
Nintendo NX Date Revealed, and Why the NX Doesn’t Matter

It's another Nintendo console, with nothing to show that things have changed.

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BrandanT3067d ago

It has nothing to show because is details are not released.

LOL_WUT3067d ago

Nintendo said the NX wasn't ready hence it's 2017 launch. I know it can mean a lot of things, but, to me, this suggests they're still working on software. In other words, they have nothing to show. ;)

Dunban673065d ago

Kimishima specificly stated in the Investor Q and A that they were releasing in March in order to have enough software ready for launch and beyond- how much is enough? don t know

3-4-53065d ago

* Launch in holiday 2016 = a few games, and then a dry spell of a few months with no games

* Launch March 2017 = many games at launch and a steady stream of games for every month after.

It's the smarter business decision. I wish more people understood this instead of writing terrible doom and gloom articles to try and get clicks and hits.

_-EDMIX-_3065d ago

@345- a three to four month difference is telling me they fear the competition in the fall.

To avoid the the holiday season is a huge mistake. I'd actually rather them release with what they have in the fall and sell extremely well then push the platform back several months and sell lesser units based on releasing in a time period that is not a high-volume sales time period.

PlayStation 4 didn't launch with all the games you see released right now, games will always continue to release for a platform as it exists so in my personal opinion I think it's kind of irrelevant and it sounds like it's a far-fetched excuse because their Hardware is not finalized.

The real reason for avoiding the fall is their platform is likely not finished and they're scared of the Fall release of PlayStation 4.5, PS VR and Xbox One.5

ChickeyCantor3065d ago

> this suggests they're still working on software. In other words, they have nothing to show. ;)

Are you suggesting they create games in less than a year for the NX launch? YOUWUTMATE?

They probably have plenty to show. Why they aren't showing it is probably because they do their marketing job and all we can do is wait and see.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3065d ago
RosweeSon3065d ago

Not finalised anything not even the hardware I'm sure they are getting there tho.

wonderfulmonkeyman3066d ago (Edited 3066d ago )

Another article from, surprise surprise, a frequent contributor/poster of N4G that happens to think Nintendo has nothing more to offer in the gaming space.
He even tries to compare Nintendo's situation to Sega:
"Let’s make the Nintendo faithful cry a little. I am going to compare Sega and Nintendo. Sega put out a release date for the Dreamcast before even announcing a game, or unveiling what the system looks like. With the exception of a hard date in March, Nintendo did the same. Sega was on hard times because of three straight failures: Sega CD, Sega 32X, and the Sega Saturn. Nintendo, however, has four: Nintendo 64, GameCube, Wii, and Wii U."

#1 The NX was announced early to counter the rumor that Nintendo was dropping out of consoles to go for Smartphones and handhelds.
#2 If someone considers the PS4 a success for its sales, then they cannot consider the Wii a failure in the same breath without being a complete idiot and/or hater. So no, not 4 straight failures. In fact I'd argue that the N64 was a great profits success for Nintendo despite its set-backs.

This entire article reeks of a desperate attempt to flame bait anyone that thinks the NX has a chance, not to mention fear that it might actually succeed in taking attention away from the systems that the author actually likes.
Hell, he even goes the distance in the tags by listing "casual games". Subtle, but not clever.
There's nothing to see here.

deafdani3066d ago

Lol. N64, Gamecube, Wii and Wii U all were profitable for Nintendo, to various degrees. Sega CD, Saturn, 32X and Game Gear (which the author forgot) ended up being responsible for billions of dollars' worth of losses for Sega.

wonderfulmonkeyman3066d ago

Thank you.
Was honestly thinking the first response was going to be one of the usual down-playing suspects.
For once, it feels nice to be wrong in my suspicions.

Pullmywaffle3066d ago

While i don't agree that their last r home consoles were failures, i will say that nintendo will go the way of sega if the nx bombs, and based on their history of not learning from their own mistakes, i would say the probability is high. Maybe they need to stop making consoles and get back to making great games that don't require a gimmick.

gleepot3065d ago

Except even if it bombs, they won't go the way of Sega.

dantesparda3065d ago

"#2 If someone considers the PS4 a success for its sales, then they cannot consider the Wii a failure in the same breath without being a complete idiot and/or hater."
How is shipping a measly 12.8 million in 3.5 yrs (as of March 31, 16) a success compare to even say a X1 that has done at least 18 million in 2.5 yrs or a PS4 thats done around 40 million in the same time frame? That statement doesnt even make any sense whatsoever!

