
Jason Mewes Opens Up On Jay and Silent Bob: Chronic Blunt Punch

The View Askewinerse has conquered multiple mediums including film, comics and television, but one place it’s always been lacking is video games. That’s about to change as Jay and Silent Bob: Chronic Blunt Punch has been announced and is currently raising funds on Fig. During GDC 2016, we were able to sit down with Jay himself Jason Mewes and developer Justin Woodward to talk everything about their highly-anticipated game.

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pompombrum3104d ago

I love Kevin Smith movies but a game based on Jay and Silent Bob is either going to be really epic or really bad.


Interview w/ Interabang’s Justin Woodward on Jay and Silent Bob Chronic Blunt Punch

During PAX West 2024, we had a chance to speak with Justin Woodward of Interabang Entertainment regarding its upcoming 2D Side-Scrolling beat 'em up, Jay and Silent Bob Chronic Punch. During this interview, we get down and dirty, asking real questions regarding the game and a bit more.

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The 10 Largest Crowdfunded Games of 2016

Crowdfunding has left a sour taste in many gamers’ mouths after multiple projects have either been delayed, cancelled or just failed to deliver on expectations (looking at you, Mighty No. 9). However, it’s not fair to say that all crowdfunded games are terrible, as we do have amazing projects that wouldn’t have seen the light of day without crowdfunding. One of our personal favourites is Shovel Knight which even to this day continues to release new free content!

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Yo Lunchbox, The Jay and Silent Bob Game is Looking Good

David Lins writes: "The animations show off a new Hipster enemy that attacks with his neckbeard. Many animations are still just keyframes, but Jay’s death animation looks pretty much done."

garyanderson2819d ago

They're not nearly as funny as they used to be, but this is looking pretty good so far.