
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutants in Manhattan arrives

Neil writes "The Turtles are back and once again they're fighting off the mutants of Manhattan - just this time they've got the power of PlatinumGames behind them!"

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3047d ago Replies(1)
Link2DaFutcha3047d ago

Got my copy coming in tomorrow, I'm super excited

jer11223047d ago (Edited 3047d ago )

Might want to rethink it. Bought it last night beat it in 4 hours on hard. I love Transformers game they did this game is a solid 6. It's pretty shallow combat which is ok. Levels are pretty repetitive and look similar. This game is a rental at Best save yourself some money and wait for a sale

link2Dpast3047d ago

Thanks for that, was on the fence about it. Haven't really heard nothing about the game, just remember seeing it months ago and relized it released now. Kinda sucks it wasent what I thought it would be, hoping for a turtle in time experience but like you I usually play in hard mode all my games and you beat it that fast, bumber

Link2DaFutcha3047d ago

Got it for ~35 with amazon discounts and the such, so not really worried, looking forward to playing with my little bro. Wasn't expecting anything too long, and with doom and uncharted and far harbor and blood and wine my gaming plate is pretty full anyway, haha.

link2Dpast3047d ago

On the fence, haven't seen anything about it. If you don't k ow about it , you wouldn't even know it exists

ShadowKnight3047d ago

I can confirm the game is really short.

Link2DaFutcha3047d ago

Not really related to the comment, but wanted to point out our names, a+ But yeah, marketing hasn't been through the roof. I just got into the original comics, so i'm excited to see what the game is all about and what they do combat wise.

link2Dpast3047d ago

Lol was gonna say the samething about the screen names. Long live RETRO!!

Darkfist3047d ago

any reviews? just saw gameplay the fact that you need to have all 4 turtles even in solo or 2 co-op break it for me.

anast837d ago

It's sad this comic book turned tabletop roleplaying game never got a good video game.


Is Platinum Games Losing its Sheen?

After the cancellation of Scalebound, Platinum Games seems doomed to collapse. But can they find retribution on the horizon?

Hendog19812786d ago

It's what happens when you stretch yourself too thin.

2784d ago
_-EDMIX-_2784d ago

Absolutely agreed even though I really like Platinum Games I always felt they were hit or miss don't get me wrong Bayonetta and Vanquish are amazing titles the same with wonderful 101 but anything other than that has always been very questionable by them and I believe they had a huge consistency problem.

I'm happy that Nier feels like one of those amazing top games by this team, but I also worry because to my understanding that games development was literally split from the team that was creating the specific story and RPG elements to platinumgames Joseph physically creating the gameplay so it definitely makes me wonder if their team is just drawn too thin.

Right now I'm literally questioning how Nier would have turned out if just Platinum Games was simply working on it and none of the staff from Square Enix

Maybe them simply focused on creating 1 aspect of that game is why it was able to turn out so well in terms of how it feels.

Even though it's pretty easy to blame Microsoft in regards to the cancellation of scalebound if you consider they could have simply put in another team to assist them through the development but at the end of the day they still also contracted this team to do something in the first place.

That's basically like getting mad at a team for struggling to build your kitchen yet paying more money to another team to help the other team to build your kitchen.

I mean the way I see it is Microsoft really shouldn't have to do that if they had a very clear and honest deal with Platinum Games for them to create something for them.

I worry about this company's future because of all the bad releases they've had in the past as of right now the last great game I even remember from this team is probably Bayonetta 2.

showtimefolks2784d ago

I think they need to work on less projects and focus on better and more quality products

Gaming_Cousin2784d ago

I wouldn't want to develop for a company that treats me harshly

2784d ago Replies(8)
2784d ago Replies(4)
Fishy Fingers2784d ago

'Doomed to collapse'.

Haha. Much drama... they expect people to read this s***?

343_Guilty_Spark2784d ago

Depends on who they are working with.

never4get2784d ago

True, Epic Games #EPICFAIL #UE4RETAREDSLOW #EPICCEOLOVESMOBILE. KH0.2 can't even run 1080p60 on PS4PRO.

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Activision Pulls TMNT, Fast & Furious Games from Digital Marketplaces

Activision has pulled five games from digital storefronts, including a pair of Spider-Man games, a pair of TMNT games, and a Fast & Furious game.

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lodossrage2822d ago

Since it's not just Spider-man, it may not be a simple case of franchise rights moving to another publisher. Fast and the Furious and TMNT aren't owned by Marvel/ Disney.

Activision may simply be trying to push away from licensed franchise products

gamer78042822d ago (Edited 2822d ago )

also the 2 worst ninja turtles games ever made, the recent nickelodeon games, atleast those had some of the charm of the tv series and old style tmnt games.

Cmv382822d ago

Spider man taking down because of the new one. These taken down because they are utter garbage.

lodossrage2822d ago

Spider-man isn't being taken down because of the new one coming up. It's being taken down because just like TMNT and Fast & Furious, they are no longer willing to pay the digital licenses on most of their franchise products.

SirCharles2822d ago

And nothing of value was lost

2822d ago
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