
Japan Is PlayStation 4's Final Weapon To Secure #1 Spot

PlayStation 4 may just receive the decisive boost to secure the first spot among consoles from Japan, thanks to the onslaught of upcoming console exclusives.

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kaiserfranz3122d ago

I remember when Microsoft tried to do something with Japan by hiring Sakaguchi. Not even that was enough...

Xbox will never break into Japan

LexHazard793122d ago

Stupid arguement really. Not even the Japanese consoles sell that well in Japan compared to other parts of the world. So I dont know why you think an outsider console like Xbox would do well there.

SoapShoes3122d ago

Well it's not a powerhouse like the U.S. or all of Europe but at 2.3 million it's as big as the UK and bigger than Germany.

TFJWM3122d ago

The Japanese support "outsider" products I don't know why people keep using it as an excuse for poor Xbox sales. MS just doesn't create alot of games that appeal to the market.

never4get3122d ago

Most of the games mentioned, not even Q1,Q2,Q3 2016. SONY seriously pushing the game back to crush Nintendo NX. Nintendo please release NX in 2016, thanks, so we all can enjoy more games on PS4 in 2016.

DDMNeo3122d ago

Yes, but the Xbox systems (and especially the Xbox One) have sold horribly. Worse than any of it's real competition. Hopefully that Xbox logo on your profile won't blind you from that fact.

Eonjay3122d ago

Xbox One is outsold more than 100 to 1 almost every week in Japan. If consoles are selling bad, the Xbox One is beyond comprehension.

TheCommentator3122d ago

The fact that Japanese publishers refuse to support the Xbox brand with all of their franchises has a lot to do with it. They could have kept a multiplatform relationship with MS like in the 360 generation but choose(or are paid) not to. It's sad to think that these publishers only supported MS in the 360 generation because MS was out a year ahead of Sony and showed strong sales. It's all about the $$$.

kenwonobi3122d ago

That's not a serious argument to make. Xbox hasn't even been respectable there. PS4 is having good sales numbers. A few million isa far cry from a few thousand.

darthv723122d ago

BakPAin, you make a good point that people are disagreeing with. Consoles in general are just not selling in JP like they did in previous generations. That has nothing to do with the quality of the software or its appeal, it just shows they have taken a stronger interest in mobility ond portable entertainment.

The systems and games are more than sufficient to provide them with the entertainment value but when their attention is on something else... it can be pretty hard to sway them back. No doubt certain games will sell well but overall, JP is not the powerhouse market it once was. NA is still the single largest market on the planet with EU making up the largest combined market.

Despite low sales in JP, we still get great games from them and that isnt likely to change. I feel to much hype is put on their market much like the JRPG. don't get me wrong as i love the classics like Dragon Quest and Phantasy Star but when there are so many JRPG released and they do better outside of JP that says something.

To those disagreeing, just put aside the loyalties for a moment and look at it from a global perspective. Console gaming is much bigger outside of JP and it doesnt look like there will be anything to bring it back to the glory days.

Nintendo, MS and Sony know this and are really focusing more on other territories. there is nothing wrong with that, especially if I am in one of those territories that will be getting more support. Let them cater to those who are interested instead of trying to revive a region that has been having a declining interest for the past few years.

I honestly don't know if (looking to JP) that is a sign of things to come. Meaning change happens in one area and then slowly spreads or if they really are waning interest in traditional gaming for something more convenient. Is JP a trend setter or just doing their own thing while the rest of the world sticks to what works?

dudeOplenty3122d ago

@TFJWM Japan being a xenophobic country is a Westernized stereotype that makes as much sense as filling an empty skull with sand to decide which race is superior.

jebabcock3122d ago

hmm... i'd be interested in seeing a comparison of console sales between PS4 NA + JP and X1 NA + EU.

That might give you some idea of why JP is considered relevant for both Consoles, and why both are working to get sales there still.

Knushwood Butt3122d ago


Raiden V is an Xone exclusive from JP developer Moss.

