
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam trailer shows off first in-game footage

Rising Storm 2: Vietnam—the sequel to PC Gamer's Multiplayer Game of the Year 2013—shifts the authentic, asymmetrical action from the Pacific Theater of World War 2 to the Vietnam war. Naturally, that means jungles, choppers, and '60s rock and/or roll. Rising Storm 2's newest trailer debuted at the ongoing PC Gamer Weekender, and features all of those things in abundance, in addition to our first glimpse of the game in action. And, what do you know, it's looking pretty good. The lighting, textures and animation all seem improved over the first game, and it's looking like you'll be able to call in airstrikes on your enemies too.

MCTJim3022d ago

This looks interesting. Looking forward to see what the future holds on this game. Looking good so far.

Tumaras3022d ago

Topic-wise I am definitely looking forward to this and have a great interest in the Vietnam games (in fact would love to see another bf: vietnam). Graphically this one looks a bit dated since it's using an older engine. But if the mp playerbase numbers are solid it should be a pickup on a decent price.

Allsystemgamer3022d ago

Tons of people still play RO2.

iceman063022d ago

Agreed. I'd love to see another story based game set in that war. It seems like the modern war that they stay away from the most...aside from the Korean.

NarooN3022d ago

This is really interesting. Have had a blast with RO2/Rising Storm, so will most likely end up getting this as well.

KurtRussell3022d ago

RisingStorm is too run-and-gun compared to RedOrchestra2, and now everyone has automatics. And the jungle setting sucks, too much visual noise, makes my eyes bleed. Still gonna be better than every other online shooter out there, except RO2 ofc.

Matology3022d ago

If it makes it up to the standard of KF2 then Vietnam will be fun to play.

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Filament and Rising Storm 2: Vietnam are free at Epic Games Store

Starting today, Filament and Rising Storm 2: Vietnam are free at Epic Games Store. The free game offers run until November 10 at 11 AM Eastern. Once you claim them, they're yours to keep.

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Abzu and Rising Storm 2: Vietnam are free at Epic Games Store

Starting today, Abzu and Rising Storm 2: Vietnam are free at Epic Games Store. The free game offers run until October 15 at 11 AM Eastern. Once you claim them, they’re yours to keep.

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Winter War Mod Arrives For Rising Storm 2: Vietnam

Things are going to get cold as the new Winter mod has arrived for Rising Storm 2: Vietnam.