
Why Don't Other Studios Make Games of 'Uncharted 4''s Caliber?

A few years into the next generation of console gaming and still no cigar.

SaveFerris3041d ago

There isn't any reason why AAA studios can't start now, given the success of the Uncharted franchise.

Cindy-rella3041d ago

Its because a lot of mediocre games with old mechanics and outdated tech sells a lot. Games with a lot of issues at launch sometimes are praised so there arent a lot of incentives to work harder

SaveFerris3041d ago

I can totally see why some studios may want to play it safe n that way, but at least there are some that take risks even if they don't always pay off. But even first party studios aren't completely safe from closure if they don't produce a quality product that is successful.

Eonjay3041d ago

Well, granted, the if it isn't broke don't fix it... but really the reason why ND games tend to be superior is because they hire the best people. The product your company produces is only as good as the talent creating it. They basically pay very, very well, and they look for individuals with sky high skillsets.. Other than that, they have the freedom to make what they want and they know that they have the financial backing of the publisher 100%.

showtimefolks3041d ago


I couldn't agree more. Gamers and reviewers will praise broken games like AC unity and Bf4 but than complaint about non issues in good games

How did Bf4 get any 8 out of 10 is beyond me when even EA admitted it was unfinished

How AC unity got 8 out of 10 is a true diesprectful

How destiny and the division set sales record for boring repetitive grind fest game play is beyond me

People don't want quality they want quantity

We as Faber refuse to speak against bad practices. Why or how could Bethesda raise season pass prices without some boycotts

Why is it that publishers want to nickel and dime us but gaming fanboys will defend them

TwoForce3041d ago

I have to agree with you.

lunatic00013041d ago (Edited 3041d ago )

I don't get it...uncharted 4 is amazing and a masterpiece...but what did it exactly revolutionize ....it felt like a more refined uncharted game just played better and looked better but it didn't bring anything new to the table either...I know I'm going to get destroyed for this but I just makes me mad that there are great gems out there like ori and blind forest, bloodborne, bayonetta 2 that are in the same league as uncharted 4 and just as good but some how they don't compare to uncharted...I guess it's all about tast

kneon3041d ago


You don't need to revolutionize anything. To make a great game you just need to do everything better than it's ever been done before.

bennissimo3041d ago

And yet, ND games are some of the least-risky AAA games ever produced. They're in a proven genre with stale mechanics, which allows the admittedly good writing and acting to rise to the top. It's a worthy formula for sales, but not one for rewriting the way games are made or played.

bouzebbal3040d ago

Talent isn't given to everyone.

s45gr323040d ago

Damn you are absolutely correct

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3040d ago
Timesplitter143041d ago (Edited 3041d ago )

I'd say it's not really a question of skill (Well... it probably is sometimes, but not always). It's a question of developper interest, and also a question of money

Games like Uncharted 4 are not the most commercially-viable, and not everyone's cup of tea. For every high-budget AAA game like U4, there is an ultra-simple game like Hearthstone or Dota2 which brings in 5x more money and which people will keep enjoying for several 100's of hours, compared to the usual 10-20 hours a game like U4 provides.

Making super-realistic linear games isn't everyone's ultimate goal. I spend lots of time on fun low-budget games, or open-world games that could never afford to be as highly-polished as U4. These types of games are great too, and we need variety.

Dario_DC3040d ago

I would rather be shot than playing Heartstone or dota2 or any of those moba type crap but that's me.
We need variety and mostly we need polished and finished games at launch.

PurpHerbison3041d ago

Sort of sad how far we have fallen. There was a time when almost every AAA studio was packing some serious heat. I miss the PS2 era.

DanteVFenris6663040d ago

Games are also a lot more expensive and work then they were back then. It's hard to take risks on a 50 million project.

I think in the ps1 day's final fantasy 7 was bragging that it's budget was a million. Ps2 I'm not quite sure what the budget was but game business can be quite scary sometimes.

thekhurg3041d ago


This article acts like Uncharted 4 is the be all to end all for gaming. WTF...

3041d ago Replies(2)
_-EDMIX-_3041d ago

Well because its not that simple. Its not of something objective ie a company makes a product a certain way like a car or computer, thus others follow the same method.

Gaming is subjective. Naughty Dog believes they are creating a masterpiece no more then any other team working to create a memorable experience. Teams like Naughty Dog, Rockstar North and San Diego, DICE, Kojima productions etc are rare teams and they are not really the norm of gaming.

So when I hear folks say "Why can other studios make games like ___" I sorta ignore it as its ingorant to just think its THAT simple, as if its something they don't know.

ie how to create a Oscar worthy film....

