
Battlefleet Gothic: Armada review - ChristCenteredGamer

Ultimately, this game delivers pretty much what one would expect from a Warhammer 40,000 property and veterans of tabletop Battlefleet Gothic will find this game very familiar. There's plenty to do with all the game modes and available factions so replay value is good. For people who are interested in the tactics and complexities of a three dimensional space combat game this one won't satisfy, but for 40K enthusiasts this title is a must have.

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Alexious2958d ago

I'm not fond of RTS games but I love the fact that they are making so many Warhammer 40K titles!


Games Workshop's 'Skulls for the Skull Throne' event is live

Games Workshop’s ‘Skulls for the Skull Throne’ event is live, a weekend-long event. during which time games from the Warhammer 40,000 universe are enjoying time-limited discount offers on Steam. …

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Wccftech's Best Strategy Games of 2016 - A Golden Year for Strategy

Almost instantly it’s easy to notice just how good the year has been for the genre. I wouldn’t be overstating things to say that has been the strongest year in history for strategy games. Each and every month a great game was released and even consoles and mobiles were able to make headway. Most of all, one the best strategy games ever was released this year and even that faced stiff competition.

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ccgr2731d ago

Haven't played many strategy games this year, thanks for the suggestions!

WellyUK2729d ago

Warhammer is good but the Total War series is miles better when its historic.