
Marvel's Contest of Champions Has Made Over $200 Million

You're probably more than aware of Marvel's mobile game Contest of Champions. Which means you're aware it's made a crazy ton of money.

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Jackhass3042d ago

It's always surprising how much these mobile games nobody really talks about actually make.

GigawattConduit3042d ago

In this case, it's Marvel, so they don't really need people to talk about it. It'll make its money back if someone so much as glances at the screen during a commercial.

jb2273042d ago

I'm at least glad that this money isn't going to Kim Kardashian.

What bums me out though is that considering the most likely low cost / high profit models of these games, why would Marvel even care to make a more expensive & risky console game? Mobile may be one of the main offenders of the declining quality of console games...the proliferation of f2p & microtransations are likely mobiles fault, and now we get reports of crazy profits like these, so not only are we getting the mobile model forced upon us, but now we run the risk of getting fewer AAA mainline console games as well. Not trying to bash anyone that plays these games as I'm sure they have some kind of following, but it'd be nice if they spent some of those profits to give us a quality console title every now & then. I'd absolutely love to play a Marvel game w/ the production value of something like the Arkham series.

GigawattConduit3042d ago

I *think* Activision still has the rights to console games, so they may be waiting on those to run before getting to work. That, or the sales from the last console Marvel game that WASN'T Lego or Disney Infinity tied were just really, really bad.

jb2273042d ago


I was wondering the same thing so I just googled it & it looks like Activision's licensing possibly ran it's course at the beginning of 2014


I know not long after that Marvel appointed a new head of their gaming division that specifically mentioned wanting games like the Arkham series, and not far past that appointment we got the announcement of a TellTale Marvel game for 2017, so it sounds like Marvel may (hopefully) be in the process of getting their ducks in a row for a new gaming push. I really hope that involves full fledged console titles. A TellTale game is a nice start but I'd like more than that personally. There is just so much potential for comics properties in the gaming realm & it's crazy to me that that's gone largely unrealized aside from the obvious properties like Batman. I mean if the genre is pushing record numbers for film & television, it only stands to reason that gaming, a medium much more closely tied to the core fandom of the books should be a great fairly untapped market.

Considering Disney gave the rights for Star Wars over to EA I'm guessing that may be where Marvel's rights could potentially go as well, but I feel like they'd be back burners if that was the case...all of EA's major studios are working on games for the SW license & Dice is on Battlefield & Bioware is sticking with Mass Effect. I wish Marvel would get together a new studio made of the best talent in the biz (maybe even poach some of those Rocksteady cats now that the Arkham series is wrapped up), staff up the best writers of the books & give us proper titles from the likes of Daredevil & Guardians of the Galaxy (come to think of it, with the right writers, Bioware would absolutely knock that license out of the park) along w/ old favorites like Spider-Man. The success of these mobile games & stuff like the Lego titles & Disney Infinity has me thinking that for some reason someone must not think that Marvel games should venture outside of the casual mobile or kid's market though, which is a bummer.


Marvel Contest of Champions’ Chee’ilth Enters the Battlerealm

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