It's not the only one.

XanderZane3122d ago

Yeah, fast food restaurants and Apple products. That's about it. Most Japanese consumer don't buy American products.

ShinMaster3122d ago


Consoles don't sell as much in Japan as they do in other bigger countries, sure. But PS4 and even Wii U are outselling the Xbox.

Also, other outsider brands and products succeed more than some local ones in Japan.

Xbox just doesn't do it for them.

Zoombael3122d ago

Actually the PS4 is doing as good as the PS3 8 years ago. And this year it will surpass the PS3 for sure.

agame9143121d ago

your profile picture says it all.....

andibandit3121d ago (Edited 3121d ago )

Thought this article was about ps4 , was the headline renamed/edited?

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 3121d ago
itBourne3122d ago

I want almost every game on that list, lol hope a few get pushed to next year cuz throw in the western games and not nearly enough time for all of them.

Bahamut3122d ago


I miss Sakaguchi. I wish PS4 would bring him in on something. Sadly he's been doing mostly iOS and Android stuff. Terra Battle. I mean, it's OKAY... Great music, great art, but the "battles" get old quick in my opinion. You slide tiles around with the faces of your party, and position them to attack tiles that have enemies' faces on them. There's a lot of RPG aspects, so again, it's OKAY... but I'd really like to see a big budget RPG from him on a new-gen console.

Doubt it'll ever happen, sadly.

fr0sty3122d ago

Most Japanese PCs run American made operating systems. Japanese people love apple products. Using country loyalty as an excuse for poor console sales doesn't hold up.

XanderZane3122d ago

XBox 360 was the best selling American produced game console in Japan. Sold just over 1.6 million. American game consoles have never sold well in Japan. Atari 2600, Colecovision, Jaguar, 3DO all did worse then the XBox 360.

showtimefolks3122d ago

if MS wants to compete in japan than they have to offer games that appeal to japanese gamers. i don't like this notion that japanese people don't buy american products when they couldn't be further from the truth

offer appealing games and gamers will support xbox one

PS4 just has the world wide appeal. i don't even think sony at the moment is worried about japan, the amount of titles they showed at last year's tgs were astonishing

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DarkOcelet3122d ago

With all the JRPG games that are coming this year. It will be the top current gen console in Japan all right.

FFXV alone will move over a million console there. And Persona 5 will definitely move big numbers too. This is an excellent year for the PS4.

Alexious3122d ago

I'd say it's the first truly big year in terms of releases. 2015 was decent, but with 2016 it's finally going at full speed.

N4g_null3122d ago

If nintendo GO has any thing to do with if it may not matter.

Muzikguy3122d ago

There are just so many games coming out it's insane! Finally, after an entire generation of slumber, JRPGs are back!

Neonridr3122d ago

No doubt the PS4 will sell like hotcakes once these games come out. I mean it's less than a million behind the Wii U in terms of overall sales and it came out a year later.

Wii U will still sell well over the next year with some of the games releasing, but clearly at this point the console market in Japan will shift to Sony at some point later this year.

Nintendo need not worry since the 3DS is still moving mountains.

Plus we may also see the NX later this year (who knows)

Chris_Wray3122d ago

I think it's a difficult sort of thing. What has been in decline are traditional Japanese games, not games developed by Japanese companies (of sorts anyway). For example, the traditional JRPG's have all become more westernised with the active time battle systems instead of turn based. A lot of genres have moved to "realism" instead of fun.

But in any way, this lineup is looking brill. I chose the right console!

N4g_null3122d ago

Some juicy ces leaks may have happened. Things will get back on track and the fun is coming back.

rainslacker3122d ago

Oh, the number of Japanese oriented JRPG's is abundant in Japan. You can't wave a stick without hitting 2-3 a month. However, FF has moved over to a more western feel, although it keeps many of the broad world themes that were present in past games. Plus, FF hasn't really been that Japanese oriented for a while...and I think FFX was the last one that kept it around. Outside some cursory aesthetic stuff of course.

