
Is Ex-Sony Man Right About Xbox One and PS4 Backwards Compatibility? We’re Not Convinced

Shahid Kamal Ahmad, now there’s a pessimistic sourpuss. He’s the ex-Sony fella who reckons that backwards compatibility is a niche that prevents consoles from having their own vibe. But is he right? Gamespulp investigates.

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3074d ago Replies(2)
psnoob3074d ago (Edited 3074d ago )

Very important. I am not rich to have a gameroom or something. I cannot have many boxes in my room along with games and other stuff. Going forward it is absolute must.

Skate-AK3073d ago

It likely will now that the architecture across all the platforms are so similar

Sly-Lupin3073d ago

That's an odd assumption given how platforms are trending *away* from backwards compatibility. The PS3 emulation being too difficult is a decent excuse, yeah, but the PS4 could emulate PS2 and PS1 games with zero real trouble. Thing is, Sony figures it's better to re-sell a small number of older games as ports than to provide persistent digital libraries.

xxjabberxx3073d ago

I'm not rich to have a game room or something but I bought my PS4 to play PS4 games. If I was limited on space and could not afford to have too many boxes and games in my room I would stick to what I have if I'm just going to play my current games.

Sly-Lupin3073d ago

Pretty much. Right now I've got a tower with a PC, PS3, PS4 and WiiU on it. As the NX approaches, the deciding factor for me is whether or not it will have full BC with my digital Wii and WiiU content--if it doesn't, I'm not gonna buy it, because even if I could juggle five different gaming platforms, why the hell would I want to?

Automatic793073d ago


I agree I am getting to old to save systems so overall Xbox One allowing me to keep and play my old games in one system is fantastic. Also, Xbox 360 generation had a fantastic lineup of titles from Racers to fighters to shooters to action games, allowing a system to go forward with new games and Backwards with old games is the reason why Xbox One is my primary system. Just imagine having family or friends getting nostalgic about a game they loved and your response is Xbox go to ________ game. Love it

KiwiViper853073d ago

I tripped my sister out with Xbox go to Banjo Kazooie...

wonderfulmonkeyman3073d ago (Edited 3073d ago )

Backwards compatibility with the most recent gen should have been a thing with the PS4 and XBone from the get-go, even if only as an optional secondary SKU.
And sadly, I have this horrifying feeling that the NX is going to ditch it this time too.
Which sucks really freakin' hard.

Also why is this showing up in the Wii U section?

_-EDMIX-_3073d ago

Not if they go with a better architecture. The reality is, if they go with one more common like x86, that will be better for them in the long run in terms of development, then if they seek to use something similar to the Wii or Wii U JUST for BC...

So whats better for PS4.

Using something like cell AGAIN JUST for native BC, or getting rid of it in favor of x86 to make development easier for developers?

If NX doesn't have Wii U support because of this, I honesty don't care. I care about them getting great development and support, more then the ability to play something I CAN ALREADY JUST BUY!

Think about the big picture here. We want new platforms ,for new experiences. I don't want that hindered JUST to allow for BC, an option I can actually just buy. XONE can do that with emulation as 360 was closer to a PC and was easier to develop on last gen. That is Sony's fault for making Cell as confusing and complex as they did, but in order for them to right their wrong, they need to get rid of the older set up, in favor of one that can be used with ease.

Nintendo needs to go the PS4 route and just get rid of the last style. I didn't see Wii U having native BC giving it any help in sales bud.

Yet the fastest selling console currently has zero BC to speak of. I'd say, folks buy new consoles MAJORITY of the time to play new games, not simply to play old games.

If NX gets rid of the old style in favor of x86 and won't have BC because of it, I'm telling you right now...that is the BEST thing that can happen for them. Mind you, you KNOW I don't personally own a Wii U and I'm telling you this. They need to focus on having a easier device, not keeping an old one for a select few fans.

I once again didn't see that Wii native BC to Wii U helping them in sales.

DLConspiracy3072d ago

Nah I'm pretty sure Nintendo knows that since the Wii U didn't really have that great a start the NX will need to play Wii U games.

