
This Is Not A Doom For Doom Fans, It’s For New Fans – Doom Multiplayer Beta Impressions (Pixelgate)

Pixelgate writes:

''Doom was shaping up well, the trailer looks fantastic. How could you know be drawn in by the return to old school FPS? Bunny hops, rocket jumps, carrying en entire arsenal on your back. It was supposed to be beautiful, it was supposed to be great…so why did they have to go mess it up?''

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Manio312984d ago

I'm still semi-curious about the campaign though.

PixelGateUk2984d ago

That looks like fun, but not keen if they force you to choose between certain weapons. Doom was always about carrying as much BOOOOOOM as you could

Kornholic2983d ago

Doom singleplayer has a weapon wheel, so you can carry more than two weapons.

Muzikguy2983d ago

Funny you say that, but also say it's not for Doom fans

Tehcnala2984d ago

Me too. Just last month, I played doom 3 in 3d on ps3, and holy sh!t. What a satisfying campaign. Can't wait for 4

Muzikguy2983d ago

Doom 3 was such an awesome game. Going by what I've seen of this new one though I'm going to pass. "Beta" wasn't fun for me

sk8ofmnd2983d ago

I kind of feel like doom 3 was a doom for fans that have been around since the beg, this one im not so sure about yet but it looks like a lot has changed.

fr0sty2983d ago

Comparing multiplayer betas to single player only games?

Muzikguy2983d ago


I would assume that the single player portion of the game would still play the same as the multiplayer portion of it. That's why I feel the way I do about the game

Tehcnala2983d ago

Wish I could of played the beta. 'In a Spanish accent' regardless holmes, doom is doom and badass

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2983d ago
Muzikguy2983d ago

I was not impressed at all with the game. I know it's an arena game, but I couldn't get into it. Already deleted the "beta"

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ZaWarudo2984d ago

I hope there's a classic game mode that doesn't have load-outs and all gear must be a field pick ups.

PixelGateUk2984d ago

No load outs, no 'hack' things, no starting with a rocket launcher and things would be much better.

I can take the silly executions but dear god the load out, double jumps and climbing...ewww

Perjoss2984d ago

I think you can make your own game modes with the snap map feature, at least thats what they were saying at last years E3.

OoglyBoogly2984d ago

Unreal Doom? Doom Tournament? Need's a more fitting name.

PixelGateUk2984d ago

It would be better if it played like Unreal. Thankfully Unreal Tournament is free, if you don't mind playing the alpha

MWH2984d ago

you're talking as if one of them or both has identity crisis which is not the case. each has its own merits and both are classics.

OoglyBoogly2984d ago

Wrong. Doom 1 & 2 are classics. This new Doom isn't even goddamn released yet. And as much as people like you want to believe otherwise the two of them are pretty similar in light of this new Doom.

MWH2984d ago

I think you and I misunderstood each other, I would never classify a game before i give it a fair amount of time to form an opinion. i meant that the DOOM and Unreal brands are classics.

as for the new DOOM mp and Unreal Tournament Alpha, i can honestly say that the latter is way ahead in the mp experience.

OoglyBoogly2984d ago

Oh I have no disagreements with the new UT being better than the new Doom but they, in a lot of ways, feel similar. Doom certainly doesn't do much to separate itself.

r3f1cul2984d ago

ehhh... this game just feels super dated to me :/ dunno im still wondering if it can capture that awesome doom single player experience that i know and love but my mp tastes have matured beyond what this game has to offer nowadays sadly :/

PixelGateUk2984d ago

I'd say more confused than dated. They tried to 'update' the style of play but bogged it down in the process. Now it's neither here or there

r3f1cul2984d ago

fair enough i suppose... its definitely off in more then one aspect this much we can all agree on lol

subtenko2983d ago

Then were is it? Under the cubbert? xD

FlyingFoxy2984d ago (Edited 2984d ago )

I voiced my concerns as soon as i saw the first footage of it. I think it's trying to be too many types of shooters, Doom, Quake, UT.. it just seems like a hybrid game.

Experiences like this seem a bit dated and shallow these days with the likes of L4D2 and Killing Floor 2 being around IMO.

PixelGateUk2984d ago

It plays more like Call of Duty than Quake tbh

SnakeforPresident2983d ago

I SERIOUSLY don't see how anyone can say such a thing. Loadouts, 2 guns ... COD. Lets ignore the fact that the core of any shooter, moving and shooting controls completely and absolutely night and day compared to COD.

MWH2984d ago (Edited 2984d ago )

the games you mentioned are in the same boat and that is where Doom belongs, it's the unholy marriage with other certain shooters that I don't like much.

PixelGateUk2984d ago

The only thing i can think of is they've did the ol 'well what's popular in big selling fps titles these days?' then just chucked them into the mix.

Should of seen it coming after Rage i guess

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phoenixwing131d ago

You forgot one and it's a doozy. The weapon is kindness in undertale. :) defeats countless enemies.