
PS4 And Xbox One Are Really Very Similar At This Point, Development Much Easier Than It Used To Be

Aidan Price, Game Designer at Eastasiasoft details how Lost Sea is shaping on consoles.

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ARESWARLORD3155d ago (Edited 3155d ago )

PS4 And Xbox One Are Really Very Similar since the day they launched. The PS4 is more powerful, but it is like $30 dollar difference in GPU back in the day when they actually made them for PC, they are old outdated GPUs now. Enjoy the games. look at it this way, out of the 2 weak assed systems the PS4 is more powerful.

ARESWARLORD3155d ago (Edited 3155d ago )

It is like the SNES vs GENESIS days of BS

GameNameFame3154d ago (Edited 3154d ago )

Architecture is similar, but power is not.

Xbox One has 12 compute units. PS4 has 18 compute unit. Each compute unit is identical, but PS4 has more.I dont get how anyone deny the difference. It literally is having half of Xbox more.

This is benchmark unbisoft ran.


$30 dollar difference? That is completely false...
Xbox One is equivalent to HD7790
PS4 is equivalent to HD7870

Xbox One HD7790 was $150 when it came out.
PS4 HD7870 was $350

Freaking $200 difference. What a desperate damage control


Yes. But in architecture alone. People seem to get confused. Power is different matter.

Eonjay3154d ago


Exactly. They are actually very similar especially when compared to how different the PS360 were from each other.

freshslicepizza3154d ago

thankfully sony finally played with others and decided to make a system that wasn't some proprietary hardware that made it more difficult than it ought to be. it's also refreshing to hear they are moving headquarters to the usa since that is the largest region for sales. makes no sense to make decisions from japan about the american audience. maybe one day nintendo will open their eyes too.

3-4-53154d ago

no SNES vs Genesis was different.

They each had a ton of unique games you couldn't find on the other system from day 1. Sound was also different with some games sounding much better on the Sega Genesis, and some music/games sounding better on the SNES.

SNES had the advantage for the controller until the Sega 6 button was released, then that become at least as good of a controller.

You can get 85-90% of the same experience on the PS4 as you can on the XB1.

With SNES vs Genesis, you got maybe 40% the same experience with 60% being unique, which makes both worth owning.

Unspoken3154d ago (Edited 3154d ago )

Yeah, except the PS4 is closer to the 7850 in architecture which was $249 at release.


$100 difference.

Fast forward to 2015 and both equivalent cards, AMD R7 360 and R7 370 have a $40 difference. Not far off at all now from the original statement.


Both are considered low-mid range graphics cards and are comparable in performance.


If I gave you $5 for lunch but you typically consume 40% more and need an extra $2, some may say that $2 is a drastic difference. Some may not.

Hoffmann3154d ago

Everyone who played Mortal Kombat 2 on the SNES and after that on the Genesis, knows that the differences in many multiplatform games were quite big.

Kribwalker3154d ago

Lol @gamenamefame

You do realize that in the video card price comparison you gave, the review for the PS4 video card states it was released in March 2012 for $350 while the xbox video card was released in March 2013 at which point there was an $80 difference in price.


2nd look at the head to head comparison between the 2 cards


They are very close in performance, way closer then you would like to believe.

You need to chill out with your thoughts on the all powerful machine. I have both, they are both great, but they are both underpowered.

GameNameFame3153d ago (Edited 3153d ago )


What a load of bs.

7850 had 1024 stream processor and 64 texture units.
PS4 has 1154 stream processor and 72 texture units.

7850 would be a clear downgrade.

"Fast forward to 2015 and both equivalent cards, AMD R7 360 and R7 370 have a $40 difference. Not far off at all now from the original statement. "

Except they are not the equivalent graphics card and statement said "back in the days"

So no. No where near $30. Even if you downgrade the card at least $100.


LOL. Except you just showed review score not actual performance test.


PS4 is stronger than HD7850 even that doubles FPS of X1 GPU on the actual benchmark Crysis 3

Kribwalker3153d ago


There's a little tab stating benchmarks, click on that, you will see there's some test that are quite a bit better for the 7870 and some things (like directx performance) that are close or better on the 7790. I'm in no way saying that it's a better graphics card or that one demolishes the other as both machines are underpowered, but it's a lot closer then you try to make it out to be.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 3153d ago
ShadowKnight3155d ago

Every generation consoles GPU gets old and they still last for 6 to 8 years.

tee_bag2423154d ago

Except every other generation they've been uber powerful out the gate. Unlike this Gen.
Problem is so many people wanna pretend it's got loads of power to spare. 2 years in they're already struggling for 30fps

ShadowKnight3154d ago

The Key is optimization. As long as they keep doing that the console's will be fine. You can still enjoy any game at 1080P 30 FPS.

sk8ofmnd3154d ago

My thoughts is that the xb1 should have never cost more than the cost of the ps4 even with kinnect. They should have launched the xb1 without kinnect for around 300-350.

donthate3154d ago (Edited 3154d ago )

That is because you know nothing about the cost of semiconductors. The CPU-GPU on the XB1 is about the same size as on PS4 hence they cost almost the same.

