
The Future of Sony’s First Party Studios

Ever since the PlayStation 4 launched back in 2013, the system has been lacking in quality, first-party exclusives. For a console that’s otherwise pretty damned great, this has been one of its biggest issues. It’s pretty clear that Sony is now focusing more heavily on second-party exclusives, and third-party partnerships. Evolution Studios, the developer behind the Motorstorm series and DriveClub, is the latest victim of this. It has officially been shut down, and it joins the likes of Zipper Interactive (SOCOM) and Studio Liverpool (Wipeout) in the rubble. Will this new strategy pay off for Sony in the long run, or is the company making a mistake in slowly abandoning its impressive first-party heritage?

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wotta3024d ago

Ratchet & Clank, Uncharted 4, The Last Guardian, No Man's Sky, Horizon Zero Dawn that we know of. You could say it's gonna be a great year for exclusives on PS4.

Godmars2903024d ago

No Man's Sky isn't first party, Sony's just supporting and promoting the indies working on it.

naruga3024d ago (Edited 3023d ago )

if Knack , Killzone (many forgot that these were quality games), Driveclub, R&C, Street Fighter 5 are nt enough for you ..then there is Bloodborne that trumps every 8th generation game until now from any aspect ..i would ask the same question (now the edited out the question) at MS/Xone that still present Ori the blind forest as top exclusive for the console...... and is like a pS2 era game

Godmars2903024d ago

Out of all those titles only Ratchet and Clank aren't controversial in terms of being good much less successful. Failed to live up to expectations. Except for Knack and even there Sony's giving it another chance. A sequel. And again, like prior example, Dragon Quest isn't first party. It is perfect example of the kind of support Sony gets.

That said, out of the three console makers, Sony is the most able as far as supporting their system. Though many will argue such, not seeing any point in exaggerating that.

Scatpants3024d ago

@naruga So you say Knack is a good game and Infamous is a mediocre one? Opinion invalidated.

Kingthrash3603024d ago (Edited 3024d ago )

Why ask Sony this???????????
They bring out the most 1st part games and have the most upcoming first party games.
This is like asking apple where's the iPhone.
More examples?
Mlb the show
God of war remake
Tear away
Uncharted collection
Until dawn
Tlou remake
Uncharted 4
Also let me remind you that shu said they are coming they aren't rushing games out so they can be quality games.
Smh..why are we asking this from Sony when ms hasn't made a new 1st party ip at all this generation.

GribbleGrunger3024d ago (Edited 3024d ago )


Yes, it is very odd isn't it. One would expect this question to be asked of the console with very few 1st party games. I'm assuming the author of this article used the tried and tested method of 'ignoring' certain games because of specific reasons.

Eonjay3024d ago

Infamous still has the best unsurpassed ending this gen:


BattleAxe3024d ago

It really shows the knowledge level that we're dealing with, when you see so many people who don't understand what a First Party Game is....

TFJWM3024d ago

@Eonjay Yes I agree that is the best ending if you have issues...Seek help before its too late

freshslicepizza3024d ago

nintendo is the one who supports its systems more than any of the others with first party games and look at how well the wii u sold. just goes to show how the industry has changed dramatically.

remixx1163024d ago (Edited 3024d ago )

This sh*t literally blows my mind.

Sony is absolutely ruthless this year yet some how this article still gets approved.

These guys know exactly where to the first party games are and if they didn't a simple Google search would smack them upside the head with third,second and first party exclusives.

Hell sony has already released 2 so far in the former of gravity rush remaster and MLB the show, both with great reviews while uncharted 4 is just a couple days away.

And these games are filled in by second and third party exclusives like street fighter 5, alienation, ratchet and clank and no man's sky as the most recent stuff.

Why don't we ask the competition some of these dumb@ss questions.

Knushwood Butt3024d ago

The new Hot Shots Golf game is first party.

I played 6 to bits.

Lonnie183024d ago

Also Infamous First Light ending was awesome my goodness.

NewMonday3024d ago

why dose it matter if its 1st or 2nd party? an exclusive is an exclusive.

PS4 has the most exclusives, the better rated exclusives and the most diverse this generation.

PS4 has the most exclusives slated for 2016 and the games are starting to come out. Sony are doing a great job

Christopher3023d ago

***if Knack , Killzone (many forgot that these were quality games), Driveclub, R&C, Street Fighter 5 are nt enough for you (i dont refer to InSS because was indeed a mediocre game).***

I chuckle at this. Other than R&C, Second Son was probably the next best game from that whole lot. Yet, it gets called mediocre.

