
Portal Knights inside look: 505 Games' shiny, beautiful Minecraft alternative - Examiner

Portal Knights is a beautiful, adorable and interesting sandbox, crafting, RPG adventure game that seems familiar, yet is a breath of fresh air.

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Humble One Special Day Bundle 2020 is now live

The Humble One Special Day Bundle 2020 just launched today. It features games like Dirt Rally 2.0, Portal Knights, Talisman: Digital Edition, and more.

Every year, Special Effect celebrates One Special Day to bring awareness to and level the playing field for gamers with disabilities. This year, Humble Bundle has worked with Special Effect to assemble a bundle of games to support the charity.

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New Games with Gold for August 2020

News Wire: Get ready for the Games with Gold August lineup! On Xbox One, shape your hero and your destiny in Portal Knights and level buildings with gigantic battling robots in Override: Mech City Brawl. On Xbox 360, and Xbox One via Backward Compatibility, perform sick stunts in MX Unleashed and save the commonwealth from a ruthless dictator in the classic first-person shooter Red Faction II.

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TGGJustin1521d ago

Pretty meh lineup as usual. Not even an Xbox 360 game this month.

littletad1521d ago

Meh? That's one of the worst offerings I've ever seen. And I'm an Xbox fan. Looks like they're stopping 360 titles too.

TGGJustin1521d ago

They're not stopping. They've given 1 original Xbox game a month before instead of a 360 game. They just decided to do 2 this month. There isn't many original Xbox games left for them to give at this point anyway.

crazyCoconuts1521d ago

I like the narrative - there are no more games to give out! You guys already got them all! :-)

zackeroniii1520d ago (Edited 1520d ago )

microsoft is really doing crazy damage to their image on top of the shambles it's been in since the beginning of this gen going on to the next...it's really insane like what in the world are these games?! they are just searching for scrutiny at this point.

just got nba 2k20 and tomb raider for july ps plus games and i'm getting mw2 remastered for august...

RpgSama1520d ago


Xbox fanboys don't care about Games with Gold, as long as they can scream to the heavens how much of a good deal Game Pass is, they don't care how much they are being screwed with GwG, they pay basically only to play online at this point.

GamerRN1520d ago

Just got NBA2K20!? Its been on gamepass for months

Hakuoro1520d ago (Edited 1520d ago )


Well NBA2k20 was on PS+ in July so you get to keep it versus gamepass where when it's gone when it's gone.

1520d ago
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AngelicIceDiamond1520d ago

Yeah its a terrible month. But they've been on the decline for a while. The more GP ramps up, the less free games per month fall. If they announce gold going free in August I can easily see them scrapping free games a month all together.

crazyCoconuts1520d ago

Yea really feels like a change is in the wind for both MS and PS. For MS it feels like Gold will turn to GamePass lite. For PS I think they'll integrate streaming in for games that you own or something. Dunno, just guessing

darthv721521d ago

Damn, I am blown away......................

........................by how bland this month's selection is.

xTonyMontana1520d ago

Don't say that, Phil will go on a charm offensive talking about how awesome GWG is and how it is blowing gamers away.

UltraNova1520d ago

Nuh, he'll double down on Game pass - why give them away when you can pay a monthly sub play them?

x_xavier_x1521d ago (Edited 1521d ago )

Yeesh. I have absolutely no interest in any of these games.

shuvam091520d ago

I guess all that money is going towards luring devs to Gamepass. Too bad, GwG owners have to suffer because of this.

Kavorklestein1520d ago

I'll take Red Faction 2, but that is it.
Pretty crappy month overall.

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Portal Knights' open sandbox world comes together with the new Legendary Edition

Neil writes: "Chances are you've played Portal Knights. After all, it's a pretty damn neat fantasy sandbox experience that allows for a whole host of different adventures to unfold. Today though we see everything come together as 505 Games drop the Portal Knights Legendary Edition to Xbox One, PS4, Nintendo Switch and PC."

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