
This Awesome Overwatch Cosplay Will Make Your Jaw Drop

vgPWN "This cosplayer has really outdone herself with this Overwatch cosplay."

Erik73572979d ago

Tracer needs work, hair looks to artificial and the pants need to look more leathery

toddybad2979d ago

What is wrong with you?

Bahamut2978d ago


Uhhhh.... yeeah, I'd say so. Mm-hmm.

Nivekki2978d ago


Yeah, the ass is the deal-breaker.

SJWs, I love that ass. I don't like yours. Unless it's better, if so provide pics.

Perjoss2978d ago

Tasha's Tracer is almost perfect apart from the footwear. The girl in this post has them much closer to what they actually look like on Tracer. Amazing effort from pretty much all the Overwatch cosplay I've seen so far. I wonder if Nigri will get involved.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2978d ago
Deadpooled2978d ago

Kinda thinking that Blizzard tracer ass 'controversy' and them changing it made SJWs 'happy' in a false sense thinking they have some control, and has led to some of the 9-10 reviews from SJW oriented review sites.

Deadpooled2976d ago

Haha disagrees sum up the fanboy hurt, overwatch has definitely been overrated, a full price game with such lack of content. The hypocrisy as other full price games like battlefront and sfV get slammed instead of praised like this has been.

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I Miss the Original Overwatch

Blizzard's blending of the FPS and MOBA was a masterpiece of design that met its end too soon.

Tedakin426d ago

I miss 6v6, lootboxes and an actual player level. I used to look forward to Junkenstein's Revenge at Halloween and the Christmas event cause of all the cool cosmetics you could earn. I'd play it every day. Now you play it for an hour, earn some stupid charm, and you're done. No reason to play anymore.

ActualWhiteMan426d ago

RIP OW2 is trash. My friends stopped playing it like we used to the first one every Friday night.

smoothdude426d ago

this. loved overwatch 1. 2 is no fun. there is lots to play… find something you like.

Gardenia425d ago

I'd never thought I would say this but the loot boxes in Overwatch wasn't so bad compared to what it is now.

GoodGuy09426d ago

I remember those epic dreamworks-like CGIs. I wasn't a fan at all but man, I knew it was a rediculously huge game. OW2 I've seen...nothing, died maybe after a week.

moomoo319425d ago

OW2 is a disaster. All these years to make the game 5v5….? And they scrapped PvE? The game just sucks man zero fun.

156d ago