
Naughty Dog: After Uncharted, Return to Crash Bandicoot

Naughty Dog should go back to one of its first hit classics - Crash Bandicoot. Which games in the series should they go back to?

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-Foxtrot2996d ago

It would be nice. They have two teams now so if one does something realistic like the Last of Us while the second does fun, colourful platforming games then it could work and help keep each release feel fresh.

Hell you could incorporate a Crash Bash styled multiplayer to Crash if they wanted.

Austin482996d ago

U lost me at multiplayer lol.

-Foxtrot2996d ago

Obviously not played Crash Bash. Its not a shooting game, just a collection of mini games. Online would be fantastic

naruga2996d ago (Edited 2996d ago )

@ Austin ..agreed..@foxtrot wut? Crash bash had no relation in quality with its previous entries ..it was a bit fun but mediocre game generally

-Foxtrot2996d ago


What? Crash Bash was great. Not like the others but fun

battlegrog2996d ago

Dude Crash bash was very fun. Had pretty similar elements to mario kart.

DarkOcelet2996d ago


Crash Bash was amazing. I cant believe people hated that game. This was my most played Crash game ever even though i loved every other Crash game on PS1 more than it.

Davi1232990d ago


Mario Kart? I think you are confusing Crash CRT with Crash Bash.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2990d ago
JEECE2996d ago

I was under the impression that with all the shakeup that happened during 2014-2015ish (Amy Henning and all those people leaving), they had moved away from the two team structure. Hopefully I am wrong though and they already have a team knee deep in a new IP or Last of Us 2.

2995d ago
deaddragonz2995d ago

I wad under the impression they moved back to a single team after Uncharted 3 and The Last of Us too.

zeuanimals2995d ago

They only have two teams when their workload allows it. And I'm pretty sure it's not like they have equal amounts of devs on each game. The first people to stop working on Uncharted 3 to work on TLOU instead were probably the creatives while the people working on tech were wrapping up Uncharted. Right now, I don't think they have another directing team to work on a new game like they did when Amy Hennig and Justin Richmond were there, but I don't actually know the team's structure, so maybe they could. But I doubt we're gonna get a game in 2 years like we did between Uncharted 3 and TLOU. Development for the PS4 seems like a different beast.

scark922996d ago

Am I the only person here who enjoyed Crash Bash? haha

I agree, it is about time a new Crash comes out and if anyone can make it good, it is ND

DaDrunkenJester2996d ago

I hope they go back to colorful games... I like UC because it was a fun game, but they added too much TLoU in UC4 and I didn't like it.

Sparta072996d ago (Edited 2996d ago )

@ jester, 10 million people disagree with you. And that's just TLOU sales.

Do troll every Sony article? My lord man take a break

Sparta072996d ago (Edited 2996d ago )

Let ND do a new ip now that they finished with uncharted. Crash could be made by another studio. ND ain't going back to crash, they moved on.

OrangePowerz2996d ago (Edited 2996d ago )

I think they have outgrown Crash Bandicoot. As much fun as Crash is, for ND that would be a side project because if you change a lot it's not really crash anymore and to keep it like it is with updated graphics could be done by another studio.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2990d ago
Herbalistic2996d ago

ND aren't into creating games like Crash anymore

Thatguy-3102996d ago

I agree. They've outgrown those type of games. Don't necessarily think they want to either.

TRS_Gear2996d ago

This was my exact thoughts when clicking on this article.

ND is now in the business of making epic masterpieces. A game like crash would be greatly under-utilizing their talents and expertise.

While I have always loved Crash games, you can't exactly say it was because of the bone chilling story telling.

Imalwaysright2996d ago (Edited 2995d ago )

Why can't platformers be epic masterpieces?

garrettbobbyferguson2996d ago

"Business of making epic masterpieces"

Did you imply the Crash series isn't amazing? Please. Crash Bandicoot > generic action adventure game.

Utalkin2me2995d ago

Wow, thats kind of being short sighted. It's obvious anything ND does they do it well and best to their ability. So creating a Crash, would by far be better off in their hands then letting some other Dev do it. They would make sure the reboot was done properly and fits the new generation of platforming and more then likely add story telling in a manner such as Ratchet in clank.

