
Bloodborne: The Old Hunters - Guide to Slaying the First Vicar, Laurence

COG writes - Three bosses down and two to go... next up Laurence, the First Vicar. We died MANY times so you don't have to. We lay out the technique to dealing with this beast quickly and efficiently.

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Digital_Anomaly3168d ago

Too many games with no time to play them! I'd love to dive into this but my backlog is downright embarrassing.

Hanso3168d ago

I have a backlog and cant stop playing Bloodborne lol

Goldby3168d ago

i have a backlog because of bloodborne!

MercilessDMercer3168d ago

I hate how much love this game is getting because I don't have the patience nor the ability to play this one and I really feel like I'm missing out.

COGconnected3168d ago

I completely agree. I feel like this is a game I need to put 100 hours aside and dedicate it solely to the game.

GrapesOfRaf3168d ago

It's all practice and patience. Enemies only have so many attacks, so after you've been surprised a few times the only thing that generally kills you is either a hard boss, or walking into some sort of trap.

Goldby3168d ago


or a bottle of jack before a session....

Eiyuuou3168d ago

It's because you are.

Barely anyone starts with the ability and patience to succeed. It's something you learn.

It's called "gitting gud".

OpenGL3168d ago

It's really not as hard as you think. Yes you will die a lot at first but it is worth it.

Wallstreet373168d ago

Damn that sucks. I got the platinum and beat it awhile ago but it still draws me to it daily. I literally put aside at least an hour a day, everyday to play it. The replayability is insane imo and its all due to the online component, the atmosphere, the world and the combat.

Hanso3168d ago

It really isnt that hard you just gotta know what attacks your enemies can use. New enemy ecounter always means BACK OFF and watch him lol

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3168d ago
kurochi3168d ago

So, I'm still on my first go through with the original game. Question I have is, should I finish the game and than purchase the DLC or just buy it right now. My understanding from my friends is you can do the DLC stuff before you finish the game. Cash is tight for me, so would love to see what y'alls opinions on this front?

CBforeva3168d ago

The DLC content is marginally harder in NG+. I'd suggest to play the DLC before you finish the game.

kurochi3168d ago

so would playing the DLC before finishing the game give any spoilers?

CBforeva3168d ago (Edited 3168d ago )

Not really. And the DLC area is accessible after the first few bosses and gives handful of lore to the base game. (Especially on what the Healing Church did.) But it does not spoil anything for the base game.

Check Wallstreet's reply below, I would do that in your case. However if you are looking for the challenge, feel free to finish the game, but keep in mind that to access the DLC you need to kill Amelia. On NG+ a DLC boss almost drove me insane. :) (I hate you Laurence...) And again, as Wallstreet said, the community is super cool: Don't forget to join the Bloodborne's Finest PS4 community. ;) (Feel free to add me if you need help.)

himdeel3168d ago (Edited 3168d ago )

I'd add a additional note. If you're over lv 200 and aren't at least in NG+++ the DLC will be a cakewalk. I have a few friends that used the glitch to max out their characters but are only on NG+. They asked will the DLC be a challenge, I then said not to bother with the DLC unless they werw willing to roll new characters. Told them only if you want more Bloodborne should you mess with it.

Wallstreet373168d ago (Edited 3168d ago )

Buy the DLC right when you get to the last boss (but dont fight him) and play it through completion, then beat Gherman. Thats how i did it and i have the platinum.

Pm me and add me if you like and i can help you through some of the boss fights. I also have a BB community and am a part of another BB community that is active everyday with ppl seeking help. The Bloodborne community is one of the best, most helpful and active ive ever experienced, its great!


Bloodborne's Level Design May Be the Antithesis of Elden Ring's

Though nearly a decade old, Bloodborne's spectacular level design seems the flip side of the same coin as Elden Ring's own stunning visuals.

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Bloodborne Is Now Playable On PC, If You're Patient Enough

New improvements have been made to Bloodborne PC using the shadPS4 emulator, allowing the title to run at 20 FPS already.

PrinceOfAnger34d ago

I am more interested in infamous second son and perhaps driveclub.

PrinceOfAnger32d ago

Yeah it need more time for fixing the graphics.

Zombieburger63832d ago

Give it 6 months. It’s not like Sony will do anything with the ip so what’s waiting a little longer. Btw screw sony.


Official PlayStation Account Posts About Bloodborne, Gets Everyone's Hopes Up

PlayStation just posted about Bloodborne on its Italian Instagram account with the hashtag #PS5... anyone else getting their hopes up?

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Elda35d ago

I'll believe it when Sony PS announces it.

35d ago
darthv7235d ago

I assume they got a team working on an official remaster, or at least a patch, that improves things overall. We know its possible. A 10th anniversary edition would be nice, with a cool themed controller as well.

purple10135d ago

You love a controller 😂

purple10135d ago

Previous posts about controllers probably.

TheEroica35d ago

How about bloodborne 2 and we stop dumbing gaming down with remakes.

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MinnesotaFatts35d ago

I'll believe it when I have the game in my hands.

TheEroica35d ago

Sony fans are so thirsty for anything right now let alone their most beloved game of the past decade. Will Sony ease their pain?

35d ago
35d ago
pwnmaster300035d ago (Edited 35d ago )

Didn’t helldivers 2 stellarblade ff7 just came out this year?

I never understoood the fanboy logic of 3rd party exclusive don’t count because it’s not first.
Can you play it on the other console??? No….okay, that means they have an exclusive game lol

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DarXyde35d ago

I'm gonna go ahead and get my hopes up.

Sony has been really weird this generation, but I refuse to believe they're going to just shrug and pass on Bloodborne.

I might get crushed, but it's worth it for hoping on Bloodborne.

derek35d ago

It would be cool if it was a sequel to the first co- developed by From and Sony using one of Sony's proprietary game engines. I'd take a remake demons souls style.

neutralgamer199235d ago

It’s amazing how many gamers want this game and this would be easy money. I don’t know what’s taking Sony so long. Just make it 60FPS and upres. Release it on PS5 than later again at full price for PC

anast35d ago

Hyped! I don't mind being let down. The hype is fun.

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