And some of you people really need to face reality, Nintendo is irrelevant and has been for a very long time. Nobody cares about them except for the fanboys from their hey days back in the 8bit and 16bit days. Nobody cares about Nintendo anymore and thats why nobody buys their systems anymore. Plus their business practices suck!

wonderfulmonkeyman3065d ago (Edited 3065d ago )

Boy, you must have reading comprehension problems. That or you're a complete moron that doesn't take the time to double-check before opening his fat mouth.
I said the Wii.
Not the Wii U.
The Wii made over 100M in sales, not "a measly 12.8M", and was most definitely a financial success no matter how haters want to spin it.
Hell, even the Wii U, with its low unit sales, has been a financial success for the company.
Not as much of one as they wanted it to be, but it didn't end its days selling at a loss, and it made plenty of cash off of a lot of its software, not to mention Amiibo.
MK8 in particular sold to over half of the Wii U's install base back when it was only at 10M, and that's despite the fact that its battle mode was one hugely flawed piece of work.

And you need to face facts: Nintendo isn't irrelevant, and has not been irrelevant for a very long time.
You just WANT them to be, because their most recent system isn't the most popular.
Try hopping off the band-wagon some time, crowd following hipster.

deafdani3065d ago

He said Wii. Not Wii U.

You need to pay more attention. He was rebating the article's claim that the Wii was a failure.

BrandanT3065d ago

I think I finally understand why "Wii U" was a confusing name.

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory3065d ago

Nah people just have reading comprehension problems.

dantesparda3063d ago (Edited 3063d ago )


"The Wii made over 100M in sales, not "a measly 12.8M", and was most definitely a financial success no matter how haters want to spin it. "

And yet nobodycares about that system. Hence why the name didnt carry the Wii U. Nintendo is irrelevent. Now go whine some more, hahahaha!

@ otak-whateverthef*ck your name is

And some people are just easily insulted and sensitive fanboys like yourself.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3063d ago
_-EDMIX-_3065d ago

They're more likely to go the way of Sega if you factor that their consoles are not selling enough for them to produce a large amount of software to gain profit.

The fact that they're going mobile is enough to show you that they're seeking the installed base of other platforms to move software I think it's extremely likely they go the route of becoming a publisher.

Zeldafan643065d ago (Edited 3065d ago )

If you think them making some throwaway games on mobile is a sign of them exiting the console market then you should think the same thing about sony and microsoft as well because they've both released mobile games as well. It's funny how you don't bring that up because that wouldn't fit into the agenda you're trying to push. Your hypocrisy and bias is showing and it's really sad.

_-EDMIX-_3065d ago

Neither company is selling their worst console of all time.....

Try again bud lol


Zeldafan643065d ago

Yeah it's selling badly when it has legions of people wanting to bash it at every turn, LYING about it and just doing everything they can possibly think of to get others to think about it in a negative light. You expect me to believe that after seeing so many lies that there aren't people out there pushing an agenda to defame Nintendo? You must think I'm naive.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3063d ago
inStereo3065d ago

Well, the author of the article did work at a Best Buy in 2013, so clearly he possesses all the necessary qualifications to make an in-depth analysis into the business strategies and decisions of a company that has existed for almost 120 years and has a net worth of roughly 18 billion dollars.

Ruggadagod3065d ago

Not sure what Nintendo will do to tug some of the marketshare away from the PS4. The console currently has a domination on it right now. Kinda like the PS2.

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory3065d ago

Don't you love bringing Sony into Nintendo only articles.

Stealth20k3065d ago (Edited 3065d ago )

How in the hell didi this trash get published? It is basically a sensationalized and generalized blog post from a nobody that makes no sense

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I preordered the physical copy. I’m a sucker for Metroidvanias

TGG_overlord2h ago

Sweet =) And I'm glad to hear it ;) May you enjoy the game once you get it.