Davi1232990d ago

Looks like you don't believe very much in their talent and expertise.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2990d ago
DaDrunkenJester2996d ago

And that bums me out... I'm not liking that they are going all serious tone now. I didn't like what they did in UC4, Uncharted us to be fun...

OrangePowerz2996d ago

I don't really think the tone is that different. All previous UC games had plenty of more serious portions. There are still a lot of fun parts in the game that make me laugh.

Picnic2995d ago (Edited 2995d ago )

UC4 is fun when the sun is shining in a level, which is quite a lot of them.

Imalwaysright2996d ago

True and Sony doesn't own the IP.

Testfire2995d ago

It would be a serious waste of talent if ND made another cartoon style game. With masterpieces like TLOU and Uncharted people really want them to do a Crash or J & D game? Let another Sony studio do those, besides the talent at ND isn't geared towards those games anymore.

Fin_The_Human2995d ago (Edited 2995d ago )

Yup the concept art that was shown for Jak and Daxter were so completely different and relastic that Jax almost looked human than an Alien.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2990d ago
DarXyde2996d ago

Sounds like they want to keep the simplicity. I'm all for the revival of Crash, but it really seems off course for modern day Naughty Dog. Just feels like a step backwards. They've moved past Crash and I, personally, see it as underutilizing their current prowess.

The fact is, Naughty Dog is doing astonishing work as is. They have shown a very powerful talent doing what they do now. Sony has plenty of other studios that are up to the task. Heck, why not tap a long time partner like Insomniac to handle it?

Then there's the matter of simplicity as the author suggests. I actually worry that if the mechanics are too simple (as they were back then) it wouldn't do well by modern standards. It'd have to do something cool to make it successful. I wouldn't mind Naughty Dog acting as a consulting figure to pitch ideas to the developing studio, but having them make it? No doubt it'd be great, but again, just feels like a waste.

To put it into PlayStation terms, it would be like playing God of War II with the Blade of Olympus on the easiest difficulty. Perceivable overkill.

Utalkin2me2995d ago

Thats the exact reason why i think ND would be good for a reboot. Seems ND loves trying to challenge themselves and this is why they put out some of the best games. Whats more challenging then bringing Crash to the new generation and adapting a way they tell a story and set pieces to crash. Like Insomniac does with Ratchet n Clank, but x10.

I feel most dev's that would do it, will try to keep the nostalgia feel and look and not try anything new cause it's "crash". But i think ND would take risk and push the envelope, but keep the core of the game.

AnubisG2995d ago (Edited 2995d ago )

I think the main problem here with you DarXyde is your lack of faith in ND and your lack of imagination on in what could be done with a reimagined Crash Bandicoot by it's own creators.

I find this disturbing (with Darth Vader voice)

2995d ago
DarXyde2995d ago

It's not at all a lack of faith. I don't think you get what I'm saying.

I'm saying they've proven that they can do things much, much bigger than Crash. It'd be wasteful of their talents in my opinion. If they did a Crash game, I think they'd knock it out of the park as they're ones to do. As I said, perceivable overkill.

They very likely don't want to be pressured into doing another Crash and Sony very likely wouldn't force them because they're such an incredible studio. Crash simply wouldn't have the narrative Naughty Dog is known for nowadays.

They're a very different studio today than they were about 20 years ago. They COULD make a great Crash game, but I'd rather someone else do it.

AnubisG2995d ago

You still don't get it.

They were limited on PS1 to that architecture. The PS4 is so much more powerful and they can do so mich with Crash. Again, you have no imagination my man.

DigitalRaptor2996d ago

Naughty Dog ain't going back. They just ain't.

This is going to be produced by them at the very most, with a developer like Sanzaru being contracted for it.

JEECE2996d ago

Seriously. We will only get a limited number of games from them, and I want to see them do Last of Us 2 or a new IP. Have 4-5 people from ND work with someone like Sanzaru or Ready at Dawn (Yes Order wasn't good, but they have done well with other devs' IPs) on Crash, but ND shouldn't spend their resources on this.

Davi1232990d ago

Now i get why so many people don't like the possibilty of be ND do it!
If ND do the new Crash.
I think everyone will feel shame when the first trailer of the new Crash appear.
Because all of you will recognize, that didn't believed so much in the talent of ND, as many say.

