
10 Games Where the Story Was Much Better Than the Gameplay

It's really a testament to the writing and storytelling in a game when it transcends gameplay shortcomings.

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Kalebninja3184d ago

Alot of yes to Asuras Wrath except that it was only the regular battles that werent very good, the boss battles absolutely insane.

Mikefizzled3183d ago

I stand by Mass Effect 1 as having some of the worst gameplay for a Bioware game ever. I'm usually promptly called a filthy casual when I say I much prefer the gameplay in 2 and 3.

Kyosuke_Sanada3183d ago (Edited 3183d ago )

Ni No Kuni.........really..........- sighs- Whatever....I would have replaced that with Fear Effect for Playstation. I really wish this title was remade with a more modern combat system.

Scrivlar3183d ago

I'm with ya. Ni No Kuni combat was awesome! I wish they would do a console Pokemon in that way.

Perjoss3183d ago

Mass Effect 1 focused more on being an RPG with a lot more dropped loot in the world (probably way too much loot) and more control over things like stats, I think its quite comparable to KotOR. ME2 and 3 were much more action orientated with vastly scaled down loot system.

Personally I loved all 3 games and although the loot in ME1 was a bit over the top in terms of quantity, and I did like the combat improvements for the sequels, I do wish they hadn't scaled down the loot system so drastically. I can't remember which out of 2 or 3 but I barely even felt the need to change into a different set of armor apart from for cosmetic reasons.

3183d ago
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The Witcher 4 Dev Is Working Closely With Epic Games To Bring Structural Improvements To UE5

The Witcher 4 developer CD Projekt Red is working closely with Epic Games in order to bring structural improvements to Unreal Engine 5.

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cloganart72d ago (Edited 72d ago )

As a dev, I can tell you that with 5, Epic made quite a leap. It perhaps may have done *too much* of a fidelity leap that most of its target hardware (Both PC and Consoles) struggles to hit 60FPS with all the new cutting edge features they added.

It may have had some issues with this generation to find a good home, but by PS6 the engine will have matured and found a good matching partner 🙏

rlow172d ago

Now that Sweet Baby is involved in this game. I’m really concerned it’s going to turn into a woke agenda poster child. I hope not but after what happened to the tv show, I won’t be holding my breath on this one.

Demetrius72d ago (Edited 72d ago )

Folks are so mf afraid to tell the sweet baby inc weirdos NO we don't want your involvement lol

jznrpg72d ago

Hard to say. Maybe they are welcoming them?
I know I wouldn’t hire anyone from the outside to give me advice on how to do my job but we don’t know that they feel scared and they could be positive toward them. People have different beliefs and ideals and that’s ok there is 7 billion people you are going to have ideals that run the gamut.
If it was me I’d tell them to F off because I wouldn’t want to pay people to advise what I’m doing regardless of who it is unless I sought them out myself and that could be the case here who knows.

raWfodog72d ago

Give Bethesda some tips on how to work with new, better game engines.

72d ago

The Witcher Trilogy bundle just hit its lowest-ever price thanks to Steam Summer Sale

The Witcher Trilogy bundle is currently listed with an 89% discount on Steam, and you can save over $60 thanks to this Summer Sale discount.

anast86d ago

It's been cheaper on GoG and you can own the game DRM free.


Where the Heck is Ni No Kuni 3, Mun?

Matt from We Game Daily writes: "Cross Worlds isn’t going away. It’s making a small fortune, particularly in Asian markets, so there’s no reason for Level-5 to pull the plug. That said, there’s no real reason why a full PC/console sequel can’t be developed alongside efforts to support Cross Worlds."

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Relientk77255d ago

While Ni no Kuni 3 would be cool, if it was like the first game, where is Dark Cloud 3 and Rogue Galaxy 2?

phoenixwing255d ago

I thought the dev recently went mobile and Japan only. They shut down their American offices. So don't expect anything for consoles

shinoff2183255d ago (Edited 255d ago )

I swear they just announced a few new games.


phoenixwing255d ago

I stand corrected then. Never heard about these games and also i just remember ni no kuni online being mobile only.

Michiel1989254d ago

they said a loooooong time ago that Level 5 was working on a new installment but there has been no news since afaik. I just hope that they take more inspiration from 1 than 2, especially when it comes to the story.

thorstein254d ago

Ni No Kuni Cross Worlds is the mobile game you're thinking of.

It looks amazing but I don't like to play mobile games.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 254d ago
-Foxtrot254d ago

Yeah the sequel was okay but had nothing on the first game, especially the battle system.

The story just didn't have that charm and even the twist at the end of the game wasn't really anything cool like Wrath of the White Witch.

Also the fact there was like ZERO mention of Oliver or his adventures in the game, no references, nothing was such weird. It's set a hundred or so years after but still, I'd have expected to seen some throw backs. I think we just got like a temple with his statue in it or something.

goldwyncq254d ago

If you want more Oliver, just watch the movie.

shinoff2183255d ago

Fking word. I've been hoping for this for quite some time.

melons254d ago

The premium games didn't sell amazingly, right?

shinoff2183254d ago

Not to sure. They should of though. They were pretty good. I like both.

Michiel1989254d ago

yeah, especially outside of japan. They should have released on pc at the same time as the ps3 version or a short time after.

Inverno254d ago

They should've worked with Ghibli to put out a proper movie. Should've also made a Pokemon-esque spin-off rather than make Yokai Watch. If they do make a third game they gotta work with Ghibli!