
NVIDIA GTX1080 Officially Announced, Faster Than Two GTX980s In SLI & The Titan X

NVIDIA has officially revealed the GTX1080. According to the company, the GeForce GTX 1080 features Pascal architecture, 16nm Finfet, GDDR5X, a beautiful design, and new graphics tech. What’s really interesting here is that NVIDIA claimed that the GTX1080 is faster than two GTX980 in SLI and faster than the Titan X.

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tapmybuttons3002d ago

Should finally be able to play @ 3440x1440 60fps with a single gpu. Look forward to AMD Polaris reveal hopefully before E3.

ShadowKnight3002d ago (Edited 3002d ago )

Yes!!! I'll be upgrading my GPU next month. Still curious about AMD Polaris though. So I might wait to compare the specs even though I always go with Nvidia . I have a feeling that AMD might release their HBM2 memory first . I believe AMD conference meeting is on May 31. I don't know about you guys but I'm really interested in HBM2


_-EDMIX-_3002d ago

Jealous! I might consider this for my next build.

tapmybuttons3002d ago

Cool cant wait for the conference. Same HBM2 seems quite interesting. Really excited to see what AMD brings to the table, the 400 series is finally meant to be power efficient. As a owner of a R9 280 I must say I haven't experienced any of the stereotypes and the Crimson drivers haven't been bad. Also as of lately they have been punctual with driver support. If the GTX 1060 is a decent price might get that but at the same time wouldn't mind going back to AMD. Nonetheless great time to be in the market for an upgrade :)

babadivad3002d ago (Edited 3002d ago )

Polaris us a mid-range GPU. You will have ti wait until Vega in 2017 for a response to this from AMD.

Why am I getting so many disagrees. If some of you did some research you would know this was true. Polaris is aimed a the mid-range. Vega is the flagship and it isn't launching until Q1 2017.

ravinash3002d ago

This is great timing for me.
My PC is about 7 years old and dying a slow death with windows 10 needing drivers from companies that don't exist anymore.
Guess I'll get a new motherboard and processor this month and a new graphics card next month... happy days!

fr0sty3002d ago

@tap, why such an odd resolution? 4K (the home variant) is 3840x2160, aka 2160p

SonyWarrior3002d ago

amd is always behind nvidia...... ill never buy a amd processor EVER again

RedDevils3002d ago

@SonyWarrior you're such an ignorant Nvidia fanboy.

VJGenova3002d ago

Frosty, 3440 x 1440 is an ultra wide resolution that many UHD monitors have. Ever notice the black bars on 4k movies? Imagine no black bars. Also, it is more likely that these new games will run at 60 fps with the 1080 at this resolution than at 3840 x 2160. It is a good in between resolution.

TheCommentator3002d ago (Edited 3002d ago )

Ironically, Sony Warrior, the PS4 has an AMD GPU in it... and to add insult to injury the GTX 1080 still doesn't support FL12.0 because it has no ACEs. Nvidia is actually falling behind the curve as of late.

Tap My Buttons, if you do invest in a GTX1080, you'll be able to use DX12's Explicit Multi Adapter to run a new AMD card (like Polaris or Vega) right along with it and get both FL12.0 and FL12.1 processing in one rig.

TheCommentator3001d ago

Lol. Disagrees for stating the facts.

forager3001d ago

Wait isn't Polaris targeting the "lower end - mid range" gpu? For example, trying to replace a r9 390 with a cheaper more energy efficient card? I haven't heard news on the $300-$700 end spectrum? Anyone else? Still excited though:)

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 3001d ago
SniperControl3002d ago

Damn, bought a 980ti a few months ago as i thought the new pascal cards would be around £700-800 on release, but jeez £500 is what i nearly paid for the 980ti.
Anybody want a slighty used 980ti?

Ipunchbabiesforfun3002d ago

If it's EVGA you have 90 days

antikbaka3002d ago

don't hurry and wait for independent reviews based on actual gameplay.

ShadowKnight3002d ago (Edited 3002d ago )

@Edmix I had my GTX 980 since release date and it's time for a new GPU especially for 4K and VR. Does the pascal architecture have async compute at hardware level?

Xristo3002d ago

On my Acer X34 Predator, I maintain 60+ on most games with a single 980ti. Witcher 3 does dip into the 40s however, Gsync makes up for any sub-60fps dips. This 1080 should ensure that even THAT game stays above 60fps. I'll sell my 980ti when the non-reference 1080ti cards are released. Until then, a single 980ti on a 3440x1440p (w/gysnc/freesync) monitor is easily good enough for most games at max.

ShadowKnight3002d ago (Edited 3002d ago )

I love how the Acer Predator PC looks

tapmybuttons3002d ago

If the GTX 1080 can play Witcher 3 on ultra at 60fps 3440x1440 that would be the deciding factor for me.

starchild3002d ago (Edited 3002d ago )

Yep, Gsync is awesome. I have a 1440p Gsync monitor and even my overclocked GTX 970 drives it fairly well. Actual framerates depend on the game of course, but even the most demanding games generally stay above 30fps. Most run much higher than that. Either way, it all stays consistently smooth.