Goldby3023d ago


You're just looking at it from an exclusive part.
1st party is when the company that is making the game is owned by Sony (ie. Naughty Dog) 3rd party (Not 2nd) is when the company is either owned independantly or by another company that isn't Sony (ie. Insomniac) While Naughty Dog only makes sony games, Insomniac can make games for other consoles, last years Sunset Overdrive for example.

Hope that helps

DarthZoolu3023d ago

No man's sky is on PC I thought?

Crimzon3023d ago

Yeah, people list all these exclusives but most of them are on PC. When it comes to Sony's real first party lineup this year, it's stronger than other years at least but still pretty iffy. We've got Uncharted 4, Horizon and The Last Guardian. Three games isn't bad, I guess? The PS4's exclusive lineup has been weak to say the least however, since aside from Bloodborne (which truly is an excellent game) it's been total junk.

The article raises a valid point that is 100% factually correct. Sony have been butchering their worldwide studios and relying more and more on third party DLC content, and that's fact. It's disappointing to see because the exclusive lineup on the PS3 was absolutely stellar, but it seems that now Sony has a comfortable lead with the PS4, they're making the exact same mistakes that saw Microsoft squander their gigantic lead with the Xbox 360 during the last console generation.

Imalwaysright3023d ago


So true...Insomniac isn't a Sony studio and so isn't Fromsoftware. Ratchet and Bloodborne aren't Sony's 1st party games.

GameNameFame3023d ago (Edited 3023d ago )

Lol. @Crimzon

Is that why Sony studio size actually grew? In numbers and sizes as many are now two team studios.

Naughty Dog
Bend Studio
San Diego Studio
Santa Monica Studio
Sucker Punch Productions
Japan Studio
Polyphony Digital
Guerrilla Games
London Studio
North West Studio
Media Molecule

As some people here wish to forget actual facts, Sony has been increasing first party and second party both. Sony also recently purchased multiple second party studios.

Some fans here I think are confusing MS's recent decision to close multiple studios and losing partnership with Bungie and Epic as Sony.

Looking at metacritic, PS4 beats Xbox One in exclusive quality and quantity. PS3 massacred Xbox 360 in exclusive as well. Remember the Xbox 360 draught because MS lacked studios? This gen MS has even less studios.

At this point, Sony's long commitment to exclusive is pretty obvious looking at studios and trackrecord both.

buttcheeks3023d ago

@ crimzon you just see what you want to huh? You left out dreams, gravity rush 2 , GT sport and mlb the show all first party games so you say they are spending all their money on third party dlc and yet they have more exclusives than any other platform and they already have more exclusives than the Xbox one THIS IS A FACT.........

3023d ago
fr0sty3023d ago (Edited 3023d ago )

Imalwaysright is right... Lots of people here don't seem to be able to differentiate first party from second party exclusives. Sony does not own Insomniac or From Software, and no matter how many times you click that disagree button, it won't change that fact.

+ Show (20) more repliesLast reply 3023d ago
OOMagnum3024d ago

Ive seen the last guardian used in these lists for literally 7 years.

thekhurg3024d ago

And yet, for the first time, we have confirmation that it's releasing in 2016. So despite the overuse in the past, it's 100% appropriate given the current circumstances.

strifeblade3024d ago

You took the words right out of my mouth. Like every Sony list has been including that have for the last 7 years. I mean hell I might as well start including gears of war 6 in lists of that's the case haha

remixx1163024d ago

Lol and I have been seeing killer instinct and project spark in lists for the past 3 years.......those games were launched titles.

Slide on by with that bull

Kingthrash3603024d ago (Edited 3024d ago )

Lol dlc releases somehow means new game.
Season 3 aka dlc 3
I've pointed that out many times..by that logic a new cod comes out this week.

Why o why3023d ago

Lol. . He's right though. . . That's actually quite funny. . Glad it's got a real green light. My Shadow of the colossus fix was a long time ago.

Chevalier3023d ago (Edited 3023d ago )

Season 2 and season 3 of killer instinct keep popping up on lists too though even though they're essentially season passes. Should we add SF V season pass as a new game to the list as well?

Also keep on seeing Recore and Sea of Thieves on list with ZERO gameplay footage. Also Phantom Dust which has no studio attached and recently confirmed by the studio that was working on it that the trailer shown at E3 wasn't even the game they were working on yet is on list still.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3023d ago
CYCLEGAMER3024d ago (Edited 3024d ago )

Why does it matter if it is "first party" or not? A console exclusive game is a console exclusive game. I can care less if it is first second third or fourth party.

