
Should Sony Stop Developing Portable Game Consoles?

After the poor sales performance of the Playstation Vita , should Sony just skip handhelds all together? There's no doubt that the Playstation Portable was a stellar handheld system with some real classics.

With the launch of the Playstation Vita, we and many others expected a true successor. After poor sales and marketing of the system, Sony dropped first party game support for the console, referring to it mostly as an add on for the Playstation 4.

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PixelGateUk3055d ago

There's still a market there, it's just really tricky to crack these days

DarkOcelet3055d ago

I think if Sony makes a next handheld then it should be a Phone and a portable console at the same time.

That way, it can attract both games and Mobile market.

Kaneki-Ken3055d ago

They did before but with the PSP and it was a flop.

_-EDMIX-_3055d ago

Not sure what you mean by flop as it sold 80 plus million.

Not really sure thats a "flop" lol

Kurisu3055d ago

Remember the Xperia Play? They've been there and done that, but they put no effort in to bringing PlayStation games to it. It had a lot of potential but in the end all I had for it was Crash Bandicoot which came preinstalled.

DemonChicken3055d ago (Edited 3055d ago )

@ Dark

disagree - prefer proper games - thing the VITA is lacking is games. The VITA is a plenty hardware capable portable hand held and like the PS4, it has the potential.

I know Sony has neglected the VITA in respect to first party support but they could up the third party support. I would also love see some or most 3DS games on the VITA and as you can imagine the VITA is a better handheld spec wise but game wise not great. Only thing stopping me getting a 3DS is it's region block plus multi-platform = better sales.

ALSO Sony could make use of the success with the PS4 to capitalise and push the VITA.The VitaTV is a good idea but how about using their gaikai technology and stream Vita games to PS4 (remote play is gaikai tech and very useful!) and use the VITA similar like the WiiU game pad?

tl:dr just blasting ideas - need more games, if they won't support first party then push for more third party. Make use of the PS4 install base.

donwel3054d ago

I wouldn't say it's lacking in games, it has plenty of those. It would be more accurate to say it's lacking in 1st party games.
Sony's attention has shifted towards making PS4 a success, which is fair enough as they'd lose a lot more money from the PS4 failing than the Vita. Then again they're obviously making some money from Vita otherwise it would already have been discontinued.

Knushwood Butt3054d ago

There was never much third party support for Vita outside of Japan.

In Japan, it's pretty healthy. Globally, not.

On topic, yes, there must be an alternative to playing Nintendo stuff.

never4get3054d ago

Sony Xperia Octa-Core Phone with Detachable Controller!

ABizzel13054d ago (Edited 3054d ago )

No they shouldn't.

They're much better off simply making an android based gaming focused tablet, with dedicated controls, and labeling it PlayStation Tablet, and if it's really that important making a PS Portal / PS app that has games developed specifically by Sony and their partners just like NVIDIA does with the shield.

A $299 all purpose tablet that has dedicated PS games, and enough performance to play PS1, PSP, PS2, PSV, and PS3 games while streaming PS4 and PS5 and syncing a DualShock 4 or 5, with "MICROSD SUPPORT"...

is a much easier sell than a $199 gaming handheld that needs apps and services programmed for it (so waiting months / years for things like YouTUbe and Netflix), and having it turn into an indie only platform, and dedicated memory cards that cost $100.

Plus a tablet is bigger, can squeeze in better an more powerful tech, and looking at what the Shield tablet can do, handhelds need a significant upgrade in both specs, hardware (HDMI-out and more), and software support (features like TV mode).

