
AMD Heavily Hints at PS4K and Other Consoles (Again)

We’ve survived weeks of PS4K rumours without going mad, so what’s one more on the pile? AMD has once again hinted that we can expect three new consoles coming later this year and sometime in 2017.

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DopeTech3018d ago (Edited 3018d ago )

We all knew this was coming from Sony and MS too, PS4 NEO is coming. Xbox 1.5 is coming too.

In 2016 & 2017, now I think Xbox 1.5 is gonna come out in 2017 alone, that'll even let MS make the most powerful console this time around at the same price of a PS4 NEO or at 499$ If they want to go crazy with the technology. I hope the PS4 NEO is priced at 499$ so we can see a big leap from PS4.

MasterCornholio3017d ago (Edited 3017d ago )

Neo may come out in 2017. One thing thats for certain is that if Sony and Microsoft dont confirm anything at E3 the two systems will come out in 2017.

Who knows which one will be more powerful though.

P.S Microsoft wont give Sony a headstart.

nveenio3017d ago

What's ridiculous about the speculation we're seeing is that the PS3 also saw chip upgrades during its life cycle, and no one speculated that it would be sold as a new system. I hold to my speculation that, if anything, Sony will market this as the PS4K and nothing more. A PS4 that's built for UHD discs and maybe is even a little better at handling PSVR. Other than that, the chip upgrades are probably just standard updates based on manufacturing and cost differential. Nothing to do with trying to out-power anything else. It's way too early in the cycle to do this to so many adopters of the PS4.

starchild3016d ago

It's anybody's guess. Honestly the leaked specs really aren't making any sense to me.

Original PS4
CPU: 8 Jaguar Cores at 1.6 GHz
GPU: AMD GCN, 18 CUs at 800 MHz
Memory: 8 GB GDDR5, 176 GB/s

CPU: 8 Jaguar Cores at 2.1 GHz
GPU: Improved AMD GCN, 36 CUs at 911 MHz
Memory: 8 GB GDDR5, 218 GB/s

I just can't see what the purpose for this hardware would be. It certainly won't run modern AAA titles at 4k resolution.

It doesn't have enough additional graphics processing oomph. Nor is there an increase in VRAM amount, which you would expect because devs tend to use all the memory they can get and if a game is already maxing out the memory in the PS4 to do1080p (or in some cases 900p) you're certainly not going to be achieving 4k resolution, even with a bump to the bandwidth. 4k can use well over two times as much VRAM as 1080p, depending on the game.

So it's definitely not for AAA 4k gaming, but what about framerate? At first seeing that the GPU is supposed to be around twice as powerful as the one in the PS4 made me think it's intended purpose is to run PS4 games at 60fps instead of 30fps. But thinking about it more I don't believe that the new CPU will reliably support a doubling of framerate. While CPU requirements don't necessarily double the way GPU requirements do, since a lot of the game logic is the same whether at 30fps or 60fps, it is still generally going to require more than the 30% this upgrade seems to offer. Certainly many games that are already tapping out the PS4's CPU will have issues achieving 60fps on the PS4 Neo.

All of this makes me doubt the veracity of these specs. But if the leaked specs are wrong it makes you wonder how accurate other aspects of the leak are.

IGiveHugs2NakedWomen3017d ago

Since there is absolutely no credible or official evidence to suggest that Sony has any plans to release a new console with new hardware in this console cycle, wouldn't actually be prudent to assume that AMD is making a chip for the PS5?

Nemo883017d ago (Edited 3017d ago )

Yep and actually, if this report is accurate in its insinuation and AMD is only forecasting revenue this upcoming quarter from the "semi-custom" wins, and talking about RECENT wins, then Neo couldnt be coming up this October. Or they are talking about somethig else. But the deal for Neo hardware would have been closed a while ago if the finished product is due in 4 months...obviously

Satou3017d ago (Edited 3017d ago )

Honestly they said Nex-gen will be 5x as powerful and ready in 2018, so I highly doubt it's a PS5 chip this early. I'd kinda rather see them do PS5 in 2017 than PS4 Neo in 2016 though. The node switch isn't going to be any different to the tech will be the same whether PS5 is released in 2017 or 2018. It just makes more sense to release a PS5 a year early and just charge an extra $100 or so, than to do a halfstep PS4.5 in 2016 only two years off from nexgen, when they could just bring nex-gen a year early. Imagine upgrading to PS4.5 then PS5. What a waste. Just give us PS5 early the tech isn't going to be any different, and the extra $100 you spend for getting the console a year early is nothing compared to wasting $399 on a half-step PS4.5.