For comparison, an Apple iPhone cost more than a better performing Android phone.

OpenGL3154d ago

The Xbox One has a larger APU die because the 32MB of embedded memory. It's system memory is much cheaper.

What better performing Android phone are you talking about? The iPhone 6s has the fastest SoC currently on the market for a smart phone.

Ezz20133154d ago


But the Size of GPUs doesn't make them equal in price
Gpu in both are different ..same thing for RAM
Both are stronger/faster in Ps4
Ps4 GPU 35-40% stronger
RAM is DDR5 in ps4 while DDR3 on xbox
so that should make difference in price

CPU is about the same though ...that was until Microsoft decided to overclock it 10% higher on Xbox.

I think that's sk8ofmnd point...is it ?!
Both consoles are not equel in specs and that's why Xbox shouldn't be priced the same.

dcbronco3154d ago

The problem with his point is that while there are differences in the parts that make the PS4 price higher in some areas there are differences in design that increased the price of Xbox One. If you look at any teardown of the two no one has ever listed the PS4 as having a more expensive APU. Despite the components that make them up the Xbox APU was more expensive to make. Plus there are other parts inside the consoles where Microsoft spent more money than Sony like Wi-Fi and cooling. The systems were very close in launch cost overall. Plus Microsoft considered lifetime cost as well. DDR3 will drop in price faster than DDR5 as well as the cost of the embedded esram.

donthate3154d ago


You hit the nail on the head that a lot of people missed. You can't determine the price by looking at one factor. The actual cost of the product is determined by not only what is in the console (which is similar and yet very different from each other, between XB1 and PS4), but also in what other costs are rolled into the console.

For instance, since MS has monthly feature updates to the console which requires more engineers, or it has BC that justifies extra cost?

My point being, there are a lot of costs involved and you can't just pick one aspect and base the price on that especially one that favors one system over the other. Not only that, but semiconductor pricing although straightforward is difficult to see for a general consumer. Both consoles have components that each other do not have so there really isn't an apples to apples comparison.

On top of this, the architectural design of the XB1 to require 8GB of RAM was done long before GDDR5 was known to have 8GBs of memory module available at a given price. If the bet Sony made turned out that the pricing wasn't possible, would consumers been happy about 4GB of GDDR5 on the PS4?

So in the end you make a choice as a consumer to pick what works for you, but console business is highly efficient in terms of finding cheap production and design.

dcbronco3154d ago

Unfortunately this is a time in the world where facts aren't as important as which side someone chose ahead of time. But stupid people are just opportunity for intelligent and greedy people.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3154d ago
Bobafret3154d ago

I have to agree on the hardware for both systems, disappointing all around. If people can buy 7-$800 phones every year they can damn sure buy a 7-$800 console every 6 or 7 years. Totally underwhelmed with the current gen graphics wise.

NatFanBoyRestricted3154d ago

Thank you. Been saying that from the start.

tee_bag2423154d ago

Well said. People love pissing money against the wall for phones every 2 years but don't wanna spend that money on quality hardware that's part of your living from for close to 10 years.

donthate3154d ago (Edited 3154d ago )

Although I don't mind your suggestion, I think consumers are very finicky about the console. They view a phone as a much more essential piece of their life than a gaming console.

You can clearly see this with the industry pushing console adoption by dropping prices $50. If a market is sensitive to $50 price drop at that level, it tells you a whole lot about selling the same product at more than double the price i.e. it would be business suicide.

Frankly, I don't think it matters. Heck the Xbox 360/PS3 was still going gangbuster without a new console cycle refresh anyhow.

nitus103154d ago (Edited 3154d ago )

Consoles are actually designed for HDTV's which at the low end can only support up to 1080p @ 60 fps. Sure 4k TV's are available but HDTV's dominate.

Even if you have the latest Skylake chip-set and a high performance graphics card you still need a display device that will work well with it. Having a 5ms 24" 1080p monitor while acceptable is not exactly cutting edge for gaming so you still have to add a quality monitor to the equation of building a PC.