The reason I am still going to get either a GTX 1070 or a GTX 1080 is because I am an enthusiast gamer and I can. Specifically, though, I want to be able to run high levels of downsampling (DSR) to get super clean image quality while simultaneously achieving higher framerates. My monitor refreshes up to 144hz, so I'd like to utilize more of that high framerate ceiling. The faster the framerate is the better the controller response and visual feedback are, and movement looks more liquid smooth and natural.

Meltic3002d ago

Ahh so Will My 980 ti be useless next year for 1080p Max settings for gaming ? Thats enough for me :/

VJGenova3002d ago

You will be fine. These cards are for 1440p, 1600p and 2160p. No need to upgrade unless you want to push the higher resolutions.

OverdosedWitDopeness3002d ago

You should be good at 1440p max @60fps with that card for at least the next 2-3 years

R6ex3002d ago

You're good for next year (though newest, unoptimized DX12 titles may dip below 60fps) if 40+, 50+ fps is fine by you for future titles (I need at least 40fps to prevent headache). I held off the 980Ti purchase for 6 months to wait for the 1080. Yesterday's reveal was my happiest day this year!

Mega243002d ago

I think AMD will announce the new GPU's at PC Gamer's event. Like they did last year with the Fury X last year.

R6ex3002d ago (Edited 3002d ago )

Not for demanding titles though. Try ROTTR at max. settings. Not possible.
Also, Polaris will not challenge Pascal for 2016.

GreenUp3001d ago

Can't wait to play 60+ fps in Dying Light. It bogs town under 50 sometimes and will be noticeable at times.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3001d ago
ABBAJESUS3002d ago

Perfect timing indeed! Should run every VR-game maxed out with no problems!

_-EDMIX-_3002d ago

Lol pretty sure games are Developer dependent so you don't actually know that for a fact

_-EDMIX-_3002d ago

@nowit- I'm not sure why you're predicting that this GPU will max out all the VR games for Life there is a very obvious reason why I'm stating this.

LOL unless you know every game that's going to release for life I'm pretty positive you could never really definitively say a GPU will max out every game. (Regardless of console or PC)

In the fast paced moving world of technology.......for now

nowitzki20043002d ago (Edited 3001d ago )


one of these and 4k monitor upgrade. Will run me about a grand to upgrade those 2 parts.

ShadowKnight3002d ago (Edited 3002d ago )

@nowitzkit2004 these new cards should be able to do 4K 60fps huh? They said it's more powerful than two gtx 980s in SLI. I would be a little disappointed if it can't do that. I don't wanna wait for the TI version. Btw my gtx 980 is aging lol and I'm ready for 4K and VR in High settings.

starchild3002d ago


I think he might have meant that he is getting a 4k monitor before VR and is just excited to get one of the new cards to drive it.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3002d ago
3002d ago Replies(2)
NotEvenMyFinalForm3002d ago (Edited 3002d ago )

I wonder how these new cards will compare to AMD's high-end Polaris. Those benchmarks will be interesting.

Ashlen3002d ago (Edited 3001d ago )

Yea, I'm in the process of preparing to build a new computer. I'd really like to build an AMD computer again. My last two have been Intel/Nvidia. But if these reports are accurate I may end up just buying another Nvidia card.

3001d ago
DivineHand1253001d ago

I don't think we will be seeing a high end Polaris GPU this year unfortunately.

dRanzer3002d ago

How much you guys think it will cost?

chadwarden3002d ago

Try reading the article maybe?

nowitzki20043002d ago

$599 and $699

Im getting one, cant wait.

_-EDMIX-_3002d ago

That's a decent price I was thinking it was going to be over a $1k.

freshslicepizza3002d ago

these will be super popular at those prices. awesome time for me to upgrade later this year.

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The Pokemon Company Had Retail Sales Worth $10.8 Billion In 2023

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gold_drake11h ago

that merch tho.

ridiculous the numbers they pull in, which makes it even worse when i think about the low budget broken games they make. or have made recently

-Foxtrot2h ago

We’re never getting an amazing mainline Pokémon game again are we

phoenixwing2h ago

Of course not. That's why I have tem tem because even if it's not the greatest I at least know the indie dev was trying

ZeekQuattro2h ago

Great plug for Tem Tem right there. It's not the greatest but at least they tried.... 🤣

phoenixwing33m ago

@zeek that's right it's as good or better than a pokemon game but they didn't have access to pokemon game money. So it's more of a stain on pokemon company to be in the same ballpark as them

Inverno25m ago

It's time we admit that they were never really that amazing to begin with. The games have never quite reach the same level of awesomeness as the anime. Look at the last few seasons we got to wrap up Ash's adventure, and the new series. 4 lazy Switch games and a remake which was so low effort that you wouldn't be able to tell it's a remake if your weren't told beforehand. The concept of Pokemon will always be awesome, but man the games absolutely suck.


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