
Star Wars Holo-Chess Creator Announces VR Board Game

BNR: If you're a fan of the Star Wars films, you've probably seen the awesome 3D holographic chess game that Chewbacca was quite fond of (Let the wookie win!)- what you might not have known is that it was created by veteran animator Phil Tippett- Tippet's stop-motion creatures have been in a number of films- it's going to be interesting seeing them in a video game.
HoloGrid: Monster Battle is currently in development by TippettStudio and HappyGiant, and it's a VR/AR card and board game that looks a little bit HoloChess, a little bit Yu-Gi-Oh. The game will employ augmented reality in conjunction with physical cards to put the monsters in the game into a real environment- check out the trailer below for a look at how this works.

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MCTJim2990d ago

Just make it star wars themed like on the Millennium Falcon and it will be a hit!! I dont want to have to buy figurines to play chess.

Muadiib2990d ago

Exactly, if it's not set on the Millennium Falcon then it's a massive missed opportunity.


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