ScorpiusX3024d ago

Its on PC & PS4 with other plats to be mentioned later (Either way am okay w/ a PC version)

Deadlead3024d ago (Edited 3024d ago )

Agreed, I looked up the first 3 years of console exclusive titles for PS4, PS3, Xbox 360, and Xbone. I was thinking the previous gen for 360 would have been the best within this timeframe and it did have some great titles like Mass Effect, Bioshock, Gears 1&2, Fable 2, and Halo 3 and more. But the PS4 was surprisingly the largest list (even if you ended 2016 today) and by the end of 2016 will have top notch quality as well as diversity in its catalog. Here's a pretty comprehensive list of exclusive content up to this point for the PS4, check it out:

Infamous: SS
MLB The Show x3
The Order 1886
Ratchet and Clank
Street Fighter V
Tearaway Unfolded
Until Dawn
The Witness
Gravity Rush 2
Hell Divers
Disgaea 5
Dragon Quest Heroes
The Vanishing of Ethan Carter
Everybody's Gone to the Rapture
Axiom Verge
Fat Princess Adventures
DC Universe Online
GoW III Remastered
UC collection
The Last of Us: RE

And here's a list for what's anticipated to release through the remainder of 2016:
Drawn to Death
GT: Sport
Hell blade
Horizon: ZD
No Man's Sky
Persona 5
Rime (maybe)
The Tomorrow Children
Tales of Zestiria
Uncharted 4

Not every title is something that I'm personally interested in but all these titles are AAA, well reviewed, or look extremely promising. This diversity is probably why the PS4 is crushing it in sales.

Tobsesan3024d ago (Edited 3024d ago )

Deadlead not even half those games are AAA or 1. Party

Godmars2903023d ago

When it actually use to mean something, exclusives generally showed what a system could do. The best presented examples for 3rd parties to follow and 2nd to sometimes exceed. That's where the likes of Square earned their reputation when they were on the SNES and PS1. The same rep Square Enix has devalued.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3023d ago
Movefasta19933024d ago

The last guardian may very well not come out this gen.

medman3024d ago

You bastard......how dare you.

Goldby3016d ago


i cast you into the depths of hell!

Tsunade3024d ago

Ni oh, Persona 5, King of Fighters, the next God of War etc etc.

DarXyde3024d ago

Only God of War is first party. Persona and King of Fighters have appeared on other platforms.

To be fair though, there are plenty of first party PS4 games out. It just depends on if you mean a game of Uncharted's scale. Otherwise, there's Killzone: Shadow Fall, Knack, Drive Club, Bloodborne (co-developed and published by Sony) inFamous: Second Son/First Light, LittleBigPlanet 3, MLB: The Show, Singstar, The Last of Us Remastered, The Unfinished Swan, Tearaway:Unfolded, Gravity Rush: Remastered, and several others where they were simply publishers.

On the way: Uncharted 4, Gran Turismo Sport, Gravity Rush 2, Horizon: Zero Dawn, The Last Guardian, and Drawn to Death.

This does not include all games published by Sony, or even Ratchet and Clank. It doesn't even include the inevitables such as Gran Turismo 7, The Last of Us 2/Naughty Dog's next project, or whatever Sucker Punch is working on. Makes you wonder what's coming from E3 now.

I'd say they're doing alright.

uth113024d ago (Edited 3024d ago )

This R&C game isn't from a first party studio though.

Segata3024d ago

First party IP tho. Like Starfox on Wii U from PG or Killer instinct on Xbox from Iron Galaxy/ It's a first party game by a 3rd party studio.

wolokowoh3024d ago

Insomniac has never been owned by Sony so the series has never been from a first party studio. Before Fuse IG had worked exclusively on PS platforms since Spyro because of a deal(s) they had with Sony. Ratchet and Clank is a first party IP though because Sony owns the IP rights to Ratchet from the moment they agreed to fund the first one.

Why o why3023d ago

I thought game like that was called a 2nd party exclusive

Chevalier3023d ago

Weird Killer Instinct, Scalebound, Recore, Phantom Dust, Dead Rising 3, Ryse, Quantum Break, Ori and the Blind Forest and Screamride aren't first party studios either. That's the majority of Xbone games are made by 3rd party studios yet we see them on list all the time.

In fact Killer Instinct shows up every year with new 8 character season passes each time being passed off as a new entry onto games lists even though they're literally updates and season pass content.

