
The Park Dev On How DX12 Could Benefit Xbox One Games, Will Widen The Gap Between PS4 And X1 CPUs

Joel Bylos, Creative Director at Funcom [the team behind The Park] has shared his thoughts on DirectX12 and how it can possibly improve games performance on Xbox One.

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Hoffmann3182d ago (Edited 3182d ago )

Thanks for this great article Mr Rashid Sayed that will truly enlighten many of us about the upcoming gap between the performance of games on the Xbox One and the Playstation 4.

Errr, since it was requested a couple of times lately, here is the /s

Happy Weekend everyone

OB1Biker3182d ago (Edited 3182d ago )

And the 'GAP' Between PS4 And X1 cpu will WIDEN.
No offence intended to xbox fans but its just like gamingbolt ; the headline is usually enough so you don't even need to click.

rdgneoz33182d ago

Same song and dance as when they had the kinect power being available to devs and then "da cloud!"

never4get3182d ago

"DirectX12 is not a magical panacea", it should be. It's not fun watching a race between consoles, where there's one console so far ahead, it's kinda lonely when competition so far behind.

Griever3182d ago (Edited 3182d ago )

More secret sauce articles... and by gamingbolt... It has already been made clear several times that Xbox One already has much of the DX12 improvements from the begining and the impact will be minimal. Dont these "journalists" get tired of spreading all these baseless rumours and BS? Just a few days ago it was all about the "Xbox One Polaris," a supposedly much more powerful Xbox One that would leave PS4 in dust. It later turned out to be just a code name for Netflix on Xbox One and had been there ever since launch.

Cloud computing? Stacked GPUs? Hidden components? Polaris? DX12? When is all this Xbox One secret sauce finally going to materialize?? We are already almost half way through the generation if we consider 5 years the normal lifespan of a console generation.

The Xbox One is weaker than PS4 so what? Its a fact so why not just accept it and enjoy the games instead of always looking forward to some secret sauce that will "unleash the hidden power?" The Xbox One has become a great console and offers great exclusive games with more to come. Isnt that enough? These rumours only mislead gullible fans and fuel fanboy wars.

Khaotic3182d ago

Who cares im having fun with the games i play. So much negativity others must not be having the same experience i am having.

lastking953182d ago (Edited 3182d ago )

the kinect free up improved games and cloud has been working.....good point, dx12 should have some impact.

Serious question why do some ppl call cloud and an api secret sauce? Lol why are ppl so intimidated?

AndrewLB3182d ago

Wait... so you're saying the Xbone doesn't have a faster CPU than PS4?

It is widely known that while the PS4 has a faster GPU, the Xbone does indeed have a more powerful CPU. Even the developer of Planetside 2 talked about the PS4's CPU being a bottleneck which prevented it from fully utilizing the the GPU. http://wccftech.com/planets...

kraenk123182d ago


Both CPUs are identical...the only thing MS did shortly before launch was increase the core frequency from the 1.6 the PS4 still has to 1.75 GHz, when they realised their GPU was 33% less powerful. They were able to do that because the X1's cooling is over engineered in order to prevent another RROD problem.

TheCommentator3181d ago

@ Kraenk

Nick Baker, an XB1 engineer, talked with Digital Foundry specifically about how they had to customize their CPU cluster because there hadn't been an 8 core CPU before. If MS had to customize a solution then so did Sony, therefore they are going to have to be different in some ways. Matter of fact, the chipworks shots of both motherboards independently verify that there are extra chips on the XB1's Jaguar cores not present on Sony's.

3181d ago
AliTheSnake13181d ago

I swear every week for the last year and a half there has been a new article about DX12's capabilities or how DX12 can benefit xbox one.

3181d ago
rainslacker3181d ago (Edited 3181d ago )

Actually, the headline is usually framed in such a way that the actual quote is taken completely out of context, and does not give any indication of what the dev actually said or meant.

Clicking the article is about the only way to really see what was said, and I guess some credit should be given for them at least doing that.

OTOH, just because these devs are giving these quotes, sometimes good, does not warrant giving gamingbolt a click for their obvious click-baiting, and inability to have an interview that doesn't involve pitting the consoles against one another.