PoSTedUP3054d ago

Im the only one thats still blown away by killzone mercs on a handheld. Yeah they should make another handheld, and yeah gtaVstories will be an early launch title. theyve learned from their mistakes. Not making another one would be a mistake. No more rolling the dice, do it right. Get the big third parties on board early, get a big game to make it take off, once it does, third parties wont be able to resist. More big games, indies will quadruple. You cant sell a console with no marketing and new (even though awesome) IPs. Being Bass akwards was their biggest mistake. it shouldve been, and infact is, the otherway around. Old but goodies first (e.g. GT, GTA, FF etc) then new IPs. That way you gain userbase and will sell more of the new IPs. Shame to see potential like gravity rush and tearaway go to waste.

strike1013054d ago

they need to release a cheap handheld ... it will sell...

donthate3054d ago

Great... we don't need another non-supported Sony device. Thanks, but NO thanks!

XisThatKid3054d ago

In short I hope not I rely on my Vita heavily

pivotplease3054d ago

The Vita has been cheap. Price wasn't the problem since I bought a PSP for 300 and Vita for 200 only two years after launch.

The problem is they need to balance their home and handheld consoles financially and divvy out games fairly. I don't think they will be in a position to pull this off until the PS4 has had another two years of success. When games like Uncharted and all of the JRPGs come, Sony will be in a dominant position globally and will be more open to risks and investments.

digitalwolf3054d ago

No all they need to do is stop with the proprietary memory card BS.

That's literally their only problem with EVERY portable console.

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Kaneki-Ken3055d ago

They just need to advertise the system in the west because Japan get great advertising. Never once saw a Vita been advertise in NA, unless you talking about remote play with the PS4.

Hoffmann3055d ago

Things would be so different if Sony would have build up a Pokemon like game series on it or the psp and also got Capcom to continue making mH games for their portables. + more Phantasy Star Online games maybe

_-EDMIX-_3055d ago

@Hoff- that is easier said then done, Pokemon isn't some copy and paste concept that is received the same way regardless of IP.

That is like saying, if only they can make their own GTA or Call Of Duty..

I mean you do realize that Pokemon is on a unreachable level right now even for Nintendo standards right?

You can't catch what Pokemon is, its established and a phenomenon, its not just this easy thing to copy and do million as many reasons factor into Pokemon's long term success that many can't match, not even the company that owns Pokemon can match such a thing, even if the wanted to.

Kaneki-Ken3054d ago

You may disagree but is true. Let's face it, when was the last time Sony bother advertising the Vita in NA, there are many people here that they don't know what is Ps Vita and they don't know is a successor to the PSP because it doesn't say the word PSP 2. I own a Ps Vita, still supporting it and waiting for God Eater Resurrection and RAGE BURST 2 in the summer, Attack Of Titan, Sword Art Online Hollow Realization. Here in New York is rare, finding a person owning and playing a Vita.

Elda3054d ago

I've never seen advertisement for Vita either & I live in the tri-state area.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3054d ago
Xb1ps43055d ago

To me it wouldn't matter because I wouldn't buy it...

pivotplease3054d ago

I would be skeptical because of how the Vita support panned out, but I would also be interested because in all honesty I put triple the hours into my Vita than my PSP. I'm odd like that though. I still think the best software lineup Nintendo had was on the GBA.

dauntingpixel3055d ago

i think the market that wants it is already firmly grounded in wither Nintendo or cell phones. i'm not a fan and think it's a whole lot of effort with far too little payback.

ONESHOTV23054d ago

DemonChicken i agree with more games would have been very good but streaming vita games to the ps4 is one i can't agree on

3-4-53054d ago

It's not tricky at all.

Just have a wide variety of appealing games with art styles that are pleasing to look at like on 3DS.

Vita is a great handheld with a poor selection of games.

There isn't enough variety and most of the games released for it in the past 2 years have been cringeworthy teeny bop anime games full of women characters in short skirts with huge boobs.

^ That style only appeals to so many people, and I'd be embarrassed to play 95% of those games.

PSP had a great selection of games, which is why it was successful.

The variety of games needs to be there and it is not.

