
IGN: DJ Max Fever Hands-On

After breaking the news to you that DJ Max Fever -- a mishmash of the Korean exclusives DJ Max Portable and DJ Max Portable 2 -- was coming to the states, IGN pretty much began foaming at the mouth while dreaming of getting their hands on a copy of the game. Now that IGN has it, they can tell you that Fever is a blast but boasts quite the learning curve.


Important Importables: Korean music games

Gamertell has posted its weekly column that focuses on notable importable games and game-related products.

This week's Important Importables focuses on Korean music games. From Gamertell:

"If you’re looking for a fairly simple to understand and addictive import game, look no further than Korea. Yes, that’s right, Korea. Some of the easiest to play import games, for people who can’t understand the language, are music games and Korean developers and publishers are known for putting together some pretty great ones."

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Hidden Gems: DJ Max Portable 2

One of the wonderful things about being isolated in a military camp in the middle of nowhere is that I get a lot of free time to just, well, do absolutely nothing. Of course that's just being inefficient, which is why I always keep my PSP close at hand. Doing so allows me to enjoy a myriad of portable wonders five days a week and one of those wonders includes a humble rhythm game known as DJ Max Portable 2.

DJ Max Portable 2 is by no means a new game, having been released about three years ago in March of 2007. The game was developed by Korean developer Pentavision for the PlayStation Portable and boasts roughly 60 original songs, addicting gameplay, plenty of unlockable items and even a soundtrack mode that I actually use when I get the urge to just enjoy the tunes on the go.

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mephman5260d ago

Definitely good news that it's getting a re-release.

somekyle5260d ago

I wish that was a huge franchise, I love it

ShawnCollier5260d ago

Good to hear it's getting a re-release.

Hardedge5260d ago

It's a great game, shame it doesn't have as huge a fanbase as it deserves.


PM Studios Updates Us On Gunbird 2 Remix And DJ Max

Siliconera: PM Studios has spent a lot of time on the PSP. Is branching out to consoles one of your goals for 2010?

PM Studios: We sure are. As I stated before, we are very interested in HD gaming. And our minds are set on PS3.

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MetalGearRising5260d ago

DJ Max Developer sounds like a loser.......Keep him we don't need him working on xbox360 thanks.

WildArmed5260d ago

sounds good, more HD love for all

lightningsax5260d ago

Anything involving both "Gunbird 2" and "New" is an interesting thing to follow in my book. Sure, out-of-the-loop kids like me had to find this game using emulation, but it's one of the best reasons to have MAME on the computer!

As for whether or not they'll screw it up... well, I really don't know much about this company, so there's no prediction there. If they do, I'll just go play the original.