
The Making of Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End | Episode 5: In The End | PS4

In this episode, the folks at Naughty Dog and the cast of the Uncharted series open up about their love for the characters and the emotional journey they’ve taken across the series of games.
The team also discuss their appreciation of the fans and how the game’s success owes a lot to the passion of the fans of the Uncharted series.

Several years after his last adventure, retired fortune hunter Nathan Drake is forced back into the world of thieves. With the stakes much more personal, Drake embarks on a globe-trotting journey in pursuit of a historical conspiracy behind a fabled pirate treasure. His greatest adventure will test his physical limits, his resolve, and ultimately what he’s willing to sacrifice to save the ones he loves.

Aloy-Boyfriend3097d ago

Goddamn Naughty Doge! You are making is very hard to let this be the last in the series. This is the true Crushing difficulty

3097d ago
littlezizu3097d ago

Game looks absolutely Stunning. Amount of details is simply unbelievable. ND once again raised the bar.

DerekFlint0073097d ago

For those who may wish to see more on Uncharted 4. Greg Miller has just announced that Kinda Funny will post an Uncharted 4 let's play this Monday at 7am PT.

This was another superb developer insight video from the incredible team at Naughty Dog.

DragonDDark3097d ago (Edited 3097d ago )

This made me choke. :(
I know that this game will stand out this year.. I might be a little biased but this feeling, man. :|

-Foxtrot3097d ago (Edited 3097d ago )

It's a shame with the trailers, these making of videos and the like there's hardly anything on Elena, except the scenes of her tearing up or complaining to Drake. Not even one with a gun in her hand. She better not have been pushed back completely in the last ever game. She's a badass who deserves to be there with Drake through most of the game. Even Sully is lacking :|


Oh look disagrees because I said one little bad thing about the game which doesn't even relate to the quality/actual game but more of a personal opinion to one of the strongest, well made female characters of last gen. N4G the home of sensitive gamers. You know the funny thing. You can go on the forums (of die hard Uncharted fans) and have a decent discussion on this but if you mention it here with a simple, average comment you're torn apart like you hate the entire game.

DragonDDark3097d ago (Edited 3097d ago )

Well, maybe just maybe, she will play a big factor in the plot and they don't want to spoil anything...?

-Foxtrot3097d ago

Hopefully but I really don't think how she would be a spoiler in anything

Unless she comes into it at the end after Sam betrays Drake.

I thought this was just a Drakes Fortune costume


But the lower half of her outfit is different. Since it's called Island Elena I'm wondering if she goes with Drake near the end.

TwoForce3097d ago

Dude, can you really need to stop with fan service ? This is about Drake last Journey even his love one, his best friend and his brother. Sully is getting old and Elena is tired of treasure hunting and want to live a normal life. Drake will do any necessary to protect his friends even he have to lie. This is about his personal life issue that need to get it done. Drake was about done his treasure hunting but his brother need his help to finish one last job.

-Foxtrot3097d ago

Oh but shoving Chloe into Uncharted 3 wasn't fan service?

No it's not just Drakes last journey, it's about the journey all these characters have taken. They even talk about this in the making of videos and how they have evolved. They've become such a big part in Drakes life and the last game should be to honour these characters we've grown with since the very first game. Not see them to a step back. Yet despite being the last game the focus on these guys are being shoved away for the out of the blue long lost brother storyline.

I'm sorry but do you really want to see Elena moaning at Drake the entire game, that's not her. She's a strong character and should of gladly went with Drake. The story should have been created to strike home to Elena aswell, something to motivate her to go with him.

seppo913097d ago (Edited 3097d ago )

@fox No it wasn't, both she and cutter were supposed to have a bigger role but they got cut.

Nothing says Elena won't have a big role in this.

Edit: It's the last Uncharted, it should celebrate the series yes, but they shouldn't make forced choices that could impact the story because of fan service.

I want Chloe in this, but if she doesn't have a purpose in the story I would be fine if they skip her. Will main her online anyway.

DragonDDark3097d ago (Edited 3097d ago )

If you're questioning the spoiler I'll give the possibilities:

1. She dies.
2. She's pregnant (she can't go treasure hunting).
3. Maybe she had a miscarriage?
4. As stated by @TwoForce, she left that life a long time ago and doesn't want to get involved.
Etc etc..
Or maybe she will go with nate.
See anything can happen. Lots of possibilities and small scenes can bring lots of key plot points. ND has been great in hiding spoilers imo.

98xpresent3097d ago

The miscarriage 1 to me would be very emotional.

98xpresent3097d ago (Edited 3097d ago )

But again I don't think ND would end the series on a sad note

BlakHavoc3097d ago

This game will have crushing moments without a doubt, but I don't believe they'd end the game on a sad note. I'm also finding it hard to believe though that out of Drake, Elena, Sam, and Sully, someone's going to die lol.

TwoForce3097d ago

I'm really like Elena. I do, but i looked at her eyes and her feelings. She doesn't want to Drake to risk any more of this.

BlakHavoc3097d ago

You're a pessimist aren't you? I think in this game most of the characters except for Sam will be kind of tired of treasure hunting, clearly Elena was promised that Drake was done pursuing that life style, so she appears upset and betrayed. I think it'd be kind of corny if she decides to pick up a gun and go hunting for the pirate treasure with Drake honestly. This game should be about Drakes relationships with all the main characters and how they're affected in this final installment.

Aloy-Boyfriend3097d ago (Edited 3097d ago )

I disagree with uou because this is Nate's adventure, not Elena's. She had her moments in U2 and U3. How is Elena handling a gun fan service at all?

If you can't stand disagrees, then don't speak

BlakHavoc3097d ago

Oh and u seem obsessed with Elena having a huge role in the game, she played that role in the entire series and will have a role in UC4. Buts the games protagonist is Drake, not Elena.

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Uncharted Unreal Engine 5 Imagining From MachineGames-Indiana Jones Designer is a Sight to Behold

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RaidenBlack206d ago

to reiterate, this is just a hobby project by a single developer

isarai206d ago

As a one man project this is awesome as hell!

206d ago
lellkay206d ago

Impressive considering its a one man effort!

Nacho_Z205d ago

Nate looks like he's been charting the lost city of Marijuana.

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Crows90308d ago (Edited 308d ago )

The best games of their generation too. Its incredible how great most if not all of playstations games are. Whether you like the stories or not you cant deny the quality of each title.

Hated tlou part 2. But im going to buy it when it is cheap enough because i want to play the remastered content for $10 extra dollars. Theyre adding a roguelike mode...thats going to be fun!

308d ago