DeadlyFire3017d ago (Edited 3017d ago )

AMD stated they would start producing next gen chips by 2018.

Since nothing has leaked from Microsoft. It's safe to say nothing is coming in 2016, or 2017 from them. So next gen PS, XB won't come until at least 2018 or later. Like 2018-2020.

ooquis3017d ago

AMD makes the hardware for all consoles, this was their strategy from the beginning. The console upgrade is AMD's doing. Maybe it makes business sense.....what do i know.

Junior45653017d ago

Well it would help keep AMD in the black I guess.

bf0007779663017d ago

Amd really have the hobby of leaking their partner's imformation

Fatal-Aim3017d ago (Edited 3017d ago )

@ Dopetech

The PlayStation 4 Neo is twice as powerful as the PS4. The PS4 is 50% as powerful as the Xbox One. If the XB1 is to be more powerful than the Neo, it has to be 250% more powerful, which is going to lead to cost issues. If Microsoft's XB1 had trouble breaking even when compared to the PS4 ( https://technology.ihs.com/... ), it'll either be more expensive or weaker than the Neo but I doubt both. Microsoft is already losing money on every XB1 that is sold below the PS4 price, which is why they have to bundle in so many games to help reduce some of that cost, which is also why such a price cut is only available in select regions -- starting with their own.

Muzikguy3017d ago

How does bundling games to a system that's "losing money" reduce cost? That doesn't make sense. Games cost money too and publishers aren't just handing them out for free

Fatal-Aim3017d ago

@ Muzikguy

When compared to the PS4, the XB1 is about $15 more. Which means at $400, Microsoft was just breaking even on the console if not losing a few dollars. At $350, Sony is making a profit off the PS4. Microsoft undercut them $50, putting the XB1 at $300. If they were already breaking even at $15 more than the PS4, then certainly $50 cheaper than PS4's $350 price must have set them back by $65 as loss on the console. If they bundle two games, one of those games is going to eat most of that cost lost on the hardware, essentially taking the XB1 back to an imaginary $350. From here, the second game eats the remaining loss and in return provides very small profit. Why do you think Microsoft are always bundling their own games with the system. They are using it to eat to losses being made on the XB1 at it low price tag

conanlifts3016d ago

Your sums are off a bit. The ps4 is closer to 37% more powerful. This doesn't take into account the xbox one has 10% extra cpu power, nor that it has slower memory. Now on the other side if ( i have no idea where you got 2x more powerful from) the ps4.5 were 2x more powerful than the ps4 the xbox 1.5 would actually need to increase in power by 2.75% ( or 3% by your rule of 50%power difference between the two).

madworld3017d ago (Edited 3017d ago )

with all due respect I'm with new upgradeable consoles without doubt for god sick people why you fraeking out if you want the new consoles buy it if you don't like IT leave it ,it is very damn simple
final thing the current consoles can't even running some games like the division on 1080p 60frs and the consoles version is like mid,low setting on PC ..holy moly indeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed we need new upgradeable consoles people understand this after 2 years with same consoles with these hardwere it is gonna be very huge gap between consoles and PC

3017d ago
uth113017d ago

Could it be that AMD are the ones forcing this change? Sony/MS need new chips to allow for slim designs, maybe AMD cant/won't deliver them without more power?

Fin_The_Human3017d ago (Edited 3017d ago )

Stop bringing MS into this.

Its only a PS 4.5 coming out.

Ceaser98573613016d ago

Whats with this Universal Windows Platform (UWP) xbox fans are talking about. A fren of mine says UWP will help to port games on the new xbox easily where as devs need to work twice for each games releasing on the ps4 and neo???

Ysmir67233016d ago

100$ more for better cpu,gpu,power supply???Educate yourself.But i forgot that people actually bought a plastic box with a 40$ mb.,60$ cpu and 70$gpu for 400$,excluding online,bigger hardrive,extra controller and warranty...