So many other interesting things they could ask and report on that may give them some credibility, but I guess they're getting the clicks. Heck, if I was the dev being interviewed, I'd want the headline to be about my game or something, not my thoughts on the console's power.

awi59513181d ago

NO direct x 12 is like amd mantle it increases amd multicore cpu perfromance up to 40 percent. Most games untill now only used 1 core to 80 percent and very little of other cores. Direct x 12 spreads the work better over the other cores.

GameNameFame3181d ago (Edited 3181d ago )


Wow you are just twisting and ignoring facts here.

-cpu difference is few percent. GPU difference is 40%

-PS4 has back up 2nd CPU for OS. It frees up more CPU for gaming.

CPU difference is literally negligible compared to GPU... unlike some offset pro and con bs you are painting.


Lol. On PC ,yes. Consoles no. It already has low level API and can control individual cores unlike PC.

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 3181d ago
3182d ago Replies(4)
MegaRay3182d ago

Finally you start add /s. I was worried about your bubbles buddy.

We should have a "grown up" +bub xD

Sunny_D3181d ago

I always check to see if it's a Gamingbolt article. Why? Because then I know to never click it open and give them hits.

Liqu1d3181d ago

You can tell from the title alone.

butchertroll3181d ago (Edited 3181d ago )

How the gap between PS4 And X1 CPUs will widen if PS4 versions of the game has better framerate performance ( SW : Battlefront, Fallout 4 ( after latest patch ), Just Cause 3, Assassins Creed : Syndicate and so on )?

The thing is that both CPUs in Xbone and PS4 are effectively identical. The XBone's is clocked a bit higher which should give it a clear, if small advantage. Problems for Xbone CPU are : the "multi-OS stuff" is in reference to the fact that Bone runs an XBox OS as a virtual machine, but it's also running Windows in another VM, and there's a third OS that makes all of that happen. That creates a lot of overhead on the system that makes it less performant than PS4, even at a slightly higher clock.

If DX12 will somewhat help the Xbone's CPU, so Sony will push PS4's CPU. They've already allowed FULL 7th core for devs and PS4 also doesn't have so much overhead on CPU like Xbone.

rainslacker3181d ago (Edited 3181d ago )

PS4 runs a similar set up of hypervisors controlling VM environments, with a single OS to control the 2 main OS's. 360 ran the same way, and PS3 had an additional HV but it wasn't an intermediary like the other three, but there for copy protection.

However, because of the way it's set up, the two do not interfere with one another when it comes to resources, because the resources are allocated and set, and can not be changed by the developer. Sony has a way to access some OS functions and resources for developers to take advantage of, and while I can't say for sure, I wouldn't doubt that MS also does this since their WinOS is pretty well integrated into their gaming software.

For the most part, from what I've read, the allocated resources are near identical in terms of memory, and the use of a hypervisor intermediary between the VM's allows for there to be no noticeable impact on the gaming functions since those resources are already set in stone.

3181d ago
stuna13181d ago

Xbox 1 Super Sayan God Mode incoming! Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!

PS4 I will never forgive you....

Necr0philiac3181d ago

Well said. I hope at least that some of the haters on this site are as passionate for playing games as they are at downplaying the system they don't own. Some come off sounding scared of the future.

Khaotic3181d ago

To this day i still dont understand the whole "mines so much better than yours arguments". Or the "yours is never going to be as good as mine".

frostypants3181d ago (Edited 3181d ago )

Obscure dev? Check.
Flamebait? Check.

Yep, it's FailingBolt. Again. CLOCKWORK. And yet they STILL aren't banned from N4G. What the hell will it take? HipHopGamer was banned for less.

3181d ago
+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3181d ago
ShadowKnight3182d ago (Edited 3182d ago )

Especially for the PC! I've seen articles that say DX12 won't really help console's that much. And don't underestimate the PS4 API. Glad this is just an opinion piece.

kraenk123182d ago (Edited 3182d ago )

That's so true...the PS4's API is already closer to the metal than DX12 and Sony doesn't stop improving, so advancements will be made on both sides.

rainslacker3181d ago (Edited 3181d ago )

It'll help X1, just not to the extremes that some people want to state. It actually uses a new rendering pipeline which is pretty efficient compared to the release API. However, many things in DX12 were already present in DX11.X which was shipped with the console. If I had to speculate, I'd say the release version was built from what they were working on with DX12, and was put in place to allow the use of certain hardware features which were needed to improve the system. These features were BC to DX11 which allowed for a streamlined implementation, however most of the early code did not take great advantage of the new functions available in DX11.X.


