
Stranger of Sword City Review | ICXM

The upcoming game developed and published by Experience Inc., the Japanese studio specialised in dungeon RPGs, also known as dungeon crawlers, called Stranger of Sword City is described as "the next step in the evolution of the traditional dungeon RPG genre". This title contains the three core elements of attraction for dungeon RPGs: character creation, conquering various dungeons, and dungeon crawling gameplay. Furthermore, the developers claim that their experience and know-how with a large number of titles within the dungeon RPG genre has allowed them to create enhanced support features that allow users to enjoy the title to their hearts content. Let's explore was this really means shall we?


Which of this week’s Xbox Live Deals With Gold bargains should you pick up? – 24th-30th July 2018

Neil writes: "The Xbox Ultimate Game Sale is still in place, but running alongside it as always is the rather brilliant Xbox Live Deals With Gold and Spotlight Sale. It may well be playing second fiddle to the big sale, but that doesn't mean there aren't any Xbox One and Xbox 360 games worth bothering about. Which are the very best deals on the table via the Xbox Live Deals With Gold and Spotlight Sale for 24th-30th July 2018 though? And which are the worst?"

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2159d ago

A beginner's guide to first-person, party-based dungeon-crawlers on the PlayStation Vita

The PlayStation Vita has become a haven for RPGs, but there is one particular type that has really made itself at home on the system. People who love first-person dungeon-crawlers with turn-based battles and often customizable parties can find tons on the system. Developers like Experience and Compile Heart have taken to the system. This means people who enjoy level grinding and customizing characters have plenty of options to choose from when looking for a new game to play.

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Notable Vita games discounted to below $20

A few Vita games are currently on sale at below $20: Exist Archive, LEGO Jurassic World, Shiren The Wanderer, Stranger of Sword City, Trillion: God of Destruction and Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward.

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