
Gaming Nexus: The Immortals of Terra Review

A soupy ending cinematic can't drag down this intimately-crafted homage to German sci-fi staple (but American unknown), Perry Rhodan. The puzzles pack an analytical punch, the graphics are painterly and inspired, and the story rarely loses traction during its manageable spiral of momentum.

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TheGamersTemple: The Immortals of Terra - Review


"The Immortals of Terra is the kind of game that makes you wish it were just a bit better. It has all of the prerequisites for an amazing game: good graphics, strong fiction to draw upon, and an interesting plot. Unfortunately it stumbles in its execution of gameplay, and not because it tries to hard to do something new. On the contrary, where Immortals falls short is in its stubborn emphasis on tried (but definitely not true), uninventive adventure game staples. The game is fun enough (and has enough of a built-in audience) that it should do well at retail. Here's hoping that the next game in the series takes a chance and tries something new."

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Game Chronicles Review: The Immortals of Terra: A Perry Rhodan Adventure

GC writes: "Science fiction novels have been around since the 50s and 60s and have been cherished by millions of fans worldwide. One of the greatest science fiction series to every grace paper is the Perry Rhodan series. Created originally back in 1961 by authors K. H. Scheer and Clark Darlton there are now over 2450 novella installments this past August. Now the iconic Perry Rhodan graces the small screen in The Immortals of Terra: A Perry Rhodan Adventure for PC.

To understand this title you must understand the man whose name resides in the title. Perry Rhodan is a man that became immortal (along with his friends) during one of his adventures. In 1971, he and his crew come a cross an alien spacecraft and use that technology to unify Earth (called Terra) and put humans in deep space."

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ACG: Braingame 3d-io Interview

Having recently played The Immortals of Terra: A Perry Rhodan Adventure, ACG has been given an opportunity to ask Axel Ruske and Igor Posavec some questions about their latest collaboration. In the interview, they speak about the game's development history, its unique source material, the challenging of adapting written fiction to video game, and how they handle the high expectation from fans and critics of their work. Their answers offer a peek into the twin worlds of game and visual design, and a universe that spans both millennia and light-years.

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