The Xbox version of DX12 is pretty close to the metal. It's a different implementation of DX from the PC version, and that's why the improvements that will come to PC won't be seen as much on the console, because they already existed. It's just necessary to get more power from the hardware that is weaker in consoles compared to PC's.

That being said, even on PC it's not going to be perfect, but the things it's bringing should have been brought a long time ago, but the chip makers, MS, and IIRC some OpenGl people never actively pursued it for some reason. People have not been getting all the power from their GPU's for over a decade now, but most of that went unnoticed when it was talked about because people were so excited for DX12.

user99502793182d ago ShowReplies(9)
IRetrouk3182d ago

it says in the article that the xbox has a better cpu than the ps4, but it doesn't, its the same cpu in both although the xbox one is clocked slightly higher, other than that, interesting read.

Dudebro903182d ago (Edited 3182d ago )

Wouldn't it being clocked higher make it better...

IRetrouk3181d ago

thats not what the author states and i think you know that, its not a better cpu its the same, its just clocked 0.15 ghz higher than the ps4s,

nitus103181d ago

Yes and no. It really depends on what the CPU is being used for.

Without repeating what I wrote previously, hardware performance is dependent on the integration of CPU, Memory and input/output (I/O) which includes storage (disks), peripheral such as a controller and of course graphics. Included in all that are the interconnects between all of them which normally is the motherboard.

In the case of a console the hardware is normally fixed for the life of the console so the only thing that can change is the firmware and software which can be designed to make more efficient use of that hardware.

Apex133182d ago

Reddurt Re-read what you wrote and then the comment made after. It will make everything clear lol.

NeoGamer2323181d ago

Clocking it higher makes it faster. Faster is better for CPUs.

There is no way to sell it otherwise.

IRetrouk3181d ago

nobodys saying its not faster, the point was that both consoles use the same one, the author was stating that the xbox one cpu was a better one.

ps5fanboy3182d ago ShowReplies(1)
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Dune Awakening Will Be Released When It's Ready, as Funcom Wants to Reduce Its Famous Jank

Wccftech checked out a presentation of Dune Awakening at GDC 2024. Creative Director Joel Bylos also revealed Funcom wants to polish this game before launch.

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Conan Exiles Runs at 1440p on XB1X, 1080p on PS4Pro; Funcom Didn't Have Time To Get The Most of XB1X

Conan Exiles will run at 1440p on Xbox One X, unlike the previously mentioned 4K resolution, and 1080p on PlayStation 4 Pro. Funcom stated that they didn't have time to get the most out of the Xbox One X's hardware.

They also said they haven't looked yet at the possibility of a Nintendo Switch port.

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codelyoko2342d ago

Lame. I guess I'll buy it on PC then.

KaiPow2342d ago

There's always the possibility of seeing a resolution bump in post launch patches.

Alexious2341d ago

Doubt it from what they've said here

dirkdady2341d ago (Edited 2341d ago )

How come they don't report on the base Xbox one's resolution any more like the X is all there is.. I mean the base is what the vast majority of Xbox owners own as well as the base PS4 and what attributes for a decent chunk of sales...

XxINFERNUSxX2341d ago

Exactly if you want the ultimate experience get it on PC. More settings. more options, just plain better and no dynamic res crap. 4k all the way or 1440p.

_LarZen_2341d ago

Good luck running that unoptimized game in 4K on PC :D

mcstorm2341d ago

I love comments like this. How many people own a pc capable of doing this? Tbh how many people own a 4k TV/monitor

Ikenda2341d ago

You wanted the best performance and you waited to see what the res would be on the consoles? That's dum bro or your just a troll. Anyway hurry up cause once the game is off early access it will be more expensive and then you'll be thinking "damn, I'm dum or just a troll".....

ccgr2342d ago

But it's been in early access for about a year....

timotim2341d ago

Exactly! Ive had it for Game Preview for a while and enjoy the game, but to say you didn't have enough time seems off. Are we sure they (the devs) said this or was that just added for click bait effect?

OffRoadKing2341d ago Show
Gazondaily2341d ago Show
Chris_Wray2341d ago

It is somewhat strange that they haven't 'had the time' to get the most out of even one platform. Particularly due to how long the game's been out in EA and the work they've been able to do on it.

quent2341d ago

You should headline the stable framerates instead, those resolutions are acceptable, frame stutter/pacing/tearing is not

AmstradAmiga2341d ago

Let's not get hung up on pixel counts again, let's see how it plays.