I agree with you though about BC. I don't know how anyone can sit there and say its a bad feature or downplay it to any degree. Let us decide if it's worth it. Don't give these corporations any room to think it's OK to limit how we play their games. We should always have the option regardless who is selling more consoles. Hopefully moving forward the other consoles will catch on and actually offer it as part of their new system from the get.

cfc833073d ago

He's wrong. Playing Alan Wake to me adds to the experience. I'm also greatful to xbox for incorporating it into the system.

DillyDilly3073d ago

Hes wrong & jealous that Microsoft has a better grasps at Backwards Compatibility so of course Sony people current & old are dismissing it

yomfweeee3073d ago

Only grasping growing on here was MS trying to come up with features to catch up to the PS4. You'd probably never have BC on X1 if MS had the 2-to-1 sales lead.

With how limited the X1 BC is.... you still can't get rid of your 360 if you're that into playing old games.

3073d ago
yomfweeee3073d ago

Putting out the best games isn't doing shit in my mind. They focus on the games, not petty features.

AllRoundGamer363072d ago (Edited 3072d ago )

xbox ones bc is better than ps4s tho lol even if it is limited as you put it.

i bought gears of war ultimate edition and got gears 1 2 3 and judgement all for £30
rainbow six siege and got rb6 vegas 1+2
quantum break and got alan wake plus both dlc and american nightmare.

id say thats pretty damn good and id say its ps fans that are missing out because sony is lazy and does not want to put the effort in for their fanbase even if it means that only select ps3 games would work, but i guess that would mean they didnt have to remake every successful game just to repackage it as a ps4 title to sell it again.

look at all the exclusive remasters on ps4 so far

ratchet and clank
uncharted collection
heavy rain
god of war
the last of us

those games could have easily been made bc if they wanted to

DLConspiracy3072d ago (Edited 3072d ago )

Who cares? You seriously going to spin this into some BS about consoles? Is this just to take another redundant blow at an already dead horse that people keep repeatedly hitting to prove PS is better? When has consumer friendly practices turned into some pissing contest about console sales? Tell these corporations you want it and they may listen. Don't discourage them from being consumer friendly to make more money by cutting corners.

This is something that should come stock with any new system. We have the technology to make it work. Its been anti consumer to not allow people to bring their games forward.

Regardless of how it came about. PS, XBOX and Nintendo have all been around long enough to figure it out. Nintendo already does. I also don't care if xbox BC is limited because they have to resign contracts with developers/publishers. At least they are building for the future so that any console (moving forward) can bring those titles with. As it should be.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3072d ago
Pogmathoin3073d ago

MS asked people for features that they would like to see on X1. They answered, and gave an incredible BC program. The people came up with this, not MS. Feel free to use the 'edit' feature to change your cock and bull story.

yomfweeee3073d ago

Microsoft didn't ask anyone what they wanted until they were already getting their crap kicked in. I fail to see how you proved me wrong?

Microsoft's plans for the X1 were 100% "we'll tell you what you want". That backfired on them big time and lost them this generation before it even started.

To try to get back in the game, they had to change to "you tell us what you want".

I've got no "cock and bull story" to change.

Pogmathoin3073d ago

Sorry Yom your right.... It was similar to Sony telling people to buy the PS3 because it had a Cell processor, Bluray, and that you should work two jobs to afford it..... Also, when they never told people that there credit card info was exposed.... Sony did not care back then, they assumed they could dictate. They only listened after that debacle, the PS4 is a result of listening. MS screwed up too.... They listened, people asked for BC, they gave it in style. But no, MS is evil..... Sony is great, they can give my personal details to anybody, I love them.......

ShaunCameron3073d ago

@ yomfweeee

Exactly. Microsoft didn't change their tune until the pre-order sales came back The XBOne had to be stripped of its original features just to save face.

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Nintendo To Go In 'Different Direction' To Current AI Trends, Says Miyamoto

Music to our ears.

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Jin_Sakai7h ago

“There is a lot of talk about A.I., for example. When that happens, everyone starts to go in the same direction, but that is where Nintendo would rather go in a different direction."