_-EDMIX-_3023d ago

I have no idea what you mean.

a first-party game is not defined by the studio that's creating it. it's actually defined by the IP being owned by the company that's creating the console.

Consider Nintendo over the years has had Capcom, Namco, Platinum Games, Sega in a bunch of other developers and Publishers creating games for them. Capcom created several handheld Zelda titles are you telling me that Zelda isn't a first-party game because Capcom created some of them?

Consider the legal term of first party is merely speaking about the ownership of.... nothing more.

Anything that is considered first party to a company is just saying the company owns either the game or the team etc.

For example Sony could have a first-party game they owned it made by a team they don't own which is third-party because they do not own it. When regarding the game's ownership they will call it first party because they own it, it's theirs.

When you contract somebody to build your kitchen when they leave is the kitchen there's? On your legal documents do you state they owned it? No you are paying them to create it, it's yours.

That is what first-party means it just means owned by.

A first-party studio is owned by..

A first-party game is owned by..etc

_-EDMIX-_3023d ago (Edited 3023d ago )

You guys are disagreeing with Wolo, yet I see no links showing that Sony ever owned Insomniac and i see no links disproving that Sony owns Ratchet & Clank.

For a 100% fact Sony owns Ratchet & Clank not insomniac.

For a 100% fact Sony does not own insomniac.

The series has been worked on by other teams, Sony for a fact owns the IP and Sony for a fact can just get another team to continue the series if they no longer had Insomniac contracted to work on it

It's a first-party IP the first party retains ownership (Sony) they own it, it's literally that simple folks it's not rocket science and I'm not even sure what some disagreeing on.

If I'm wrong on this I beg someone to show some links showing who owns what..

First party does not mean exclusive first party does not mean only on one platform first-party literally just means ownership of.

In the legal sense if you look at Activision's documents and any other legal cases when regarding something like Call of Duty Activision will be stated as the first party, because they own Call of Duty they are the party of ownership of the title that's what that would mean.

A first-party game in terms of console Publishers just means the console publisher owns the actual IP that's it.

For example Microsoft doesn't own Sunset Overdrive. Sunset Overdrive is not a first-party IP because the party we are talking about doesn't own the IP Insomniac does.

If we're going to be as stupid as saying if it's exclusive, its first party that's like saying Metal Gear Solid 4 is a first-party game even though in the legal sense Sony does not own Metal Gear Solid IP.

Once again Sony owns the IP to Ratchet & Clank it is a first-party game that they own they could have anyone they feel like it work on it

Insomniac does not own the IP Insomniac is not a first-party studio because Sony does not own that studio it is not theirs they are not the party of ownership.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3023d ago
showtimefolks3024d ago

let me see because ps4 is so so successful and ps4 was dominating against the so called best lineup ever. Sony decided why not give some extra time to developers

you won't have this issue moving forward. sony will be killing it for next 3 years atleast

ratchet and clank
uncharted 4
no man sky(exclusive to ps4 consoles wise)
horizon zero down
the last guardian
gravity rush
gran turismo
drawn to death
street fighter 5(exclusive to ps4)
firewatch(exclusive to ps4)
shadow of beast
mlb the show 16


god of war

persona 5 not 1st party but exclusive
the witness

don't ever talk about sony's legendary 1st-2nd party studios in a negative way

while xbox and nintenbdo depend on same franchises sony is the only one taking huge risks


maybe metriod

free games with psn-plus was started by sony that now a days y'all are quick to give credit to MS

it's smart business when you are up over 20 some million on xbox one why not give extra time to developers


all won by sony this year and the big hitters are yet to be out

but ho ahead keep hating

off topic:

each year we may get 5 or so exclusives but why is it that we don't talk about 3rd party support? 3rd party support is what really matters more than anything else

tomb raider square regret the timed exclusive. atleast cost themself a good 3-4 million in sales

titanfall 2 coming to ps4 too

publishers placed their bets on xbox one and they all look bad now. ps4 is the present and the future(come e3 with 4k ps4)

here is the difference:

ps4 is run by gamers and the person to lead the ps4 was mark cerny a developer himself

while ms is a business and it shows with their approach

Kiwi663024d ago (Edited 3024d ago )

If in your opinion its only Sony taking risks then wth do you call the new ip's that MS took a risk on as they have more than just gears, halo & forza but i suppose no one should be surprised by your bias and didn't they say shortly after the release of TF that the sequal would be multiplat anyway and how do you know that SE regret the TR thing as didn't they say they were actually happy with how it went

TFJWM3024d ago

@Kiwi66 What risks has MS taken on the first party side of things?

