
Single-Player Games Haven't Gone Away, They've Gone Indie

Indie Game Source looks at the indie market's role in preserving the single-player experience.

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NewMonday3039d ago

very happy we have "Indy" devs that give us SP experiences like Doom, Rachet and Clank, Uncharted, Witcher..etc

SilverTuna3038d ago

Way to leave a reply that confirms you didn't bother to read anything more than the headline. Thanks for your invaluable contribution.

deafdani3038d ago (Edited 3038d ago )

I did. I don't agree with the article, because while it akbowledges the existence of some AAA single player games (Uncharted, Witcher, Doom), it tries to make the point that the industry at large is focusing heavily on multiplayer, and that Indies are there to make up for the lack of single player. This is simply not true.

It's good to have Indie games to play, but there are plenty of games out there that are big budget and single player focused. Uncharted, Doom, The Witcher, Bloodborne, Metal Gear Solid V, Wolfenstein The New Order, Infamous Second Son, the majority of Nintendo games are focused either on single player or local multiplayer (Mario 3d World, Mario Bros U, Donkey Kong, Wonderful 101, Xenoblade Chronicles, Bayonetta 2, etc), Batman Arkham Knight, Middle Earth Shadow of Mordor, Tomb Raider, Quantum Break, etc, etc, etc. As you can see, I listed a lot of big games that are big on the single player component, just off the top of my head.

And people are looking forward to more big budget single player games like Horizon, Mass Effect Andromeda, Zelda U and Scalebound... so I think we're perfectly fine.

Indie games contribute to the variety in offer for single player games, sure. But they aren't there to save it, because it doesn't need to be saved.

chippychan3038d ago

It's kind of funny that the game they chose for the article's picture (Stardew Valley) is actually going to be getting an update eventually that will add multiplayer capabilities.

Anyway, didn't read the article but I've had lots of great experiences playing both indie and higher budget SP games. Stardew Valley is a great one by the way. :)

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