
Nintendo officially announces Pokémon Sun and Moon Versions

In a move that has surprised precisely zero people, Nintendo has announced Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon versions in a short six-minute Pokémon Direct that aired this morning.

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Summons753129d ago

Yeah, I was wrong about these being the announcement today but it's totally awesome. Wish they gave a little tease of what it will look like. Also totally called Red/Blue/Yellow would work with the Pokemon Bank.

ninsigma3129d ago

They will!? :D

Delighted for a new game, x and y were awesome!

FlameBaitGod3129d ago

The link cable LOL, i remember using that at school xD. It was the only way some pokemon evolved too.

Majin-vegeta3129d ago

Hmm wondee if they will launch WW simutaenously?

Summons753129d ago

sounds like it if they are really pushing the 7 different languages thing.

RosweeSon3129d ago

They did with the last one I guess that's the plan again with the languages mentioned.

djplonker3129d ago (Edited 3129d ago )

Leaks were spot on...

It's pretty cool you can use red/blue/yellow with the pokebank too and eventually use the pokemon from them in sun and moon.

Imonaboat13129d ago (Edited 3129d ago )

wtf was that direct?

RosweeSon3129d ago

Pokemon clue was in the title.

stupidusername3129d ago

Great! The direct sucked though.The direct was really hyped but it only lasted 6 minutes where they announced and showed the logos for the already leaked sun and moon. Disappointing! no pokemon GO, no pokken, and no images or gameplay from sun and moon.

The 10th Rider3129d ago

What news source did you read? It has been known since the announcement that the 'direct' would only be five minutes long.

stupidusername3129d ago

Didn't read any, which means my disappointment was my own fault, and not the direct. Though I'm still disappointed about there being no footage.

PrimeGrime3129d ago

I still cannot understand why people think that's an excuse not to show any gameplay. People have every right to be disappointed in that direct, regardless if they knew how short it was going to be.

It doesn't change the fact they could've squeezed some gameplay in there, and removed a little of the fluff.

I mean, most of the direct was literally just the games evolution montages and watching people play Pokemon.

So yea, I still do not understand what it being 5 minutes short has to do with the amount of semi-pointless filler that was in that 5 minutes.

The 10th Rider3129d ago

They could of, and I would have been all the happier. But it's not what they intended to do.

If it wasn't for the leak, knowing the next entries in the series would have generated plenty of excitement. Nintendo didn't hype it up like crazy and they showed what they wanted. The trailer itself isn't any worse than a full CGI trailer, really. It shows just about as much of the game.

All this was was a short video to get the ball rolling, put the word out, and draw in some excitement. Which it would have done if not for the leak.

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After10Ben1848d ago (Edited 1848d ago )

Good article. I've found that video games help me take the focus off of myself when I am depressed. However, I've found that physical activity--running, yoga, BJJ & general exercise--combined with video games is the sweet spot for me when dealing with the angst of life. After a tough round of sparring, I love to sink into VR while resting my sore muscles. I recommend trying it. You won't regret it.