Good on Nintendo for not chasing the next big thing.

Aussiesummer3h ago

Well nintendo has always been about innovation so I'm not surprised.

KyRo1h ago

Always? I feel the last time off the top of my head that they were innovative was the 3DS/Wii era. They are very successful at what they do but I wouldn't say they are as innovative as they used to be.

Venoxn4g48m ago

Well, in my opinion they have popularised hybrid console which is the Switch

badz1492h ago

LOL simply because they don't want to invest in it and stick to their outdated approach. See the next pokemon game on Switch 2 will look like something that should come out during the PS3 gen

Profchaos58m ago(Edited 57m ago)

So a custom art style vs GTA trilogy style mistakes through their games

I'll take the art style thanks

WolfSeed2h ago(Edited 2h ago)

Translation: We'll wait until it's cheaper.

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Ubisoft CEO says Assassin's Creed Shadows and Ghost of Yōtei 'can both sell very well' in 2025

“I would like to say that there’s a lot of space for very high quality games," says Yves Guillemot.

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Kaii6h ago

" very high quality "
That's only true for one of the two though, and we all know which one that'll be.

DarXyde6h ago

I promise, only one of them will.

And it's the one that is the better franchise and respects the historical context of the region.

Hotpot5h ago(Edited 5h ago)

Dude’s getting the sweat because star wars outlaws underperformed, and that’s with far smaller controversy compared to AC shadows.

Extermin8or3_2h ago

The AC shadows controversy is fucking ridiculous though.

Abnor_Mal5h ago

Well of course, but AC: Shadows will be on more platforms so I would expect it to sell more than Ghost.

raWfodog4h ago

I won’t be buying either until 2026 though lol

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Take-Two bosses get $25m performance-based bonus, despite sacking 550 people

Zelnick and Slatoff have received a $25m bonus for their management fund after sacking 550 people from Take Two Interactive.

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thorstein4d ago (Edited 4d ago )

Can't wait to hear how the corporate bootlickers defend this.

seanpitt234d ago

This is the world we live in and people seem to think it's acceptable

Cacabunga4d ago

550 probably consultants.
GTA6 is in tweak phase, no need for massive number of people for that.


Best way to get rid of people like this is to make them disappear, permanently.

purple1013d ago

Bury them deep, plant an endangered species of tree ontop- body can never be recovered 🧐

Don’t ask how I know this 😂

JackBNimble3d ago

So don't support take 2 by buying games... pretty easy to vote with your wallet.

Profchaos4d ago

They also just held a leadership vote I don't think there was any changes

Software_Lover4d ago

I really don't even think CEO's should get bonuses. If I were a CEO and I made millions, I would like to think I wouldn't. Or if I had to legally, I would maybe find a way to disperse among the lower tier employees. Take my bonus and turn it into stocks to disperse out to those employees evenly.

DarXyde4d ago

That would be the way to do it. Imagine thinking a CEOs "leadership" is worth that much money while the talent makes the product.


FinalFantasyFanatic4d ago

I remember when I started working, my department manager used to gift us stuff each year, one year I got a bottle of Scotch, another it was a small basket of treats... But that was also a lot less money than what we're talking about here.

It would be ideal if the CEO could gift a bonus to everyone under them.

thorstein3d ago

Monetary company bonuses (often referred to as Christmas bonuses) were astoundingly common.

The entire premise of Christmas Vacation was set around Clark's bonus.

MrDead4d ago

CEO's work for shareholders and are shareholders they also rely on share price to receive their multimillion dollar paydays and they will happily fire thousands to protect shares. CEO's are there to extract the most value out of a company and give it to the wealthy few.

redknight804d ago

That is so god damn fucked up!! Unfortunately...I know damn well I will be still buying their games but shit like this should seriously have some sort of repercussion of some sort. 550 people get their lives totally up-ended and the leadership get a bonus on top of an already high salary. 25M could set those 550 people up with an annual salary each of $45,000. Depending on where you live, that is a very livable salary even...

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