
Best Boss Battles in Gaming History - Part Fifteen

Phil writes, "Fifteen installments? It seems like only yesterday I was waxing poetic on my favorite boss battles. Now it's this long-running series of popular articles on SuperPhillip Central. Well, no point reminiscing, as we have five more awesome boss battles to cover with part fifteen of the Best Boss Battles in Gaming History. This time we're delving totally into final boss encounters! These are memorable, fun, clever, and sometimes completely fresh takes on the boss formula. After you've looked at the five entries this time around, I'd love to hear which boss battles you've enjoyed most!"

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Activision's Transformers Games Have Been Relisted On Xbox And Steam Stores

Activision's Transformers games have been relisted on the Xbox and Steam stores, suggesting they could be available in the future.

Inverno78d ago

Aw snap, i pirated the first game since I couldn't get it on steam but couldn't get it to work. Guess i don't gotta go out of my way now. Now if only SONY worked with em to port over Edge of Time or remastered Shattered and Edge.

77d ago
Redgrave77d ago

The bots have returned!

*slow dramatic falling to the floor*

Inverno77d ago

"please add .com" what a well mannered bot.

CobraKai78d ago (Edited 78d ago )

WTF? I’ve been wanting to replay Fall/War games. So bummed they didn’t make em backwards compatible. I think imma have to dig out my 360 out of storage

P_Bomb77d ago

Really wish they’d finish off the Fall/War run as a trilogy. The IP’s being wasted on mediocre games.

CobraKai77d ago

Yeah. Didn’t they try and merge the movie game and the Cybertron game for Dark of the Moon or something?

P_Bomb77d ago

I think they tried, but that’s one game I never played. Which is funny cuz I have the other movie games. Last TF game I bought was Devastation.

FinalFantasyFanatic77d ago

I really loved those games, I have them on my Steam account, but I wish they made more games like that.

ActualWhiteMan77d ago

Definitely don’t see them on steam…


The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds - Classic Zelda turns 10

The Nintendo 3DS' The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds is now 10 years old, yet remains a remarkable experience.

kythlyn300d ago

Calling this classic feels so weird to me. It's still the newest game in the old style... hope they make another one.

FinalFantasyFanatic299d ago

I would love a remake of Link to the Past, one in a similar vain to Link's Awakening.

Neonridr300d ago

it was an awesome game and utilized the 3D very well on the 3DS. A Link to the Past is one of my favorite Zelda games, so this one being a true sequel to that title really hit home with me.

franwex299d ago

I bought this very long ago, and it’s still in my backlog!


Wii U Versions of Mario Kart 8 and Splatoon's Online Play is Back

Nintendo has recently restored Wii U Mario Kart 8 and Splatoon online after five months of being offline.

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