
Uncharted 4 First Impressions: Better Than TLOU; Includes The Best Boss Fight in the Series So Far

Some lucky gamers have already finished Uncharted 4: A Thief's End and have shared their first, glowing impressions. Sounds like another masterpiece from Naughty Dog.

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Frisky3070d ago

Can't wait. Tho I'm thinking, I should buy and finish the Nathan Drake collection first. Just to freshen up the series' storyline in my memory.

Imp0ssibl33070d ago

That's exactly what I did, they're still great games (1 and 2 more than 3)

kraenk123070d ago

I like 3 more than 1, it was just a little short imho.

Lightning Mr Bubbles3070d ago (Edited 3070d ago )

Uncharted and The Last of Us are totally different. You can't really compare them. The themes are different, while I realize Uncharted is popular and is great in it's own way, to me personally it's not even close to The Last of Us, it doesn't have the story or the theme to even touch The Last of Us.

But that's just me because I prefer drama over action, some people might prefer action over drama. So it's just a matter of taste, you can't really compare the two.

Dark_Knightmare23070d ago

See I'm the opposite I'm playing through them again right now to get even more hyped for uc4 and have the storyline fresh and I'm struggling through 1. Don't get me wrong 1 is still a really good game but 2 and 3 are just so much better in pretty much everyway I want to get to them has fast has possible.

Aeery3070d ago

Better than TLOU ?
So this is an 8 on Polygon ?

Polygon, TLOU, 7.5. Never forget!

mikeslemonade3070d ago

Looks like a 94 meta. But there's noway U4 would have been better than a TLoU2. I will always say TLoU2 should have been made instead of a U4.

3070d ago
starchild3069d ago

I loved Drake's Fortune because it was my first Uncharted experience, but Among Thieves took it to a new level and is my favorite so far. I also played the multiplayer portion like crazy and was one of top ranked players for a while. Uncharted 3 didn't quite have the same magic, but it was still extremely good.

If Uncharted 4 ends up being better than The Last of Us.. then holy crap we're in for one hell of a ride.

DigitalRaptor3069d ago

@ mikeslemonade

I was going with 93 meta, but I've upped it to a prediction of 94.

Each game Bruce Straley has directed has been one point lower than the last.

Uncharted 2 - 96
TLoU - 95
Uncharted 4 - 94?

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3069d ago
Summons753070d ago

That's what I'm doing. Ran through Uncharted 1 already. Starting the best game in the series (so far) later, Uncharted 2.

Can't wait for 4.

starchild3069d ago (Edited 3069d ago )

That's basically what I did too a while back, except I just played them in order. Still fantastic games. It made me even more excited for Uncharted 4.

3069d ago
PaleMoonDeath3070d ago

Time is running out dude, get on that!!

ninsigma3070d ago

At this point you might be better off reading an article to freshen your memory. Playing through all 3 right before 4 could lead you to get tired of the formula before you get to play 4.

Ninver3070d ago (Edited 3070d ago )

I'm playing the collection as we speak. Already 47% into the Drakes Fortune

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3069d ago
OB1Biker3070d ago

Dont read if you dont want spoilers. Im getting a few hints from what the guy says kinda confirming how I think the story might go.
Nearly there.

jb2273070d ago

I'm wondering when the review embargo lifts? Rumors were May 4, reviewers all seem to have their copies so I'd say that's likely. I don't think I will read most of the reviews though because even the 'spoiler free' ones typically have things I'd consider spoilers. I want to go into this game as fresh as the morning snow.

3069d ago
Chris_Wray3070d ago

Interesting and appealing. Cel-shaded options is brill as well! Maybe, just maybe, Uncharted will have finally hit that level that, to me, it's more than just a game version of your general hollywood action-blockbuster with a shallow story.

Aloy-Boyfriend3070d ago

Better than The Last of Us? Then the game is gonna exceed my expectations, which are very high already

jb2273070d ago (Edited 3070d ago )

I'm gonna take these kinds of statements with a grain of salt. We also had people saying Quantum Break was as good as TLOU & HL2 with their early impressions.

That said, I know this game will at least mean as much to me as TLOU did. UC is the franchise that got me back into gaming, and closing that chapter is gonna be very bittersweet. Gonna be cutting onions in the dustiest of rooms for around 14 hours come May 10.

Fair point but it was a statement that a lot of people really ran with for QB (and the guy also specifically called it as good as Half Life 2). Is the "better than TLOU" statement something that's going around from a lot of people who have played it? I've stayed away from any boards or forums for fear of spoilers. Game looks amazing either way but I'd rather go in with lowered expectations & have them blown away then to go in w/ lofty ones that no game could measure up to.

Jburr943070d ago

One somewhat popular dude on Twitter said it was "the Xbox's The Last of Us" and that's it

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Uncharted Unreal Engine 5 Imagining From MachineGames-Indiana Jones Designer is a Sight to Behold

A stunning Uncharted Unreal Engine 5 imagining has been released, featuring cutscenes, platforming, combat, stealth, and vehicles.

Created by Daniel Arriaga, a level designer at MachineGames on the upcoming Indiana Jones game, this fan concept is a solo developer project.

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RaidenBlack211d ago

to reiterate, this is just a hobby project by a single developer

isarai211d ago

As a one man project this is awesome as hell!

210d ago
lellkay210d ago

Impressive considering its a one man effort!

Nacho_Z210d ago

Nate looks like he's been charting the lost city of Marijuana.

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Uncharted Love: How Nate & Elena Found Their Happily Ever After

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Celebrating 10 Years of PS4 with Our Favourite Games

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Crows90313d ago (Edited 313d ago )

The best games of their generation too. Its incredible how great most if not all of playstations games are. Whether you like the stories or not you cant deny the quality of each title.

Hated tlou part 2. But im going to buy it when it is cheap enough because i want to play the remastered content for $10 extra dollars. Theyre adding a roguelike mode...thats going to be fun!

313d ago