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Conan Exiles Won't Have Full Nudity on Xbox One; Funcom Explains Why Genitals Are Included on PC

Funcom's Conan Exiles launched on Steam Early Access with the option to display full nudity, but it won't appear on Xbox One. The studio also explain why they decided to go with it on PC.

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Mr-Dude2760d ago

No buy then... I will never support censorship.

Eonjay2759d ago

The dev isn't censoring it though, its Microsoft that is censoring it on Xbox. Full exposure on PC still so they aren't censoring it. They are just complying to get it on Xbox and we will probably still get partial nudity. So don't wish ill on the dev... read the story...

Mr-Dude2759d ago

I did read it, and still not buying. I don't buy censored games. I don't care if the Pope made them do it, censorship is censorship.

livininsin2758d ago

If there's nudity, the big retailers simply won't carry it in their stores. What's the point in making a game available for console if no one can roll down to walmart, target, etc to buy it. Obviously, that's not a problem on PC because almost nothing sells brick and mortar for pc anymore...

Eonjay2758d ago


But then even if that is the case it is NOT censored on PC so when you said you wont buy it, I still think you are being harsh because you can get the uncensored version. Am I missing something here?

tinynuggins2758d ago

@mr dude,

you must not play very many console games then as they are all censored. As someone who used to work in game developent on the production side, censorship happend on every game i've ever worked on. You just dont hear about it because why would you?

rainslacker2758d ago

Full nudity is allowed on PS AFAIK. The Order had male full frontal nudity in a brief scene, as well as Heavy Rain on PS3. I don't think it has anything to do with being able to stock it in the store. That's more about ESRB rating, where retailers won't stock AO games, which are kind of like the porn or way way way to the extreme violence rating. I bring it up because the article mentions it'll likely be the same on PS.

But the article also says this is a compliance standard for releasing games on Xbox. That's fully on MS. Not sure, but there must be some examples of this on Xbox, because I wasn't aware there was any standard stating that full nudity couldn't be displayed.

KillBill2758d ago

It is more so that there simply isn't any direct regulatory official on computers as on consoles. MS and Sony basically are held accountable for what they allow on their systems and will get the brunt of the heat on anything appearing on their systems because they regulate it. (though UWP could change this dramatically) Computers though don't have a single entity that controls the information that can be played on them. The Developers will take all the brunt of any public backlash on PC side.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2758d ago
2759d ago Replies(4)
wannabe gamer2758d ago

you should boycott Microsoft and SOny since they did this and your such a gleaming beacon of moral integrity right?

rainslacker2758d ago

Sony allows full frontal nudity. Heavy Rain and The Order, both Sony produced games, had it. Both made a few headlines for their time. There might be other examples, perhaps in Japan with some of the hentai games.

I know it's not really your point, but thought it'd be worth pointing out.

I'm also not convinced that MS doesn't allow it. I don't recall there ever being a compliance standard dictating the use of nudity. There is some for both companies for explicit sex scenes, but I can't think of any non porn game that has those. Graphic maybe, often implied, but never explicit.

PlayStation_52758d ago

Microsoft has been pretty clear about it, and “it’s not gonna fly.”


Nathan_Hale532758d ago

Then buy it on PC. Microsoft FORCED them. It isn't because they decided to do it, either Microsoft wouldn't publish it, or they made them censor it.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2758d ago
AizenSosuke2760d ago

Damn nope you messed with the wrong customer bro;)

2759d ago Replies(11)
Mr Marvel2759d ago

No buy for me if it comes to PS4 censored.
Conan has always been a bit on the risque side. It's part of it's charm.

Chevalier2759d ago

When is it coming to PS4? Hopefully soon.

ocelot072759d ago

They have said once it's finished It will be on PS4. But since Sony don't have an early access program they can't release it on PS4 just yet. However, Sony did allow Ark and 7 days to die on the system spite them not being complete. I think if they can get the game to a near complete state Sony will allow it (that's just a guess on my part)

nagalaga312758d ago

@ocelot07 "I think if they can get the game to a near complete state Sony will allow it". Like most AAA games?

XXanderXX2759d ago

This BS , I want to preview the same game content breast for breast , not half a bag of a game .
Come on MS grow a set .

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