
Is Overwatch Blizzard's Next Big Hit?

Poli games host Joseph, gives his first impressions of Overwatch. Blizzard's first attempt at a first-person shooter. Blizzard is known for their series like World of Warcraft, Starcraft, Diablo, Heroes of the Storm, and Hearthstone. Will this game be Blizzard's next big IP?

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Poli_Games3004d ago

How is everyone enjoying the Overwatch Beta so far? I'm loving it! Right now my favorite character has to be Junkrat, because i'm a terrible person. Who's you're favorite character, if you have one?

DiscoKid3004d ago

It's a tie between Mercy and Symmetra. I really love supporting. I say the game is really solid right now; I don't even play FPS games, but I just love this game.

Poli_Games3004d ago

Same! This game has made tanking and healing actually fun! I'm having a blast so far!

Perjoss3003d ago

I've been super excited sine they announced it at Blizzcon 2014 and got to play it for the first time last night and its even better than I expected. Mercy is by far my fav as I've been playing healer types in every game that gives me that option for about 10 years now :)

xfiles20993003d ago

I hate it glad there was a beta saved me money not my type of game

Ricegum3003d ago

Wouldn't you have realised that by seeing the teasers and trailers etc? It was pretty clear how the game was going to play.

Bluemaster773003d ago

This game is pretty awesome. I had no idea I'd like it so much. Genji??(The Ninja), And the Guy who looks like Erron Black are currently my favorites.

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Kalebninja3003d ago

The game's a lot more addicting than I thought it would be, I'm hooked.

Poli_Games3003d ago

Yeah, i've been playing an unhealthy amount! Do you have a favorite character?

Kalebninja3003d ago

Still getting use to everything but right now my main Bastion, I've been dominating with him.

Tripl3seis3003d ago (Edited 3003d ago )

The beta is pretty awesome so far my favorite characters are phara and tracer but I'm willing to try other characters loving it so far.

pompombrum3003d ago (Edited 3003d ago )

I hope it's the next big thing, watching the story of overwatch on the gamespot youtube channel, it's refreshing to see that their inspiration for Overwatch was games like Half Life DM, Action Quake, Team Fortress. For me, the fun element seems to have gone from most FPS games nowadays, it's all about stroking that k/d e-peen, for something like Overwatch to come around where it's literally 100% teamwork based, is such a welcomed change, it'll definitely be in my rotation of games that I frequently play that's for sure.

Poli_Games3003d ago

Totally agree with you! There are some characters, like Parah, that make me feel like im playing doom or quake, and then Junkrat makes it feel a bit more like Team Fortress. Ugh this game is so great, why am i here?! Im going back to playing it now! xD

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gold_drake9h ago

that merch tho.

ridiculous the numbers they pull in, which makes it even worse when i think about the low budget broken games they make. or have made recently

-Foxtrot50m ago

We’re never getting an amazing mainline Pokémon game again are we

phoenixwing40m ago

Of course not. That's why I have tem tem because even if it's not the greatest I at least know the indie dev was trying


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VersusDMC4h ago

Love me some third person action games.
Reminds me that Black myth is weeks away...