
Time For Arts & Crafts, Kids

Zeen Chin is an artist from Malaysia who has recently worked on games like Legend Of The Cryptids, Galaxy Saga and Kingdom Death.


Here's Ten Of The Best Underrated iOS/Android Games

Evan Writes:

“I have been playing iPhone and Android games since 2011, writing about thousands of games in the process, so naturally, it can be a bit difficult for a game to make an impression on me at this point. Nevertheless, some games stick with me, even years after playing them. Here's some of my favorite underrated games (all free or freemium) for the iOS and Android platforms.”

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RizBiz1890d ago

The only decent mobile game I've ever played was Jelly Defence.

TheEnigma3131889d ago

mobile games are so saturated and garbage now smh.


Art Drop: Frédéric Augis – Remember Me

"Artist Frédéric Augis released some Remember Me concept art to his CGHub account this week.

Fred Augis has been apart of games like R.U.S.E and R.A.W. along with what seems to be a few card battling games, And of course the upcoming game Remember Me. You'll find artwork for that and his other games..."

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FN: Legend of the Cryptids App Revew w/ Free Rare

A Magic The Gathering-type game in App form for your iPhone... so you can more easily hide your nerdiness!

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xxxAnubisxxx4433d ago

Yee-haw... and iPhone game!!!

xxxAnubisxxx4433d ago

Nobody likes iPhone games I guess...