3024d ago
showtimefolks3023d ago (Edited 3023d ago )


please post the risk MS takes or has taken? they play it safe and sound majority of the times. Nichie games have existed on playstation branbd from decades

shu yoshida even said that



first of all ps4 nor xbox one will or can do native 4k at price point of $349 to $399. common sense man

psvr is already a success and it hasn't even launched

end of the day my argument is valid(not a fact just an opinion) ps4 has sold so well that sony could take the wait and see approach and now unleash a lot of exclusives in next 24-36 months

2015 didn't bring many exclusives but it brought some quality exclusives. bloodborne and until dawn.

MS can not keep depending on halo, halo as an IP has slowed down(this is a fact backed up by sales data)

no halo game has even come close to halo 3 sales mark

sunset overdrive is an prime example of how xbox gamers simply don't support all types of games. it was an excellent exclusive that barely sold over a million

same game on ps4 would have sold 3 plus million

there is a reason ratchet and clank IP has stayed strong and i wouldn't be surprised if sony announced another sly and cooper along with buying back of crash IP

even tomb raider sold badly

xbox one can be had in between $249 to $279 yet ps4 is outselling it every month and that right there is argument enough

game4funz3023d ago

You forgot sea of thieves and recore at least. And quantum break.
You added fire watch which is an indie and therefore also forgot a few nice looking Indies on Xbox.

Your lost shows your ignorance because although with the PS4 your list is accurate and even missing some...your list for the Xbox is missing a lot.

_-EDMIX-_3023d ago

It's very clear that Sony has been a company that is willing to take risk on new IP not just trial and error but seeking to create series if they succeed.

Let's not forget that Little Big Planet started off as a single game and now it's an entire series of games.

That could be Wild, that could be Dreams, that could be Detroit that could be many of their games. Regardless of which company you like it is undeniable that Sony over the years has pushed the boundaries with many of their games and have been very open to making new series from any of their teams.

I cannot say the same thing about Microsoft in the last generation where we had 4 Forzas, 4 Halos, 4 Gears of War etc.

The sheer fact that they likely cancelled a new IP in favor of making more Gears of War and even named the new team after something from Gears of War is very much showing that they own a team to just make that one game the fact that they're even naming the team after that is telling you they don't have much intentions of that team doing anything other than that IP.

With the exception of static IPS like racing or Sports you cannot say the same thing about Sony.

I'm pretty positive you didn't know of Horizon zero Dawn last generation by that team.

Basically every generation Sony has their Studios releasing new series.

We don't know of Microsoft consistently doing this we don't even know of Nintendo consistently doing this... I mean people could try to play pretend all day but the reality is during the PlayStation 2 generation you did not know of Uncharted Infamous, Resistance etc.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3023d ago
Germany73024d ago

No Man's Sky is not a first party game, but you are right about the rest, all of these games are Sony exclusives.

deafdani3024d ago

Out of all the games you mentioned, only one's out. ONE, after more than two years in the market.

You can make that two if you include Bloodborne.

The truth is, Sony still hasn't really gotten started with their own games, relying mostly on third party stuff. I guess they were too busy counting money to make games.

GrubsterBeater3024d ago

Yet Sony has released more exclusives, higher rated exclusives, more games in general, and garnered more 3rd party support than MS.

So what are you talking about?

While you're saying all this, XBox One has Quantum Break and Gears as their top exclusives they are relying on. Also, QB is on PC as well and I'm sure Gears will too.

Before you start talking out you a$$, maybe you should think about how wrong you're gonna be when you post that comment..

They were too busy counting their money, huh? I thought it was Microsoft who had all the gaming moneys in the world?

Quit being delusional.

deafdani3024d ago

Pelease, Grubster, do point out where in my comment did I say anything about the competition.


You're deflecting my argument, which was that the PS4 hasn't gotten much in the way of quality exclusive content in more than two years.

I don't care about Microsoft because I don't own a Microsoft machine. I do, however, own a PS4, and so far, it's been a bit disappointing for me. Thankfully, this will change this year, but again... THIS year, more than 2 years after launch.

GrubsterBeater3024d ago (Edited 3024d ago )

Okay, DeafDani, so you don't own an XBox. That doesn't change the fact that PlayStation is dominating exclusives-wise, while XBox has released almost nothing. Also, PlayStation exclusives have been superior in many ways including higher scores than XBox exclusives.

