
Ranking the Call of Duty Co-op Modes

With the official unveiling of the next Call of Duty title, it has been confirmed that Infinite Warfare will include a Zombies co-op mode. Cooperative modes have been a staple of the Call of Duty f…

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Call of Duty VR Games - Will They Ever Happen?

The VR industry has long awaited sign of true Call of Duty VR games, but will it ever happen? And does it need to happen?

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crazyCoconuts457d ago

I don't think it's in Activision's DNA to stick their neck out on something like this unfortunately. They've got a surefire winner with COD so why risk a winning formula.
fwiw, Firewall Zero Hour was more fun than COD for me, but obviously didn't have the same user base and budget
I wonder hypothetically if a non-VR COD style game were to integrate VR players, could you even balance such a thing out. I'm guessing no.

TheEnigma313457d ago

No it won't. They are lazy and people will buy anyways

ApocalypseShadow456d ago

Highly unlikely at the moment. Executives are more concerned with being bought by Daddy Warbucks and golden parachutes than moving VR forward. They had a chance last gen but released a spaceship, combat demo instead. COD would increase VR awareness but if they were bought, the same thing that happened to other developers under Microsoft would happen to them.

Just consider, before being bought by Microsoft, Bethesda had Skyrim and Wolfenstein Cyber pilot. Ninja Theory had Hell Blade, Dexed and helped with Vader Immortal. Inxile had Mage's Tale. Double Fine had Psychonauts. ID Software had Doom VFR and Doom 3. Compulsion had We Happy Few: Uncle Jack Live.

Ever since the purchase of those developers, zero VR games announced or released. And since Microsoft continues to shun VR, Activision games like COD wouldn't have VR either under them.

Firewall, Crossfire, Pavlov, and whoever else makes an FPS game in VR, will have to do for the time being. Maybe Sony will make one like Killzone or Resistance in VR. Also surprised that Valve didn't put Counterstrike in VR.

poppatron456d ago

I think the experience would be so different to traditional CoD and share so little with it that there would be no point in pinning the CoD label on it. I think Pavlov is about as close as you’ll get


MW2 Season 3 needs this Advanced Warfare map to rejuvenate shootouts

Modern Warfare 2 Season 2 is almost here but the latest COD game needs to use this Advanced Warfare map and more in MW2 Season 3, amid calls for map remasters.

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U.S. Army Planned to Pay Streamers Millions to Reach Gen-Z Through Call of Duty

Internal Army documents obtained by Motherboard provide insight on how the Army wanted to reach Gen-Z, women, and Black and Hispanic people through Twitch, Paramount+, and the WWE.

isarai659d ago (Edited 659d ago )

It's well known the US Army has been using gaming as a gateway for recruiting for a LOOONG time. Hell even in high school recruiters would ask whoever wasnt interested for their gamertag so they can play Cod together. Not to mention they've sponsored several fps tournaments. Not a conspiracy when it's out in the open. Plus Arma exists so...

Inverno660d ago

Instead of trying to get them to join then military through bs trends why not instead tell em of the benefits that joining the military bring? Least in times of peace and without the threat of war, having your studies paid in full sounds better than "hey you can do what you do in COD by joining the army, isn't that cool?"

kneon659d ago (Edited 659d ago )

The USA has been involved in wars/conflicts for 90+% of its existence so you're unlikely to be in the US Military during peacetime

Old_Scout659d ago

I was a recruiter. You can tell a kid the benefits all day long. Ultimately it's a calling and you just call the right person and do the paperwork.

thorstein659d ago

"I was a recruiter. You can LIE TO a kid about the benefits all day long."


thorstein660d ago

I think it is absurd that the US military has millions if not billions of dollars in their advertising budget. It is absurd that they have an advertising budget.

TiredGamer659d ago

Would you prefer forced conscription like in Russia?

gold_drake659d ago (Edited 659d ago )

i had that in austria
wasnt all too bad. 6 months of listening to idiots screaming nonsense. you dont actually participate in any war, but i guess ametica is a different kind of hell when it comes to that. who knows what they'd put ppl through lol

ended up enlisting actually haha. sniper training was like 7 weeks. not a bad life

thorstein659d ago

The alternate to spending millions of dollars on advertising is forced conscription?

Wow, you learn something every day.

Gee, how would anyone in the whole world learn about the US military if it weren't for advertising.

Vengeance1138660d ago

Can't wait to die and respawn in real life! Oh wait...

jznrpg659d ago

We all wish … I’d love to see my baby bro and grandfather again .

TheColbertinator659d ago


Sorry about your losses, friend.

On topic :

I thought the Army was always using FPS games. This is not new.

HyperMoused659d ago

A bit on the nose isnt it...like killin in the game...join up and kill in real life

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