
When Does Difficulty Become Frustration?

Player 2 Editor Matt Hewson looks at the reasons why he just can't enjoy the Souls games despite knowing how good they actually are.

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Paytaa3092d ago

When you fight Ornstein and Smough.

seanpitt233092d ago

I think the more you play it the better you become I have completed all the dark souls and bloodborne and have just received my copy of dark souls 3 so going to dive in that world later.

BiggerBoss3092d ago (Edited 3092d ago )

That fight was the WORST (doesn't help I was using a lighting weapon)

Finally beating it though was the greatest feeling ever, and that's why Dark Souls shouldn't allow an "easy mode"

Tdmd3092d ago

I've always though that 4Kings was harder.

wsoutlaw873092d ago

Really? If you used the right weapons you could kill them as they come.

joab7773091d ago

No. When it's based on a broken game. Either lag or broken code. DS is fair and when you die it's your fault. This is not frustration. At least for me frustration is when you can't do anything because the game isn't working as intended, or it is but it was built wrong.

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ZaWarudo3092d ago

Just git gud.

Seriously, these games are some of the most rewarding gaming experiences out there.

freshslicepizza3092d ago

it becomes an issue when it's due to the control issues and if the part of the game becomes really cheap. if i keep dying in a game and it's because i am stuggling with the controls i simply stop playing. that is poor design and some games actually won't allow you to customize your controls. other games for example a boss requires multiple hits but if you get even a whiff of a hit you instantly die. that is cheap. neither scenario is acceptable to me.

but if experience pays off like the souls games then that to me is perfectly acceptable. you can learn from your mistakes. i just don't like some of the controls they give you.

wsoutlaw873092d ago

Thats what the creators of the souls games have been saying. It just needs to be fair. If you mess up and die then its your fault and easily fixable. Every boss is learnable, you just have to pay attention. If you have trouble in a souls game you can also just level up, or invite a friend.

Hoffmann3092d ago

When Does Difficulty Become Frustration?

When you are not able to understand how to beat bosses/levels/opponents

Or if you are just not able to press a button fast enough sometimes.

I know people that can't even dash forward in Street Fighter.

Mr Lahey3092d ago

When you need to git gud..

SlightlyRetarted3092d ago

During boss fights, does the liquor do the thinking, Mr Lahey?

OpenGL3092d ago

He can't enjoy it because he's trying to play Souls like any other game and is unwilling to learn its mechanics or enemy movesets.

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PrinceOfAnger37d ago

I am more interested in infamous second son and perhaps driveclub.

PrinceOfAnger35d ago

Yeah it need more time for fixing the graphics.

Zombieburger63835d ago

Give it 6 months. It’s not like Sony will do anything with the ip so what’s waiting a little longer. Btw screw sony.