Do you folks seriously think its THAT easy?

Naughty Dog is a rare, one of a kind team. They are not the norm of gaming and likely will never be. JUST like the norm of film won't ALWAYS be some Citizen Kane type film.

Look at shows like Breaking Bad or Mad Men. How many folks do you think likely stated "Why can folks make tv shows like Vince Gilligan and Matthew Wiener". I don't know, maybe because those directors are one of a kind...

Would you really disrespect a team by making it seem as if their work can be mimicked merely based on the game releasing and their ideas being out?

Its not just about how Uncharted looks, its how Uncharted plays, its story/plot, its performances, set pieces etc.

Sure, someone can make a game sorta like Uncharted, but to THEM they believe they are making a masterpiece, thus.....how many do you think already believe this when they make their current games?

Love ND and won't disrespect the team to make it sound as if their game is so simple and can be SOOOOO easily reproduced by other teams. Uncharted series is going to be 10 years old, is their a reason why someone hasn't reached Uncharted levels with another action adventure series?

You can know Martin Scorsese's work....the whole world does.....doesn't mean the cat is out of the bag and suddenly all films will be like his. Its extremely disrespectful not only to the artist but to other artist to suggest that.

I've stated this on this site more times then I can count.

Gaming is an art, it is subjective...not objective.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3040d ago
generic-user-name3041d ago

Because someone has to be the best, to be the pinnacle. Used to be Japanese studios like capcom or Konami, now it's western devs with ND leading them.

nX3041d ago

Pretty much, it's like asking why Arsenal can't win the Champions League. Sure they could, if... nah let's not even start this.

Deadpooled3041d ago (Edited 3041d ago )

Yeah let's start, Arsenal pass the ball around too much thinking they're like Barcelona but unlike Barca they don't have a reliable output upfront like Barca's MSN. They don't have the steel required at the back to protect the defence like Vieira was back in the invincible years. And the training regime is being questioned due to injuries in the business end of the season(Feb/March time), look at Leicester barely any injuries this season throughout, kept more or less the same starting lineup which works their arses off on the pitch, consistency and got what they deserved, the Premier League title. This was Arsenal's best chance after Chelsea flopping under Mourinho and unpredictable results everywhere and they blew it big time. Arsenal got lucky to finish second after Tottenham's capitulation including that 5-1 hammering by already relegated Newcastle. Next season with Conte at Chelsea, Guardiola at the Blue Moon, Mourinho at the Mancs, Leicester improving, Klopp improving that Liverpool side, West Ham at a new stadium, Tottenham improving and Southampton aswell, Arsenal are going to find it very difficult but signing Granit Xhaka is a good start.

silvacrest3041d ago

Sorry but gotta agree with Deadpooled pretty much 100%, arsenal had their best chance in years, the usual title challengers were just all over the place, arsenal looked good until the season was coming to its end, even managed to get points from Leicester but to little to late.

The worst part is all the top teams will either get a new world class manager or new players or even both, arsenal are notorious for not spending big so who knows

PX543040d ago

@silvacrest - Arsenal may not have spend big in recent years but even with that they've always qualified for the group stages of the Champions League. Plus the main reason they've not spent big money is because they've been paying off their stadium - now that's all done, they've remained solvent, kept a fairly high standard and as I said consistently qualified for the CL. Plus given Leicester's success this season, it's proof you don't need to spend huge amounts of money. You just need players willing to work, and the right tactics. Top PL teams need to work on destroying big Egos while keeping confidence up.

game4funz3041d ago

There are. You gotta find them. When you're used to playing quality games instead of the repetitive crap like cod or assassin's Creed then you find them.

Germaximus3041d ago

Yet you didn't name a single one?

Bansai3041d ago

Witcher 3, GTA, Red Dead Redemption... some Zelda games, so yeah, there definitely are.

ThePope3041d ago (Edited 3041d ago )

Alien Isolation, SSOD, Ratchet and Clank, Mass Effect, Skyrim. I can go on.

UC4 is a great game but it is FAR from the pinnacle of gaming. Other games outshine it thoroughly...no matter what metacritic says on the subject.

game4funz3041d ago

Don't need to name them. Everyone will have their own lists. Go find yours, unless. Uncharted is the only high caliber game to you. But for me there's many more.

The idea that uncharted is the only high caliber game out there is retarded. It's like saying there's only one super realistic painting out there. No. There are many more.