Seraphim3054d ago

that is a huge problem for those who own. Game selection. I've been thinking it would be pretty nice to see more games brought over from PSP to Vita. Daxter, Crisis Core, and so on. Obviously some new stuff is much needed but imo it wouldn't hurt.

Think overall though the US just doesn't have a huge market for handhelds. Some who did buy the PSP realized they had no need or reason for it so passed on Vita. Kids these days are being born and growing up with tablets and phone games. And of course you have Nintendo with all their DS units that are more appealing to many who do want a handheld in part because of their library. I love my Vita but I can't recall the last time a game that was good, that was of interest released on it.

3-4-53054d ago

U.S. has a huge market for handhelds, as the 3DS is the best selling gaming device this gen and the DS is one of the best selling gaming devices of all time.

DS+3DS has a ton of variety. Not just a few games for everyone, but a TON of games for everyone of all different genres and subgenres.

The winning formula is there, but Sony tried to make it a portable PS3/4 and that was a terrible move.

It also has way too many Otaku/Weebo games.

C-H-E-F3054d ago

The vita sold bad for lack of advertisement, the console is by far the best handheld device i've ever used. I think if they do it again they need to do it RIGHT and really support it. During the ps3 and ps4 gen they just promoted it as a tack on device. Really horrible because I love my vita.

Eidolon3054d ago (Edited 3054d ago )

It's not tricky, they just aren't very invested in the thing. All this crap about "ohh mobile now adays is ruining the handheld console market" is BS, there will always be a decent market for handheld consoles, but it takes QUALITY over QUANTITY of games to make it successful.

nogoodusernamesleft3054d ago

sony should just throw in da towel with handhelds the 1st psp was infested with piracy and mods the vita only sells 3 units a month per region. sony abandoned it all major third party abandoned it. only indies and anime agmes left

Fluke_Skywalker3054d ago

What they should stop doing is bringing out hand held consoles and not supporting them!
And by that I don't just mean with game development I also mean with advertising and supporting other debs to bring content to the console. Helping 3rd party publishers etc.
The Vita is an a amazing bit of kit, but after the first year they just completely abandoned it. They never gave it nearly enough promotion, so it didn't sell as good as it could've and thus 3rd party publishers saw no reason to spend money making games for it.

digitalwolf3054d ago

People are talking about all this stuff when the only reason the vita failed is the memory cards, EVERY TIME.

The memory cards are proprietary and STUPIDLY EXPENSIVE.

Same with the PSP, but at least there were other devices that used those memory cards and it had a footing.



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Yumekichigai3055d ago

Sony just needs to do better next time.

PancakeLova3055d ago

True dat or they can just realize that it's inevitable.

smashman983055d ago

If theyre gonna treat it the way they did the vita then absolutely not

2pacalypsenow3055d ago

No they should support them more and stop using stupid proprietary memory cards.

pivotplease3054d ago

That would be a breakthrough. Realistically if a handheld came out with the extra shoulder buttons and was capable of graphical fidelity somewhere between what the PS3 and 4 are capable of (because this is the pattern they've been following unlike Nintendo) I'd be all over that.

DragoonsScaleLegends3055d ago (Edited 3055d ago )

I don't buy digital Vita games because I have no memory card space, I don't buy Vita memory cards because they are overpriced as fuc, I don't buy new Vita games because there are no good new Vita games unless you like the extremely weird, perverted Japanese games. Even if there are rare good Japanese games without a dub I'm not paying full price. Pretty much the Vita is just a portable PS1 for me which is great if it didn't lack a lot of the PS1 library. Sony shouldn't make another portable if they are going to wage another war on piracy which only hurt them and the consumer in the end.

Xb1ps43055d ago

Well said.. Memory card is one of the reason why I stopped buying games and I didn't even realise the reason for the memory cards was all about piracy.. Sony went in thinking piracy first....

DragoonsScaleLegends3054d ago

Every time I see a message about not having enough space I die a little inside thinking about what the Vita should have been.

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