchase this one as soon as it hits store shelves

Storm2313d ago

I know I am weird, but Bioshock didn't do it for me. Not sure why, as I LOVE fps games...but nope. I think I should try it again after all these years.

DarXyde12d ago

There's definitely something different about Bioshock. I'm on the opposite side of things where I enjoyed it as someone who traditionally hates FPS games.

That, and Condemned: Criminal Origins.

Bloody LOVED those games.

Tacoboto12d ago

Condemned, ahh that's a game I don't see name dropped near enough.

My buddy and I each played through it twice over multiple weekends back when it and the 360 came out. Achievement hunting with that as the real game, TMNT and King Kong as the quick cheesy games. Fun times

DarXyde12d ago

I got an Xbox 360 about 2-3 months after launch and that game was an absolute standout during the launch window.

Also loved Burnout Revenge and Fight Night Round...3 at the time, I think?

Those are less important to the context of this topic, but it's such an incredible look back at how much things have changed since then.

isarai11d ago

It didn't for me either when it first came out, especially when you had to start Fighting the flying drone things. They just frustrated me all to hell. But i decided to try again after the trilogy got some graphics update i think for ps5 or ps4 pro. And MAN i super enjoyed it the 2nd time around, saved all the little sisters and everything.

Hopefully it hits for you this time like it did me.

Storm2311d ago

Nice. Yeah I should give it another go.

Knightofelemia13d ago

It would be awesome if this game dropped for the holidays.

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Looks Like There's Finally Good News For BioShock 4 Fans

BioShock 4 was announced a few years ago. Now, it appears to have ramped up its development as the studio goes on a hiring spree.

purple10116d ago

'team at 2K Cloud Chamber'

okay, but never heard of them personally, been gaming 25+ years, sooo......hungry for info, hopped straight to google search/ wikipedia entry, and we discover:

'In December 9, 2019, 2K announced that they had set a new studio in Novato, California and Montréal, Québec, led by Kelley Gilmore, former executive producer for Firaxis Games. Cloud Chamber will work on a new BioShock game. Several members that were part of the original BioShock game are part of the studio, including Hoagy de la Plante, Scott Sinclair, and Jonathan Pelling.[2] Kelley said the focus of their studio is to "create yet-to-be-discovered worlds – and their stories within – that push the boundaries of what is possible in the video game medium"

Yui_Suzumiya13d ago

I've been following BioShock 4 for 10 years and it's got a very interesting development history.

Michiel198915d ago

I don't have much confidence in the project without Ken Levine, but hopefully they prove me wrong


Summer Game Fest 2024 exciting leaks, rumors and confirmed studios

Summer Game Fest 2024 is right around the corner, and there are exciting leaks and rumors online in addition to confirmed studios.

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Lightning7753d ago

Borderlands 4 is suppose to show up also but meh I didn't like that last one tbh. I beat it and everything I just didn't care for the characters and it was pretty much the same thing. Franchise needs a complete overhaul.

jznrpg52d ago

@Lightning77 I didn’t like the last Borderlands either. 1 was my favorite 2 was good as well but 3 I quit playing early in and I will skip 4 most likely.

anast53d ago

yep, I'm hyped for this one.


I'm hoping that Nintendo shows Metroid Prime 4 in some form, even a 30sec gameplay trailer would be fine. Most likely it will only be on a Nintendo Direct.

thesoftware73052d ago

Switch 2, most likely; they will use it to showcase the new system's graphical power.


Hmm, it might be both, Switch and Switch 2 just like how Twilight Princess came out on GameCube and Wii.

FlameWater53d ago

At least give me Age of Mythology