
Crytek's Artists Showcase CRYENGINE With New Beautiful Forest Maps

Crytek’s Lighting Artist, Damian Stempniewski, showcased a Forest map CRYENGINE V mostly for testing overcast lighting with SVOGI. On the other hand, Crytek’s Principal 3D Artist / Principal Environment Artist, Finn Meinert Matthiesen, showcased the Fog Lighting effects of CRYENGINE.

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ThunderPulse3103d ago

A WW2 game with these graphics would be amazing.

sullynathan3103d ago

Yes your engine is good but Crytek should be focusing on making a good game for once.

starchild3103d ago

Eh.. I liked all the Crysis games, and Ryse, actually. I'm not going to say they're my favorites or anything, but they were good and I enjoyed them.

starchild3103d ago

I do want to say, though, that I respect your opinion if you don't like them. That's ok. We all have different tastes.

I noticed your list of favorite games on your profile and I agree with most of those. I'd say you have good taste, at least as far as my tastes are concerned.

sullynathan3103d ago

Crysis is a bad series, all of them are below average. I haven't played Ryse but I doubt its good either. Far Cry started good but half way through the game it became bad. Crytek have yet to make a good game.

starchild3102d ago

I respect your opinion, but I strongly disagree. The overall critical reception for these games has generally been much more positive than you are giving them credit for.

Of course a developer is not going to pander to one particular individual's taste. If the games were being disliked by people in general then we could talk about them needing to make good games. But that's not the case when many people do like their games.

TheCommentator3103d ago

Video games are standing on the edge of the Uncanny Valley. It's hard to think what we'll be playing 10 years from now if real time images like this are possible on the best hardware available today. Every bit as beautiful as Unreal 4.

Angainor73103d ago

Now... imagine a Ryse 2 with those graphics. Personally Ryse is one of the best games i've ever played. it has its huge issues, but also had the curse to have emotions,graphics and challenging gameplay on Insane Difficulty. Basically it can only go up from there..

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Hunt: Showdown is getting one of the rarest things a game can get: an engine upgrade

"It is gonna be a long technical road" to update Hunt's version of CryEngine.

MadLad569d ago

Great game.
Smaller, but healthy, player base. At least on PC. Very tense game.

bunt-custardly568d ago

If anyone can upgrade the engine then Crytek can. Good news anyway. Hunt looks pretty awesome anyway, but with UE5 a thing now Cryengine beginning to look dated perhaps?

Eonjay568d ago

It was bound to happen. Let's hope that they can update their engine. As good as UE5 looks, we need multiple engines out there. This will prevent all games from looking too samey.

Looking at DF the last three Graphics of the year have been:

Insomniac engine
Red Engine
Decima Engine

I love seeing different engines flex their muscles.

Concertoine567d ago

I do too, but having a dependable and common engine would go a long way toward fixing development cost and time.


Jurassic Dream is a CRYENGINE free Jurassic Park game that you can download right now

LifelessTapir has released a free game in which he basically recreated the entire Isla Nublar island from Jurassic Park in CRYENGINE.

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yellowgerbil1830d ago

It's Cryengine free you say? Great news, sick of all that cryengine in my dinosaur games.

windblowsagain1830d ago

What Dinosaur games.

I cannot for the life of me understand why there are no Dinosaur games anymore. Not building a Jurassic world type thing. But edge of your seat as scared as fuk fps or tps game. With todays graphics and quality would have been awesome.

Just hope something is made for PS5 etc.

Kosic1829d ago

I'd love a remake of Dino crisis 1 and 2!


CRYENGINE 5.6 is now available to developers, featuring more than 1000 changes to the engine

Crytek has announced that CRYENGINE 5.6 is available now for all game developers. According to the team, this major new release includes over 1,000 changes to the engine.

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