
Why VR Is Here To Stay

2016 will be the year of Virtual Reality in the gaming industry. Mark Kriska from Mammoth Gamers explains why through his experience with PlayStation VR.

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KenBorter3184d ago

Great Article, I can't wait to get some VR stuff. Maybe when the price goes down.

BigBosss3184d ago

If I can remember correctly, they said they are willing to lose profits from the VR to sell a lot, but make a lot of money from the contents. So roughly around 300USD which is great price. Don't take my word for it though, it's what I read somewhere.

TLG19913184d ago


Yes I know I was being sarcastic as KenBorter said "when the price goes down" but we dont know what the price is. we could all be surprised and they release at £100. stranger things have happened.

LOSTHeroes133184d ago

No confirmed price point yet, we may find out at GDC.

Eonjay3184d ago

They really need to spill the beans on the price already.

Timesplitter143184d ago (Edited 3184d ago )

"The price of a new console" according to Sony

$300 most likely

uth113184d ago


We may find out today at the Sony CES press conference.

amiga-man3184d ago (Edited 3184d ago )

I have no doubt VR will take off, once the genie is out of the bottle there will be no putting it back, it will evolve over time to encompass alsorts of media with it becoming more powerful and user friendly.

Those thinking VR will disapear really have no idea what it offers or it's potential.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3184d ago
UserNameIsNotTaken3184d ago (Edited 3184d ago )

It has..

It's called the oculus

ApolloTheBoss3184d ago

It could go one way or the other. If Sony's real smart when it comes to marketing it, and I mean really push it through the window and get consumers to buy it, it'll be a huge success. If not, it won't flop but won't sell as much as they would want.

mcstorm3184d ago

I think it all depends on hat they a success. For me I don't see VR selling mad like the Wii or Kinect did. I think it has a market but I don't think it is with home consoles esp with the teenage audience. I could wrong but that is what I think as everyone I have spoken to about it have said they don't want to game with a device on their face and would rather relax in front of a TV. Time will tell though.

Bdub20003184d ago

Just like how Microsoft pushed real hard with Kinect? New tech isn't always received well. I'm excited for VR, my biggest concern for the masses is all the motion sickness testers complain about. And the short play times before you have to stop and rest.

Wallstreet373184d ago (Edited 3184d ago )

VR is definitely the future of gaming, it is an evolution of it. Gaming in general strives to be more immersive as the years go by albeit with Polygons turning into 3D models, 3D gaming and movies in itself, better graphics always held as an objective, better sound to immerse players, and now VR where you can finally feel like your in a world.

The question imo isnt if VR is the future of gaming, is whether or not it is viable yet to be that future and the impressions of Oculus and PSVR are very positive and promising.

VR was alway being pushed forward behind the industry lines. I remember over a decade ago in NYC stores that had VR kiosks (full body VR suits and headsets too)but of course back then it was too expensive for the average consumer to buy.

Timesplitter143184d ago (Edited 3184d ago )

You're wrong about two things.

- VR isn't an evolution of gaming. Most of the types of games we know today don't work well in VR, and most VR games won't work well with regular screens. VR is something that will branch out of regular gaming, not replace it.

- Immersiveness isn't the ultimate goal of games. Most games have fun as their goal, and 'fun' games continue to be successful. Also, the most popular games in the world are LoL, CS:GO, Hearthstone, Mario, etc... and it's certainly not because they are immersive

Wallstreet373184d ago

I tried to read your response but no no no no! i couldnt finish. We all have opinions but yours are definitely just a no!

sorceror1713184d ago

@Wallstreet37: Dude, he's not insulting your children, he's making points about VR and gaming. The advent of mobile gaming didn't kill PCs or consoles, and motion controls didn't take over everything. Not every video on YouTube is, or should be, a 360 VR experience.

VR makes sense for *some* types of games, not all. It's finally gotten to the point where ordinary humans can (just about) afford the hardware needed to make it workable.

In short: VR is cool, I plan on pre-ordering the Rift tomorrow... but it's not "the" future of gaming, gaming has a *lot* of different futures ahead.

TLG19913184d ago (Edited 3184d ago )

here come the future readers saying "it'll go one way or the other", no sh*t, how did you know.

Im personally looking forward to it, i've experienced a brief bit of gameplay on PSVR and it left me wanting A LOT more.

3184d ago
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