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 3016d ago
Aloy-Boyfriend3018d ago

PS4 and Xbox One are one gen late. Had they come between 2010 and 2011, it would have been amazing and many games held back like BC3 and TLoU would have benefited a lot. Right now we would have been excited PS5 and XboxTwo coming with a significant upgrade, but no. We are getting PS4K that if the specs reported by Eurogamer are true, then it is not that significant.

Fk this gen!

Rimeskeem3018d ago

If the specs that are reported are true, they are actually decently significant. The whole console gets like a 1.5 times boost compared to the normal PS4.

Whirlwind_Fanfare_083017d ago

Indeed. I'm definitely getting the NEO!

Movefasta19933017d ago

Wouldn't you rather them wait just 2 years for a huge upgrade?

Liqu1d3017d ago

Yet it'll still be held back by weaker hardware.

JayH19803017d ago

The increased specs are decent on paper but really aren't crap in real-world usage. The system will still not exceed 1080p in any graphically challenging games and 60 fps stable may even still prove to be challenging at times. It's just not enough of a jump in hardware to make a WOW! Stuff will run smoother and may have cleaner sharper lines but don't expect to see much else.

WhoCaresWhatMyNameIs3017d ago

Original PS4
CPU: 8 Jaguar Cores at 1.6 GHz
GPU: AMD GCN, 18 CUs at 800 MHz
Memory: 8 GB GDDR5, 176 GB/s

CPU: 8 Jaguar Cores at 2.1 GHz
GPU: Improved AMD GCN, 36 CUs at 911 MHz
Memory: 8 GB GDDR5, 218 GB/s

The Neo console is just spec'ed out for 4k resolution output since 4k is basically twice the resolution as 1080p. Internet is blowing this up over nothing. They are strict about supporting the original PS4 so I don't see the big deal.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3017d ago
Randostar3017d ago

the gpu is getting quite a hefty boost. Everything else was a lil more minimal.

DeadlyFire3017d ago

GPU is significantly better. RAM and CPU are just clocked higher. Could still be impressive.

madworld3017d ago

it's a good thing guys we have upgradable consoles believe me people!!!!!

KillZallthebeast3017d ago

Well mad if you knew why didn't you say!? D:< I am perturbed

Muzikguy3017d ago

I think this is a bad move on Sony's part. Good luck selling weak PS5s if this is true. People will just wait for the 5.5. It's a trend I don't ever want to see happen

KillZallthebeast3017d ago

Why is this a thing? Most people don't even have 4k tv's. And we all saw how gloriously awful consoles do with a high price tag *looking at you ps3 E3 announcement* And the fact that they would have to make games that actually utilize the hardware and also play on the lesser ps4 since unless Sony payed them off no sane person would drop 100 million to develop a game with a user base of like 3 million tops.

jaycptza3017d ago

Do you think they develop for each possible configuration on PC? They would produce for the higher spec device and because of the design they would scale it down for original PlayStation 4. The specs are literally 2x as powerful

KillZallthebeast3017d ago

You do know the most popular console sets the benchmark for the game standards, the rest might get better graphics, but why in any world would someone buy a whole new console to essentially get shafted like any PC gamer does when they blow 3K on the set up and get something far better looking, but nothing other then that differentiating it. Also I do know graphics and the power needed are anything but linear. to go from a iffy 1080P to 4k you would need a lot more then just twice the specs. It's a joke to think you can squeeze 4 times as many pixels out of something just twice as strong. Even the sad short bus kid can call that stupid.

KillZallthebeast3017d ago

And again 4k is 4 times as many pixels as 1080p. 1X2=2 1X2=/= 4 assuming the games native resolution is even 1080p

KillZallthebeast3017d ago

And to just rant apparently even more most generations of consoles are ten times as powerful so this isn't even really an upgrade in console terms its just buying a new 3ds

KillZallthebeast3017d ago

Uh huh Mr disagrees is it not the same thing? I guess when I pretend to get my new Ps4ds I will enjoy the 1 game it has

KillZallthebeast3017d ago

there was an entire generation of X is holding X back. How do you think it will play out in the same situation

WhoCaresWhatMyNameIs3017d ago

Original PS4
CPU: 8 Jaguar Cores at 1.6 GHz
GPU: AMD GCN, 18 CUs at 800 MHz
Memory: 8 GB GDDR5, 176 GB/s

CPU: 8 Jaguar Cores at 2.1 GHz
GPU: Improved AMD GCN, 36 CUs at 911 MHz
Memory: 8 GB GDDR5, 218 GB/s

Neo's GPU cores are 'twice' as many as the original GPU cores, doesn't mean the GPU or console is twice as powerful. This is basically a console that can display 4k resolution.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3017d ago
SirBradders3017d ago (Edited 3017d ago )

@thebeast Optimisation for a slightly more powerful console ain't that hard. Pc developers have done it for years with multi gpu configurations.

