
Are No Man's Sky and Final Fantasy XV Doomed by Their Hype?

Another week, another Twinfinite Discusses. Welcome back to the show where the Twinfinite Video team talk about the hottest gaming topics of the week and the questions you send in.

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ArchangelMike3128d ago

But by incessantly releasing aritcles about hype, you are inadvertently feeding the hype frenzy. Now, howbout you drop all these pointless doom and gloom articles about "hype", and let everyone just wait for the games to be released, and judge the games then. Or... would that not get you any hits... oh... I see...

Kingthrash3603128d ago (Edited 3128d ago )

Kinda agree with this^
No man's sky has been a game wanted by many since it's reveal like 2 years ago...I we still want to see it it just wasn't marketed as the next thing like say titan fall was. Games like this touch on a new way of gaming. An exploring game than spans endless planets across the galaxy(s). Worlds animals and materials that you name if you find them first. That alone is awsome to think of. I'm not hype....I'm interested. Many are interested and I hope it's successful so we can see more games innovating like this.

n4g00063127d ago

FFXV is in HYPE-DOOM duality, like Wave–particle duality.

KwietStorm_BLM3127d ago

Too much sense for Internet. NDA breach.

Cryptcuzz3127d ago

I agree man.
More and more websites are coming out with annoying doom and gloom articles that, like this one, do nothing but harm the games prior to and after release.

Sharingan_no_Kakashi3127d ago

FFXV looks really good though. They've released enough gameplay to show it's solid and has depth. I still like the versus xiii concept more though.

WeAreLegion3127d ago

I realize it's a hard knock life for gaming journalists, but we need SOME standards.


phoenixwing3127d ago

I'm hyped for FFXV but that's from actual gameplay mechanics i saw and how detailed the elements work in the game.

jeenyus3127d ago

Ewww... this clickbait site again.


Aquarius Update - No Man's Sky

Hello Everyone!

Today, we are very excited to introduce the Aquarius Update!

This latest expansion to No Man’s Sky is free to download for existing players, and introduces something that felt like the perfect complement to the new water introduced in WORLDS PART I – fishing!

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Burned by Starfield? No Man's Sky's Expedition 14 is a better gateway into space

If you've been on the fence over which space sim to pick, here's why No Man's Sky's Expedition 14 is a better choice than Starfield.

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No Man's Sky Fans Are Fed Up With Inventory Management And "Lifeless" Planets

Lifeless planets, repetitive dialogue, and constant inventory organization are just a few things No Man's Sky players wish were better.

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spambot081559d ago

the opposite: too much life as far as i'm concernd. similar to real space, finding lifeforms should be absolute rarity. if let's say they made life-hubs and the rest is empty 99% of the time, i wouldn't mind.

jwillj2k459d ago (Edited 59d ago )

This sounds good in theory, but at the end of the day we’re playing a video game. While you may be a purist, most gamers want to be entertained, rightfully so. A game slider could take care of this but the real problem is the value of said interactions.

People want no mans mass effect: gta edition

smolinsk59d ago

Couldn't agree more. The excitement and magical feeling of finding life should be really rare. But with today's gamers that don't want anything to be a challenge it's not gonna happen unfortunately.

NotoriousWhiz59d ago (Edited 59d ago )

Some of us play video games to escape reality. Too much realism will not appeal to us. Most importantly for me, is that I need games to respect my time. Padding for the sake of padding is not worth it for my limited gaming time.

KaoticBrock59d ago

How does not finding life make it more challenging?

Tapani59d ago (Edited 59d ago )

I also think that these types of games have a problem: They keep changing all the time! I bought the game, tried it when it came out, and dropped it. Tried it once more, wasn't there yet, but it was almost a different game. I just keep waiting for it to become the final version so that I can play it from start to finish finally, a form that does not change anymore.

I don't like games being continuously developed, especially space games. In the old days you got games like MegaTraveller or Elite II: Frontier. They felt vast, but were complete, and still confined in the right ways, not too open for their own good.

I think some space games are way too open, they should be more restricted, who wants to aimlessly wander in dark and cold -270C space that kills everything and everything that floats out there other than special human-made materials, certain particles, rocks, light and dark matter. It should be tied to discovery of something meaningful to the story and the characters. Who do you wander for, and why? Why is it important? Who really does care if you get to the goal? It's the journey of those emotions that make stories interesting, and space games would do well not to forget it.

Humans simply don't like stuff that does not have humans (or at the very least humanoids!) as the center of everything. Non-human stuff becomes alien and impossible to relate to. Even animations about toys or monsters understand this, they put human characters into that form to make them interesting and relatable. Games should do the same.

No Man's Sky's biggest problem is that it is too "alien" to me, there's nothing to relate to. It's just aimless wandering. No matter how good or complex the systems are, or how many multiple vast the worlds there are, I can't relate to any of it if there's no humanly relatable drama in it.

isarai59d ago

I mean that's how it was at first, but like a couple years after they did that 1st massive overhaul update that changed all the biomes which made baren planets waaaay less common. I also miss the original crafting system, the current one is just iver convoluted for no damn reason

Adrian_v0159d ago

Second that. Discovery in Elite dangerous felt way more rewarding and that game is barren as hell in comparison

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 59d ago
Armyofdarkness59d ago

I started this again but then after 5 ish hours I realized it’s the same game still. That’s on me, I recognize it’s good but not my cup of tea. Awesome to see the devs supporting it and I’ll check out their next game for sure because there’s something here!

QuarkZ59d ago

Yup, it's a freaking bore and they made it completely opposite to what it was supposed to be at first, which I guess makes sense, they catered to the few players remaining.
It still all just feel like doing the same things over and over, just getting new resources.

RaiderNation59d ago

The problem I have is the environments arent interesting and varied enough to carry it when exploration and discovery are supposed to be the selling points. The game is a million miles wide and an inch deep. And frankly, the game needs more planetary combat besides sentinels and hostile wildlife. I'm not saying it needs to be Destiny, but there needs to be a middle ground between this game and that game.

Abear2159d ago

The grind is real and crafting and gathering resources by grinding are too much for me, already spent too much time hearing that laser…eventually you do unlock tools that ease the grind, but this is the gameplay loop and it hasn’t changed with this update.

RaiderNation59d ago (Edited 59d ago )

Agreed. For as much as they've changed/added to this game since launch, the one thing they haven't changed at ALL is the tedious gameplay loop! It always cracks me up that when using the refinery, the game makes you wait literal time for it to complete. Something like that should just be instant. There's no value in making you wait around for materials to be produced. It's a completely arbitrary task.

I swear this game must be for OCD people on the spectrum lol.

LucidIllusion59d ago (Edited 59d ago )

Only the dumb people are complaining about a game that simulates reality. Please take up another genre of gaming where you're more equipped to speak on and enjoy. Most people don't deserve opinions. Why not play the inferior Starfield?

thesoftware73059d ago


"Most people don't deserve opinions"

Then you proceeds to give your opinion.

"Why not play the inferior Starfield?"

Me thinks someone thinks a bit too highly of themselves smh.

LucidIllusion38d ago

Actually I stated a fact. That's not an opinion. I'm quite reasonably sound btw.

Aussiesummer59d ago

I'm really hoping there next game has missions and things to do and considering it's on one planet then perhaps it will.

Daeloki59d ago

It has missions, as in bounties set out by space stations and outlaw stations, but also longer expeditions that are more or less seasonal.

Aussiesummer57d ago

the game is nowhere near out yet so what the hell are you on?

Daeloki56d ago

"the game is nowhere near out yet so what the hell are you on?"

My bad, I thought you were implying NMS doesn't have missions.

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