
Greg Miller Is A Chapstick Psychopath - The GameOverGreggy Show Ep. 122 (Pt. 4)

Greg Miller is a chapstick psychopath.

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shammgod3089d ago

Let me guess, Greg Miller talks over everybody in this episode.

NukaCola3089d ago

GOG Show isn't games related. PS I love you XOXO and Gamescast are though. That being said, the Kinda Funny community is the best.

LoveSpuds3089d ago (Edited 3089d ago )

Kinda Funny is great but its certainly no GiantBomb.

I like Greg and co because of their games content but they keep releasing stupid videos offering advice on love, sex, relationships and so on. This has cooled me on Kinda Funny now to the point that I only listen to their podcast now and rarely watch any video content.

LoveSpuds3089d ago

Love Greg but Colin is a condescending, big headed, know it all.

FullmetalRoyale3089d ago

That was my initial opinion of him wayyy back in the day. He has a certain way about him, but isn't full of himself. He's actually pretty self deprecating, when he is speaking candidly.
But boy did he bug me before I got to know him! 😋

LoveSpuds3089d ago (Edited 3089d ago )

I have listened to them for years and it never bothered me so much when they were at IGN but it is far more noticeable now with Kinda Funny where there are often just the two of them.

Its that constant 'I told everyone this years ago', 'I've know this for years', 'other people dont understand games like me' attitude.

For the most part I enjoy their gaming podcasts but play a little game and listen out for how many times Colin will state that he knew 'x, y or z' or has been saying 'x, y, z' for years or blows his own trumpet, you will be amazed.

FullmetalRoyale3088d ago

I see. No I definitely know what you are referring to. Idk. I'm like that with my friends too, especially if they doubted me on something I felt strongly about. But I'm just busting balls, so that's how I take Colin doing it.
There are instances where I feel like he crosses the line, but we all do that sometimes.


Yakuza announcement teased for Kinda Funny Games Showcase on December 8

Sega has teased a Yakuza-related announcement for the Kinda Funny Games Showcase on December 8.

ThePsychoGamer2124d ago (Edited 2124d ago )

If Sega is going to announce localization plans for Yakuza 3 remastered, I really hope that they announce that it will release at the same time on multiple platforms so we can finally get a uncut version of Yakuza 3 in the west, cause with how Sony has been acting recently, we are not getting an uncut version on PS4.

CrimsonWing692123d ago

I'll laugh if it's the western release of the mobile game.

AK912123d ago (Edited 2123d ago )

Kiryu getting literally backstabbed by Daigo and getting killed onscreen?

On a serious note though I’m not expecting much maybe the Yakuza online game coming to the west or getting a console version.


Pre-registration Opens for AR Title Ghostbusters World

Also, there's a new recruitment trailer featuring Greg Miller from Kinda Funny.


The Greg Miller Story

Polygon's Colin Campbell writes: One of gaming’s most popular internet personalities talks about life, games and celebrity.

UltraNova2236d ago (Edited 2236d ago )

Honestly, I read this interview and got to know who Miller was, its kinda funny really ;-)

Good work Polygon.

gamer78042235d ago (Edited 2235d ago )

Greg is great at what he does but i never feel like i truly know him. Colin reached out to Greg recently and asked if if greg wanted to talk perhaps not leave things how they were. Greg had no interest, Colin knew that if he atleast didn't extend a hand out to be a better person he would regret it if anything ever happened to greg. I was sad to hear that greg didn't want to do this even privately.

TheOneWhoIsTornApart2235d ago

@gamer784: Where did you get this info about Greg not wanting to patch things up with Colin?. Do you have a link for this info?. If this is true then Greg is truly a scum bag.

CrimsonWing692235d ago (Edited 2235d ago )



From the man, himself.

Fluxour2235d ago

What happened between colin and greg?

ArchangelMike2236d ago

A brilliant read. Although I have to be honest that once Collin left Kinda Funny (I still feel he was thrown under the bus by Greg), I lost interest in Kinda Funny.

UltraNova2236d ago (Edited 2236d ago )

He was indeed abandoned simply because everyone, including Greg wanted to distance themselves from the backlash. All those years thrown down the drain for what was a poorly timed joke.

OB1Biker2235d ago (Edited 2235d ago )

The backlash was pathetic. I often disagreed with Colin and never been a fan but he got my respect on this one.

fiveby92235d ago

I stopped watching KF following that incident in how Greg and the other members of KF treated Colin. As they say, "With friends like that who needs ...". The joke was so harmless too. Colin and Greg were a good duo. The other lack'ies are insignificant.

Bronxs152235d ago

Can someone update me, been out of the podcast loop. What happened with them? What did Colin say??

Side note I liked listening to beyond with it was Greg Colin and powerhouse Ryan lol

NecrumOddBoy2235d ago

Greg is a backstabbing fool. He let Tim Gettys turn Kinda Funny in to a lame ass channel and watched as the Colin joke issue go down so he could turn on him. Greg is a garbage friend and a liar. KFG is now filled with dumb Let's Plays and their daily podcasts are devoid of intellectual thought. Greg cries about getting free codes because he feels entitled but doesn't finish a single in his list. The term "best friend" means if you only fit into their social justice warrior ideologies. I tried to get back into KFG, but it's such trash now. There's so many better outlets that deserve your money. KFG deserves nothing.