If Sony or Microsoft where smart they'd open up a mod workshop for all their games and allow the community to be involved subject to devs.

Theirs nothing wrong with a newer console, no one has to buy it unless they really want to. If consoles are to succeed and not sizzle out they need to stay relevant with tech updates.

With all the second hand ps4's potentially generated it will drive a market price drop and more people will own them resulting in more software sales it's simple.

I will buy it because I have the money if true, but if all games are universal there is literally no argument.

KillZallthebeast3017d ago

Well it boils down to where the population is. I worked retail in gaming for a bit and the general population will go cheap, pushing out a high end console is moronic on every level. It won't succeed and it won't have more then a few exclusives games that face plant. I get this site is a bunch of elite gamers but I like to look at reality.

jaycptza3017d ago

This isn't about 4K it wont be able to render 4K gaming. It's for improved fidelity i.e. 1080p 60fps

TheCommentator3017d ago

Yeah, not for any AAA games anyways. Just think about this for a minute too; if the leaked specs are true the GPU will rival a $500 PC card. How much do people think the PS4 Neo will end up costing consumers when it finally releases?

Geoff9003017d ago

4K t.vs are becoming increasingly popular, and are being more quickly adopted than HD t.vs within the same time frame.

MS and Sony need to get their new machines out, otherwise MS and Sony will left in the dark.

All it takes is a PC manufacturer, or another hardware manufacture to make a 4k ready console/pc for the same price of the PS4/X1 and both companies will be left behind.

jmc88883017d ago

Exactly. We've been able to buy them online for the last 2 years for under $300. The Seiki could do 1080/120 as well.

Now you can get Vizio's for $599-1299. The price on these things have dropped so much faster then HDTV's did.

At this point in time, if you need to buy a HDTV and aren't trying to get some $169 HDTV, you really should be buying a 4ktv. If one wants to hold out, then hold out for HDR. But getting a 4k/60 tv that can do 1080p/120 is still really sweet.

People are just ignorant. Many people don't know what's going on in the PC space, and how many consoles games are running with much better graphics, at higher resolutions, and higher framerates.

Lots of people seem to think no game will use it... when most games on the PS4 ARE USING it on the PC version. It's just straight ignorance.

A PS4 Neo will allow some of that to filter down to consoles.

While I do believe most games will be 1080/60, if the Neo is as powerful as they say, it can definitely do 4k/60 in many but not all situations. A PS4 Neo almost assuredly could run say, Battlefield 4 at 4k/60. Probably bump a few settings too. Indies could definitely do this.

But this also helps get many games to perform better on PSVR. I'm sure the PS4 games will probably be 60FPS reprojected to 120, and some of the less taxing ones 90 FPS. But with Neo they'll be able to do 90 or 120hz native and not have to lower settings. Even raise them.

Sony wants to people to buy a whole lineup of their products, so they are getting their ducks in a row.

PS4 Neo, PSVR, UHD Blu ray (which may be in Neo), and 4ktv's. Either way they want people to buy these things.

Additionally they have to fend off the Nintendo NX, which if rumored is somewhere around plus or minus what the Neo is power wise.

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jiggyteddy3017d ago

Semi custom could also refer to POS systems right?

So let's say McDonalds wants a new register system, and AMD designs the chips for their custom setup. That counts right?

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gold_drake10h ago

that merch tho.

ridiculous the numbers they pull in, which makes it even worse when i think about the low budget broken games they make. or have made recently

-Foxtrot2h ago

We’re never getting an amazing mainline Pokémon game again are we

phoenixwing2h ago

Of course not. That's why I have tem tem because even if it's not the greatest I at least know the indie dev was trying

ZeekQuattro1h ago

Great plug for Tem Tem right there. It's not the greatest but at least they tried.... 🤣


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