Dragon Quest is still pretty Japanese, Pokemon is what it's always been. The rest though are usually very anime-ish in their presentation, and there are a few standout titles like the Hyperdimension series, which is fairly rudimentary in design, but a lot of fun to play.

I wish there were some more localization companies out there that could bring over some more of these games. NISA does a good job, but they seem to serve mostly a very specific niche, and Falcom or Atlus only do their own published works, and they don't go out of their way to create a ton of new IP's, or even port over half their stuff. I kind of miss the days of Working Designs who's sole purpose was to bring over games which wouldn't otherwise make it to the US.

Lennoxb633122d ago

Realism can be fun. I don't think any developer is making games more realistic in order to take the fun away. Its so that we can have fun, and not feel like we could have played this game 10 years ago.

ccgr3122d ago

I think they can do it, looking forward to Ni No Kuni 2

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Nier Automata Receives Surprise Update 1.07 on PS4, Fixes Long-Standing Issue

NieR: Automata has received a surprise update, version 1.07, on the PS4, which appears to have resolved a major bug that has long troubled the game.

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phoenixwing2d ago

They patched some crashing bugs. There no click needed

Ratchetlombax17h ago

Which is great news nonetheless, the previous patch came out 7 years ago and no one expected the devs to fix the game anymore! I've actually played the game only recently on my PS5 thanks to backwards compatibility, and I was hit with constant crashes in a specific area, and I've seen a lot of players complaining about it too, so I think that's awesome for future players

phoenixwing16h ago

I didn't say or imply it's bad news. I'm just annoyed someone made an article with a cryptic title so I revealed the pertinent info

Dirty_Lemons9h ago

Oh that's interesting! I played it last April for the first time on PS5 and suffered no crashes, but I played it on Switch and...yeah

YourMommySpoils1d 5h ago

That's it, Stellar Blade colab confirmed.

jznrpg1d 1h ago (Edited 1d 1h ago )

It should have a PS5 version already. I hope they release it, physically though

YourMommySpoils18h ago(Edited 18h ago)

Maybe, but it does coincide with the Stellar Blade collab Roadmap.

garos8219h ago

thats interesting so many years later. never encountered any crashes in my multiple playthroughs but great nonetheless for those affected.

Ratchetlombax17h ago

Yeah it was mostly an issue for PS5 players and it popped up pretty recently because of a PS5 software update

Notsofast8h ago

That's excellent news that crashing happened to me at least 50 times while playing the game a few months ago before playing Stellar Blade almost a game ending bug for some people because you have to pass that area to beat the game and it just kept happening

OtterX2d ago

For me, these Mario + Rabbids games were the best thing Ubisoft has developed in recent years. I'd hate to see Ubisoft drive the series into the ground like their other properties, so I think 2 games are enough. Maybe 1 more.

Inverno2d ago

They can't ruin it because Ninty will send their ninjas to destroy all traces of it. If not for that you can bet that spinoff series would've been milked dry by now.

XiNatsuDragnel2d ago

Good luck in your future endeavors

Hotpot2d ago

Thank you for Mario + Rabbids series, I quite enjoyed it

Einhander19722d ago

Great games, I have wanted Sony to copy these games with their own mascots for years.

Michiel19891d 17h ago

not cinematic or 3rd person enough for Sony

DefaultComment2d ago

I think Nintendo has to hire this guy, I mean the fact that miuamoto himself said to him that he is impressed with this work, speaks volumes. Th possibility on having Mario on Soliani's hand could be incredible and quite possibly a new era for Mario games.

OtterX2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Yea, these games didn't even feel Ubisoft at all. This felt very authentic Nintendo. This guy's direction is obviously stellar, and Ubisoft somehow managed to not kill it with microtransactions and repetitive, boring tasks.


10 GameCube Games That Actually Need A Remake

Cultured Vultures: We’re going through the Nintendo Gamecube back catalog to find the games most deserving of a remake.

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Chard2d ago

Missing the most important game - Rogue Leader