On the other hand, Colin is doing his Fireside Chats and weekly gaming videos. His retro knock-back podcast with his brother is one of my favorite podcast of all time. And he started a PlayStation podcast which I think is just fantastic. He's done better for himself ever since he left that toxic environment.

Blastoise2235d ago

Really enjoying the Sacred Symbols podcast

NecrumOddBoy2235d ago (Edited 2235d ago )


For all the crap Colin went through during Greg's cancer and divorce, he stuck by him and would die for his Greg... then for Greg to turn around and just throw Colin to the curb like garbage, is just the most effin' disgusting thing a supposed friend could do. I hope every one pulls KFG Patron because it just enables the toxicity the industry doesn't need. Put it toward Colin, ACG, GiantBomb, Jim Sterling, and even Jared Petty's own shows. KFG makes money for being scumbags who can't even deliver real content outside of drinking and making heinous jokes (that the left can get away with).

Majin-vegeta2235d ago

Man that was a day.I was watching the PC police have a mental breakdown over that joke🤣

Papafynn2235d ago

Colin's joke, a joke never the less was uncouth and improper giving the timing. He should have apologized. That wasn't a hill worth dying on but who is Colin if not a man of his words.....so he stuck to them. His contrarian opinion is missed but alas the internets fills that void. Godspeed Colin.

MrSwankSinatra2235d ago

he did apologize, what are you talking about?

fiveby92235d ago

Colin's joke was hamrless in the grand scheme of things. Slightly edgy humor. Some people are just way way too sensitive.

rainslacker2235d ago

Making an poorly timed joke is no reason to have ones career striped away from them. Nor is it a reason to have to go through what he went through when all of this happened.

I think no one is so perfect that they haven't been in a similar situation.

He didn't need to apologize. He should have said he understands why people were upset, but they need to stop being so sensitive, and realize that the world isn't going to end because some random person says something that may be offensive to some people that can't take a joke.

doughnutsfan2235d ago

yes, colin was the best part about KF, Tym gettys of whatever his name is annoys tf out of me, like he has no business talking about games bc he doesn't know half the staff he's talking about, like he said he loves kingdom hearts and doesn't even know tetsuya nomura's name

Mr Pumblechook2235d ago (Edited 2235d ago )

I remember watching a live PSX conference with Shuhei Yoshida present. Greg Miller started making a dedication to his friend Colin Moriarty for being a great friend and supporting him through his cancer battle, Miller began crying as he spoke. I watched and I thought 'that's friendship.'

Then Colin Moriarty made a joke. Greg hated the joke because he felt it was offensive to women. However I think Greg could have made clear that HE didn't like the joke but that he would still support his friend. Ultimately Greg Miller was so consumed by his Alt-left politics he thought it was worth ending a friendship over.

VenomUK2235d ago (Edited 2235d ago )

but when did it ha

gamer78042235d ago

Yah i still listen but no longer am a patreon supporter. Also not a fan of Blaine at rooster teeth and how they work so closely with them. Blaine lashed out at Colin for his joke too. Jokes at each of their channels have been far far worse than what Colin said.

generic-user-name2235d ago

KF was balanced nicely with Greg and Colin combined, I disagreed with Colin's gaming opinions half the time but he still added a great deal to the conversation and usually offered the other side of the coin. Since Greg absolutely stabbed him in the back, KF has become something gross. Greg+4 lackies (I like Andrea, I guess Andy is decent too), drinking their iced-coffees and LaCroixs, grown complacent with their Patreon success, offering little-to-no interesting discussion anymore because they are an echo chamber, they've also become heavily pro Nintendo since Tim and Jared became more prominent and very left wing (if Polygon is singing your praises, that's a red flag).

Then there's Jared, he seems like a very nice, decent man, but my god is he boring. There has been times when I tried giving them another chance, but then someone mentions an obscure Japanese arcade game from 1987 and I have to hear about it for what feels like an eternity from Jared so I just switch off. Man I miss PS I Love You XOXO. I will need to check out Colin's new Sacred Symbols podcast, hopefully it will fill the void.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2235d ago
AspiringProGenji2235d ago (Edited 2235d ago )

I enjoyed the Oreo cookies reviews on his yt channel

MrSwankSinatra2235d ago

i can't take this guy seriously anymore after he pretty much backstabbed his bestfriend. dude is a tool and i stand by that.

2235d ago
Ristul2235d ago

The guy is a backstabber, now I follow Colin's new gaming channel instead (Colin's Last Stand: Side Quest).

fiveby92235d ago

Same for me. I cannot respect Greg at all. KF would have been better off with Colin. If they were going to get rid of a personality it should have been Tim Getty's. He adds nothing of significance to the business. So instead I watch and enjoy Colin's new YT channels.

Omegasyde2235d ago (Edited 2235d ago )

I had no idea Colin went back into gaming after the political shows.

Thanks for sharing! Going to subscribe now to his channels.

Screw Gettys and Kinda Political correctness.

ptownjbo2235d ago

@omegasyde, yeah! One weekly video show that’s opinion pieces and reviews, plus a weekly PlayStation podcast, and a weekly retro/nostalgia podcast, and lastly a miscellaneous discussion weekly podcast! The dude is killing it.

Sacred Symbols - A PlayStation Podcast
Knockback - Retro podcast
Fireside chats - Random topics podcast
Sidequest on YT - opinions/reviews


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