Sony is killing it and PlayStation is just gonna wipe the floor with the competition once the ball gets rolling here in the next couple weeks. Plus, there are soo many quality exclusives in the pipeline now that the competition doesn't stand a chance.

Now if you would do some research on the internet, you would realize just how many games have been released on PlayStation 4 so far, and you would see how many more are on the way as well. A simple Google search would suffice, but you would rather spout the same delusional garbage that most XBox fanboys spew on a daily basis.

So no, I didn't deflect your argument whatsoever, if anything, you are deflecting MY argument and are just being ignorant to the knowledge around you regarding the amount of games Sony has released, plus how many are right around the corner, all of which look like premium, quality titles.

So do that little Google search for me and then tell me again how Sony hasn't been doing much games-wise.

deafdani3023d ago (Edited 3023d ago )

OK, Grubster, if you insist on including the competition here, fine. I'll play along.

As I told you before, I don't care about the Xbox scene because I don't own an Xbox. What I didn't tell you is, I also own a Wii U alongside my PS4.


Funny how you try to use Xbox One as a point of reference to make the PS4 look better by comparison, while completely ignoring the existence of Nintendo's console, which has output more than double the number of quality exclusives than PS4 and Xbox One combined.

It's the Wii U that has "killed it" in the exclusives department. Not PS4, not Xbox One. Wii U.

Sony and Microsoft still have a lot of catching up to do.

Now that the "Xbox fanboy" argument didn't work out for you, I'll just wait for you to call me a Nintendo fanboy and Sony hater to try to save some face. Just remember: it was you who brought forth stupid comparisons to other consoles instead of judging the actual console at hand for itself in the first place.


+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3023d ago
Doopy3024d ago

TLG and Horizon will be delayed.

3024d ago Replies(3)
Chevalier3024d ago

Don't forget, Dreams, Gravity Rush 1 and Gravity Rush 2.

Lordani663023d ago (Edited 3023d ago )

Bloodborne, DOA Xtreme 3, Deep Down (still in the making), Detroit, Driveclub, Final Fantasy VII, God of War 4 (rumored), Gran Turismo Sport, Horizon, inFamous: SS, Killzone, MLB The Show, Ni-Oh, Ratchet & Clank, The Last Guardian, The Order, Uncharted 4, Untill Dawn and some updates that I didn't mention like Beyond: Two Souls, God of War 3, The Last of Us, Uncharted 1-3, and some Asian games released world-wide: Disgaea 5, Dragon Quest XI, Exist Archive, Nier: Automata, Persona 5, Star Ocean, KOF XIV. And those are AAA games only.

Oh and I totally forgot about rumored new Crash Bandicoot and Onimusha I believe (or whatever classic PS2 IP that was that I can't remember, but the rumors are preetty beliveable).

3-4-53023d ago

* Some of you don't quite understand what "First Party" games are.

* Those are ones made/developed by Sony.

* Many of the games you people are listing are 2nd & 3rd party games.

* Street Fighter 5 is a 3rd party game. Even though it is exclusive to PS4, doesn't make it first or 2nd party.

* 2nd party would be if Sony owned part of Capcom....which they don't.

* Sony doesn't have that many first party games.

* Uncharted is NOT first party.

* No man's sky is NOT first party or even 2nd...it's 3rd.

* It's ok to love Sony & your PS4, but please be realistic and at least exist within a shared reality that is REAL.

* Some of you are very delusional or just misinformed on what things actually are.

* Sony & PS4 are awesome, but just please stop with the lies and misleading.

* It makes YOU look bad, not anybody else.

BlakHavoc3023d ago (Edited 3023d ago )

Uncharted is made by ND, which is a first party studio for Sony. And compared to MS Sony has plenty more FP games released or releasing in the near future.

Lordani663022d ago

Yeah, some people don't get what are non-first party studios, but you clearny don't too. First party studios are those, which develop games ONLY for one system. 2nd party studios develop some exclusives for only one platform, but also some multiplatform games (like From Software). 3rd party studios develop only multiplatform games (capcom for example). That's why my post containing all those games in 90% right (yeah, I put a few 2nd party games there too, my bad).

s45gr323022d ago

No Man's Sky is on PC not exclusive

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 3016d ago
-Foxtrot3024d ago

Sony is doing fine with first part content, better then others.

SpaceRanger3024d ago

They've been putting out stuff year round year over year. I'm really thankful that they have variety in their first party studios rather than them all being in either racing or shooting genres.

