
Starcraft II: Nova Covert Ops Review | GodisaGeek

Gary Bailey: "A good start to Starcraft II’s DLC, Nova Covert Ops delivers a fun and tense opening chapter, but suffers from a lack of story content."

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BlizzCon 2016 StarCraft II: Foundation for the Future Panel Transcript

Blizzplanet posted the full transcript of the BlizzCon 2016 StarCraft II: Foundation for the Future panel.

The developers discussed details of the new Co-op Commander Alexei Stukov, new Arcade features, Nova Covert Ops Mission Pack 3, and War Chests.

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StarCraft 2 Information Wrap-Up from BlizzCon 2016 | AusGamers

AusGamers attended this year's BlizzCon and on the StarCraft II front writes:

"My fear of Artificial Intelligence and robots that can outsmart humans is probably the result of watching too many sci-fi movies and reading one too many Asimov tales growing up. Which meant that the announcement that Blizzard were partnering with DeepMind, and opening StarCraft II to AI and Machine Learning researchers around the world, is a very good (and scary) thing. If the name DeepMind sounds familiar, it’s probably because they were responsible for the AlphaGo AI beating world champion Go player Lee Sedol in the ancient and complex game of Go."

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