Coupled with the above you also have to add the cost of the OS (assuming you pay for a Microsoft OS) as well as a decent (not cheap) Keyboard, mouse and possibly a controller.

Comparing a phone to a console is not exactly fair since most people sign into a contract for a phone and when that contract expires they renew with a different phone. Yes I do know there are people with more money than sense who will buy a phone outright.

Actually even if you have designed and built the latest gaming rig there will always be someone who has built a better one and usually within the hour.

rainslacker3154d ago

Except most people aren't eager to buy $700-800 phones, and history has shown they're less eager to pay that much, or even less than that for an expensive console.

Phones and consoles are different markets, and they shouldn't be compared like that, and most people do not buy expensive phones, or at least buy them on plans where they can spread that out...although that's kind of changing now, so we'll probably see a drop in sales on expensive phones going forward.

Bdub20003154d ago (Edited 3154d ago )

The difference? 90% of the population is buying those phones... And they are pretty much a "need" in today's society, they can charge what they want. Consoles can't compete with that.

endi1233154d ago (Edited 3154d ago )

I totally agree with you, I would like to pay 7-800$ for an powerful console but not all have the privilege to pay that amount, and here starts the problem that people want a powerful console but don't want to pay that much, and we all know you can't have both, but infact those same people are paying 7-800$ every 2 yrs for a frkn phone, a reasonable price for a powerful console Imo would be around 550-600$

Unspoken3154d ago (Edited 3154d ago )

Wow, you are going to try and convince people that a console is as integral or important to someone's life as a cell phone? Good luck.

Consoles have a pretty specific price point consumers are willing to paying.

Nightmar3Demom3154d ago

Totally agree. IF someone can pay $400-$500 per month on their car payment then there's no reason that they can't spend $200 every couple of months on new shoes.

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skratchy3154d ago

Thanks. Only been hearing this my whole life. Now shut up with the PC master race garbage already.

kraenk123154d ago (Edited 3154d ago )

Yet games like The Order or Driveclub look better than anything on PC and games like Rise Of The Tomb Raider or The Division look very close and sometimes perform even better than any middle class PC would...due to better optimisation! It has always been like that. It's simply immature to behave like an elitist.

I am mostly gaming on PC btw!

ARESWARLORD3154d ago (Edited 3154d ago )

They perform like a 5 year old high end pc
Google GTX 580 vs HD 7870 vs HD 7850. That would give you a good idea of where the ps4 and Xbox one sit against Nvidia's flagship GTX 580 from the 2010 timeframe. Next you can google HD 7870 vs HD 7850 vs NVIDIA GTX 980 Ti and see where they sit against the current high end card

kraenk123154d ago


Theoretically...yet true game performance is nothing like that. Just look at Rise Of The Tomb Raider. The game is optimised badly on PC .. struggles to reach 60 FPS even on high-end machines.

Like I said before...people who compare pure PC to console performance behave immature and simply don't have a clue how it really works. The much better optimised APIs on consoles make them perform far better than a comparable PC would. Maybe DX12 and Vulkan will be able to change that in the future.



XBox One: somewhere between a 7770 and 7790

PS4: somewhere between a 7850 and 7870

Neither one is particularly impressive

showtimefolks3154d ago

if the development is easier now than how come development is now more expensive?

solar3154d ago

It like fighting over which squirrel turd is nuttier. They are turds when it comes to hardware.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3153d ago
Genuine-User3155d ago

The title is slightly confusing. Aidan is specifically referring to the development similarities between the two consoles.

DragonDDark3154d ago (Edited 3154d ago )

It's Gamingbolt... What did you expect? I mean they have interesting articles but them clickbaits though.

Genuine-User3154d ago

I expect them to evolve :p

Mr Lahey3154d ago (Edited 3154d ago )

Gamingbolt working really hard to convince people that XOne is also worth buying.. (I'm not saying it's not though)

rainslacker3154d ago

The content of a gamingbolt article can have some awesome quotes from developers in them, particularly the full interviews. Don't expect to see them in full, or expect people to actually discuss it though, because all they care about is if the headline matches whatever fan boy argument they want to make. Best time to read them if you care is when they have the full interview, instead of these bite size parts they throw out for their hit generation.

Genuine-User3154d ago (Edited 3154d ago )

I have noticed a pattern as well.

nolies2333155d ago

redundant article, redundant comments smh

MetroidFREAK213155d ago

What happened to simply playing games?

Unspoken3154d ago

Playing games? How do you do that? I need my console to be better in my mind to sleep good at night. I don't even need any games installed on it.

Tsunade3155d ago ShowReplies(5)
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