But more so, I'm really glad that it's not just one game in the spring and then all the rest bundled up within a month and a half.

jb2273024d ago

Yeah there's a nice graph over at NeoGaf right now showing the first parties & what they are working on, we've obviously got GoW coming soon from Santa Monica, TLG, UC4, Horizon, Dreams, etc that we know from first party studios, then first party games like Detroit from third parties, but Sony London, Bend & Sucker Punch all have unannounced games coming and those should all be big titles to announce.

Sony spent the entirety of PS3 supporting it w/ first party content, so a lot of those devs are taking time to create new games after they made late period games for the PS3...I really don't think we've even scratched the surface for Sony's first party, this year is when it starts hitting heavily & it most likely won't let up until we are already in the PS5 cycle, just like what we've seen from the 3 to the 4

Eonjay3024d ago

The are literally the most productive 1st party. I don't know what else to say. Opinions are cool but facts are just facts.

DarXyde3024d ago

I don't think they're more productive than Nintendo. Their studios populate a pretty significant portion of the Wii U and, to a lesser degree, 3DS libraries.

rainslacker3024d ago

I think Nintendo gives them a good run for their money. I think Sony has a bit more variety in their line up, but Nintendo has certainly been doing better than they used to on that front.

Muzikguy3024d ago

Don't hit us with facts, those things hurt! :)

I do agree that Nintendo does this quite well also. They just seem to be more focused on portables.

ShadowKnight3024d ago (Edited 3024d ago )

I think Nintendo and Sony are releasing great exclusives!

-Foxtrot3024d ago

Nintendos feel samey with some games. Sony offers more variety with good online play as a bonus

deafdani3024d ago

Lol, no. Unless you don't count Nintendo in "others".

Imalwaysright3023d ago

If the others aren't Nintendo...

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3023d ago
Hoffmann3024d ago (Edited 3024d ago )

I wanted to report this article as Lame because it is damn lame to ask where the first party games are in a time frame when big games like R&C and Uncharted 4 are getting released.

But thought its more fun to see the comments here so I gave it the last needed approval. Excuse me, I need to wash my hands now multiple times, am feeling a dirty and this dirt won't go away easily.

Eiyuuou3024d ago

You shouldn't feel bad. Decent entertainment is hard to come by these days.

Aloy-Boyfriend3024d ago

It's never enough. PS4 has got games since this year and people still ask this question? MLB the show, R&C, Uncharted next month? Plus the other first party titles.

Oh wait by calling most not first parties for not being developed by their own studios is reason enough to just write them off?

In that case, where are the first party Microsuave? Most of the games aren't even made by their studios.

uth113024d ago

The article was about First Party Content, not exclusives.

Remember that many of the big first party games of the last year and a half, like Bloodborne, Order 1886, Until Dawn, didn't come from first party studios.

Sora_19943024d ago

They just released mlb and ratchet...uncharted is next month...wtf else do people want

Tsunade3024d ago

Traffic on their websites. (clicks)

Germany73024d ago

Alienation is coming this month too.

What about now, haters?

deafdani3024d ago

Yeah, and it took them more than 2 years to really get started. I think it's a valid complaint.

remixx1163024d ago

How is the complaint valid when it poses a question that has a clear answer this year....... I bet this article made you happy huh??

deafdani3024d ago

Why would I be happy? If anything, I'm happy that finally the truly awesome content is releasing on PS4. I own one, and it's been a long wait.

As for the article itself, the title posted on this site is extremely deceiving, because the article's real title is about the future of Sony's first party studios. :/

remixx1163023d ago

My bad, sorry read it all after the fact.yeah but we should be used to the wait by now I guess.

Aloy-Boyfriend3023d ago (Edited 3023d ago )

Infamous SS got things started. It was a fun game, the TLOU RE, and so on.

But you people have grown up to be ungrateful, Underappreciative self centered critics that a game that doesn't get a 90+ is considered crap.

There's no passion about playing games anymore. It's all about scores.

Killzone SF*
Infamous SS
Little big planet 3
Until Dawn
Uncharted collection
The order
MLB The Show*
The Witness
Ratchet and Clank
Salt and Sanctuary

All these games in two years and you say it took the more than two years? I would have been lucky to play this amount of games in two years in previous gens.

Yey you people can't see that because you've been blinded with scores

deafdani3023d ago


Second Son was the main reason I got a PS4. Don't assume sh*t, please. >_>

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3023d ago
_-EDMIX-_3023d ago

Lol they be like " Sony used to release five games every month last generation" lol

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3023d ago
vikingland13024d ago

While these bloggers wonder where the 1st party/exclusives are I'm gonna bow out and go play some more Ratchet & Clank ;P

fallacious3023d ago

these bloggers really like to churn out trash.