Austin482996d ago

The last of us 2 with a amazing story and another new ip with a amazing story they tell the best stories bring it on ND

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Sea of Thieves Developer Rare Now Has a Dedicated Doggo Park

Rare, the developer behind pirate adventure Sea of Thieves, has introduced a dedicated dog park to its studio grounds for employees' good boys and girls.

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CrimsonWing691d 7h ago

Is the industry hurting for money or not?

Hofstaderman1d 6h ago

They belong to XBOX. Its a dog's life....

Chocoburger1d 7h ago

Nice thing they did, but not actually gaming related, not sure why this article was approved. Also strange informing us what game Rare worked on, as if we don't know their legacy.

Tacoboto1d 6h ago

Sorry you hate dog news - here's a game-related headline for you, the latest: "Deathsprint 66 is a hyperviolent freerunner that proves game journos suck at games | Video Gamer"

Yeah we need more headlines like *that* on this site, instead of news about a studio's employee perks.

GaboonViper1d 6h ago

Its actually nice to see a story like this instead of the usual doom and gloom but people still moan, anyhow hope these beautiful doggos have a great life.

1d 6h ago
GaboonViper1d 6h ago

Really nice story, kudos to Rare.

Mulletino13h ago

I went to look at new apartments and saw only dog parks, no kid parks. We're so screwed.


Concept Art For Bluepoint's Next Game Spotted In PlayStation Tour Video

A new PlayStation Malaysia tour video shows what looks to be concept art for Bluepoint's next game.

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phoenixwing1d 10h ago

Damn was hoping for a fantasy setting. Looks futuristic

jznrpg1d 8h ago (Edited 1d 8h ago )

I think that’s a screensaver if you look to the right it looks more like a fantasy game and so does the concept art leaked earlier. Who knows though

phoenixwing10h ago

Unless that structure/pillar thingy in the right picture is long forgotten technology it's futuristic.

Name Last Name1d 9h ago (Edited 1d 9h ago )

Another shooter? Yawn. Thought the prevous concept looked more fantasy.

just_looken19h ago

With there same look on the right a arena setting this might be live service game #5 from sony

So a live service shooter like concord.....

StormSnooper19h ago

It looks like a fantasy game on the right screen. You are looking at a screensaver.

Goodguy011d 9h ago

Been looking forward to what they have next. Looks interesting.

Eonjay1d 9h ago

Really excited to see them release an original IP

GaboonViper1d 6h ago

Looks like my dream of them remaking Metal Gear Solid is over, still cant wait to see what they are cooking up.

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World of Warcraft developers form wall-to-wall union at Blizzard Entertainment

The new unit comprises over 500 developers representing the entire World of Warcraft development team.

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2d ago
XiNatsuDragnel1d 19h ago

Unions in gaming are necessary fr fr

montebristo1d 8h ago

I used to be anti-union, it kills productivity, investment and turns product mediocre. Their games suck anyways though so what was lost? Might as well get their people paid until they are dissolved.

shinoff21831d 7h ago

Unions are necessary regardless of how you feel. You know how fked the working class would be without them. As if we're not already.

montebristo1d 7h ago

No they aren’t, regardless of how you feel. Unions make zero sense for skill based labor. They are for people who press a button every 10 seconds on an assembly line. “working class” is a made up term. I don’t care about corporations or developers, I just want good games lol. Killing your incentives to appease the lowest common denominator doesn’t lead to great games imo

montebristo1d 1h ago (Edited 1d 1h ago )

I wasn’t trying to be offensive if I came off that way. The Union is an old mentality and I can see their usefulness but also the danger. We’re in the age of AI and robots and skill based labor. Unions can be dangerous these days. You could replace your entire workforce in one move. Checkmate. Look to the kiosk replacing workers in the 20 dollar minimum wage era.

Well run businesses don’t need unions. If you need a Union that business won’t survive anyway. Unless it’s propped up by the government with corporate welfare (which is the real issue). If you’re not going to spend some on your workers (Amazon, Google) then your welfare is cut off. No tax breaks. All you put together don’t match their wealth and resources, the union is a traditional memory at this point and counterproductive with this new enemy we face. They need a flying elbow from the top ropes. And by “working class is a made up term” I just mean we’re not a class system and even CEO Bobby Kotick puts in a days work lol. Or did.. It’s just a vague term that doesn’t mean anything no offense lol. People say “middle class” but that can change quick right? Up or down. That’s not a “class system”.