
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – New Screenshots for Blood and Wine Expansion Released

CD Projekt RED has just released some new screenshots for the second major expansion of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, Blood and Wine. The Witcher 3 looks amazing and these new screenshots showcase the new environments and enemies that CD Projekt RED created for this new expansion.

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starchild3016d ago

It does look amazing. I'm balls deep in Dark Souls 3 right now and absolutely loving it, but I'll be happy to jump back into the world of the Witcher. This expansion will probably last longer than some full games this year. What a fantastic series.

opinionated3017d ago

Looks sweet. Platinumed the game and loved the first dlc. I can't wait for this.

Lonnie183016d ago

YesI also platinum the game, not very many have since it's at a 0.6% last I checked! I played the first dlc and will definitely pick this up as well😁

opinionated3016d ago

I only went after trophies because I did everything else and had nothing else to do lol. Very few games have earned that kind of dedication from me.

Lonnie183015d ago

Yes very few from me as well, only 130 plats!

Paytaa3017d ago

Been anticipating this for like 6 months now. Just need a relase date and I'll be back in the world of The Witcher.

fenome3017d ago

Same here, this is the only game I've ever actually bought the season pass for. Can't wait to hop back in, I'm gonna have to get used to the mechanics again though, been a while.

Ceaser98573613017d ago

i heard that the release day for Blood and Wine is 27th of May. Hope its true..

fenome3017d ago

A May release would be awesome! It's going to be a great month for me, my birthday is on May 10th the same day U4 drops. I've still gotta pick up Dark Souls 3 too, me and the wife took a vacation at the beach and spent a little more money than I planned on, so I gotta wait till next month for that one..

Paytaa3017d ago

That would be really nice. I love having an RPG to play over the summer and it would be after my semester which is even better

3017d ago
Sunny_D3017d ago

Damn that looks good, I have to finish The Witcher 3 so I can buy this too!

Kalebninja3017d ago

Can't wait, Hearts of Stone was so fine at just $10 so this ought to be amazing.

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The Witcher Trilogy bundle just hit its lowest-ever price thanks to Steam Summer Sale

The Witcher Trilogy bundle is currently listed with an 89% discount on Steam, and you can save over $60 thanks to this Summer Sale discount.

anast24d ago

It's been cheaper on GoG and you can own the game DRM free.


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