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inFamous 3: Is PlayStation Working On A Second Son Sequel?

Fans of the action-adventure franchise have been eagerly awaiting news of a potential sequel to one of the best games on the PS4.

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-Foxtrot8d ago

They really need to

Go off the evil ending off Second Son

Delsin absorbs all those powers

Revealed he’s the real Beast and John in Infamous 2 was just an anomaly created by timelines being messed with by Kessler.

Cole vs the Real Beast

gold_drake8d ago

quite honestly, i dont remember a whole lot about 2 amymore, but i absolutely hated the guy in second son haha.

chicken_in_the_corn7d ago

It would make more sense to go off the evil ending of 2 and the good ending g of SS where Cole is The Beast.

Cacabunga6d ago

Doesnt make any sense calling second son 2 as infamous 3..

OtterX7d ago

Ha, yea Delsin was obnoxious.

I wouldn't mind another new character, but somehow bring Cole into the story.

We can just pretend like Delsin never existed. :)

thejigisup7d ago

Everyone that age is obnoxious. It's been years and is like to think delsin has grown

neutralgamer19927d ago

Until we wait for a potential new entry it would awesome to have infamous collection for PS5

RaidenBlack7d ago

Umm ... how about this?
First we get the Tushima sequel(coz its most rumored)
Then a new Resistance (need new PS SP FPS)
Then a totally new IP (new IPs are always interesting)
And then a new inFamous?

xHeavYx7d ago

Can we also get a complete remaster of InFamous 1 and 2?

fr0sty6d ago

Gimme a new Warhawk and MAG while we're at it.

DivineHand1257d ago

I had a great time with the second son. Never got to play the originals and hope they get remastered one day.

DazaMc7d ago

The graphics were amazing, I got the platinum on that one. Very good.

ChasterMies7d ago (Edited 7d ago )

If I had a choice between another Infamous game and another Spider-Man game, I choose Spider-Man. Sony should spend its resources on its winners.

Tacoboto7d ago (Edited 7d ago )

Infamous was such a winner its studio was given the freedom (after 3 titles + their expansions) to do a new IP with GoT, just like with Sly Cooper before infamous.

I'd welcome a 4th title even more than another Spider-Man, it'd be exciting what they could do with new powers fit for the hardware outside the limits of a licensed superhero game.

jznrpg7d ago

Spider-Man is guaranteed and is made by Insomniac so why not both as Sucker Punch would make Infamous.

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‘People laughed at it’: the unlikely story behind the music of Crash Bandicoot

For many, the game became the sound of the 90s – but Josh Mancell tells us how the music for PlayStation’s first mascot game originated in Kraft cheese and Kraftwerk

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How Does inFAMOUS Second Son Hold up 10 Years Later?

inFAMOUS Second Son was one of PS4's best exclusives, but does it hold up a decade later?

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Deeeeznuuuts196d ago

100%, locked 60fps and still look great all these years later, same with the expansion, definitely worth a look if people haven't played it yet, not the best games ever made but a good experience, hopefully a new infamous gets released

KwietStorm_BLM196d ago

Never was my favorite infamous, but it was definitely a graphics showcase early on PS4. Still plays well with the unlocked frame rate.

SDuck196d ago

Still remember getting hyped about this game nearing release. Funny because I never even got a PS4. Jumped from PS3 to PC so I never played it ahahaha

OmegaSoldati196d ago

Its a good game. But thats it. Congratulations you made the best choice. I dream to have a great PC one day.

jznrpg7d ago

@OmegaSoldati I’ve had a few of the highest end PC’s and they’re cool for about a year then they aren’t the highest end PC anymore and not as cool. It’s way overrated imo.

Profchaos196d ago (Edited 196d ago )

Graphically It's a absolutely stunning game that still holds up today.

Didn't have all that much depth to it forcing you to play though twice for a platinum trophy a good and bad run it was a little disappointing how similar those were Delsin would be like I'm not doing that for you in a cutscene but the cutscene would play out and force you to do it anyway just as you would of in a good run

I did like the story however it got a lot of complaints back in the day people hated playing as Delsin instead of cole despite Coles story being wrapped up.

Overall though the map wasn't overly saturated with useless points of interest there was some collectibles and things to find but nothing compared to a Ubisoft game.

I think it was a good game if a little hollow I've played it through around 4 times now since it's so short.

Also it's DLC was great a full story expansion

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