Dario_DC3040d ago (Edited 3040d ago )

Witcher 3 was a buggy mess at launch! People REALLY have a short memory! The horse was broken, bugs gallore, crappy/slow/clunky combat still needs to be fixed, horrible texture streaming, frame-rate on consoles. etc etc. Got better with patching but let's not forget how it came out!
Skyrim is still a buggy mess after all these years! I don't know how can some of you forget these things so quick...

Imalwaysright3040d ago

This year I played Pillars of Eternity, Dark Souls 3 and I'm currently playing Banner Saga. To me they are all better than Uncharted 4.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3040d ago
_-EDMIX-_3041d ago

" instead of the repetitive crap like cod or assassin's Creed then you find them"

Sorry but, even though many regard those games as lessor, the reality is...those games are still releasing most times with very high quality that can only be done by a deeply funded game.

I don't even play AC or COD, but I still recognize that those games are maintaining a certain level of quality if they are still actually moving units.

When games lower quality, they lose sales ,regardless of IP. I agree, we do have quality games, but quality like Uncharted 4, is unheard of. Its NOT the game one should be using as an example as how the WHOLE industry must be as I feel its an extremely high and a unrealistic standard.

Exacept that Uncharted 4 is the Citizen Kane of gaming.

Its not something that ALLLLLLLL games will be. As ALL FILMS are not Citizen Kane level....

IamTylerDurden13041d ago

A game is only as good as the ppl that make it. Naughty Dog is in a league of their own, but Horizon looks close to Uncharted quality.

Majin-vegeta3041d ago

Horizon has thst."Wow how the hell hasn't anyone tried something like this effect".

_-EDMIX-_3041d ago

" but Horizon looks close to Uncharted quality" in graphics, of course. They are working on 1 platform so can focus on quality, but in regards to the game ,story etc we'll have to wait and see.

Consider if you look at Heavenly Sword, does it not "look" like God Of War quality? Yet how it played clearly determined its future. I'mg getting Horizon Zero Dawn day 1 as I've bought all GG games day 1 since Killzone 2, but nothing in life is guaranteed, it could be bad and we just don't know it yet.

WeAreLegion3041d ago

Heavenly Sword was an excellent title. It did have a bit too much input lag for most people, but it was enjoyable, regardless.

_-EDMIX-_3041d ago

@WeAre- Its not bad, but clearly it wasn't God Of War. My point is merely it didn't have the traction that many might have thought it would have.

gtxgamer23041d ago

Naughty Dog and Rockstar are the best

Majin-vegeta3041d ago

R* Last good quality game was RDR.GTA 4&5 were utter trash.

Mr-Dude3041d ago (Edited 3041d ago )

Gta 4 I kinda liked, but Gta V wasn't my cup of tea. RDR that was a awesome game.

Livecustoms3041d ago

'Utter trash' ? are you a fool

objdadon3041d ago

Didn't really care for gta 4 but 5 was a monster!

Yui_Suzumiya3041d ago

I think you meant all GTA are crap. RDR was awesome though.

DragonDDark3041d ago

You're over exaggerating lol

_-EDMIX-_3041d ago

"utter trash" lolz, that was full of exaggeration bud...

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3041d ago
Wallstreet373041d ago (Edited 3041d ago )

Yeah i would put Rockstar up there given the sheer scope of their games and the amount of detail. I hated gta4 but enjoyed 5 but both did open world better than everyone else.

Naughty dog are my top devs bcus of so many things, not just graphics but solid gameplay, animations, variety of ips, new ips, and out of a sea of games with mp not working day one ND games tend to have good mp aspects working good out the gate!

_-EDMIX-_3041d ago (Edited 3041d ago )

"I hated gta4 but enjoyed 5 but both did open world better than everyone else" Agreed.

I personally want them to continue to progress and want the next GTA to focus on density vs wide, vast emptiness.

I want GTAVI to be more then just a bigger, better looking GTA, I want it to be a naturally progressive GTA...

I want 80% interiors....seamless lol Even if it means a smaller GTA.

I want to do something different in GTA that lends to the core concepts of GTA vs just more of the same, but bigger.

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RaidenBlack211d ago

to reiterate, this is just a hobby project by a single developer

isarai211d ago

As a one man project this is awesome as hell!

210d ago
lellkay210d ago

Impressive considering its a one man effort!

Nacho_Z210d ago

Nate looks like he's been charting the lost city of Marijuana.

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Crows90313d ago (Edited 313d ago )

The best games of their generation too. Its incredible how great most if not all of playstations games are. Whether you like the stories or not you cant deny the quality of each title.

Hated tlou part 2. But im going to buy it when it is cheap enough because i want to play the remastered content for $10 extra dollars. Theyre adding a roguelike mode...thats going to be fun!

313d ago